It is impossible to argue opinions so if you think your list qualifies Sony and the PS3 to "Lockdown" this year your mind will probably not be changed but I will try ;).
Lair - Short campaign mode with no multiplayer, it will probably have great replay value but with the data we have been given so far I dont expect this game to be higher than AA.
Heavenly Sword - Looks to be a great game that is shaping up nicely so far. It will bring in a new crowd of people who loved God of War but in a new setting and less graphic(gore) but more action, highly possible AAA.
Time Crisis 4 - I have both TC1 and 2 for Playstation and Playstation 2. Dont expect high sales or great reviews from guncon games, it is plagued with a short "story" mode, where it may have replayablility I dont expect it getting great reviews.
Drakes - Sweet a new naughty dog game, it has a "Tomb Raider" spin on it and looks to be another quality title, AA to AAA.
Sigma - Great game that gets remade for a new console with added features, whats not to love. but with the rehash of Black and the time it has been available to Xbox and backwards compatable with 360 I dont see this bringing in a lot of sales, and possible lower scores.
Haze - Is still a multiplat even though PS3 gets exclusivity for a time period.
Folklore - I dont know much about this game so I will not give an opinion on it.
Warhawk - Looks like a decent game, the graphics were downgraded from the original trailers (most games are). With no single player campaign and only multiplayer I dont see this game selling well or getting the greatest of reviews.
Socom - I have Socom 1 and 2, Loved to play both of them. After that though the number of players declined online and that is where the game shined. I hope Sony can pull a 180 and get this game really to take off. I still don't see it brining in a huge install base.
Home - Home is not considered a "game" per say so why is it even on this list? It is a feature, that would be like putting Xbox Live on a games list, it doesn't make sense.
Ratchet - Great series I hope they can renew the same feeling I had with the first ratchet. I see only great thing from this game and can see how it can be AAA worthy.
UT3 - Is still a multiplat even though PS3 gets exclusivity for a time period.
Eye of Judgement - I dont know much about this game so I will not give an opinion on it.
As you can see rom your PS3 "LOCKDOWN" list none of the titles really screams system seller. Most of these games cater towards the hardcore an no matter what we think we are the minority when it comes to games. GTA, Halo, Final Fantasy, Zelda, Mario, GT, and Madden are all known around the world and most people who own a consoles and without one of those titles being launched in 07' for Sony I believe it will be very hard for them to "LOCKDOWN" 2007, because in order to do that you dont only have to get great scores on games you also have to get them to be sold (Poor Okami) to the masses.
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