No console would sell at that price point not matter what features it had. Removal of BC helped lower the cost of it but the fact that the cost was lower is why the PS3 sold more at that time. Removing it had nothing to do with consumers wanting to purchase the product. The effect would have been the same had they just lowered the price without removing features they promoted prior to release. Your assessment is just an excuse for Sony's recent statements regarding BC this gen.
The rest of your post is more BS. The fact consumers purchased the PS3 after a price drop due to the removal of BC is, without a doubt, bullshit. How Sony managed to lower the price is beyond the point. You're trying to say the removal of BC IS the reason it sold more and that's just fallacy. That's my point.
This would be a misunderstanding. That was not my contention. BC was the first and only feature lost on the PS3 due to cost-cutting, though. My contention is that it was not enough of a selling point to consumers to warrant keeping. Sony acted accordingly.
Yes sir seems to be a misunderstanding and is crystal clear now.
Yes I agree, BC was probably the single most expensive non main feature and the best way for Sony to cut cost. They also made other cuts as well like the card readers and the ability to install Linux(not sure if this helped).
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