[QUOTE="mastarifla"][QUOTE="Dualshockin"][QUOTE="mastarifla"]How does that have anything to do with his point of games? Looks like you guilty of the same thing you are criticizing Flex for, "changing the subject."
Read the first part of his sentence,then get back to me.He was using the first sentence to backup his earlier point of not buying the hardware BECAUSE of the games that were currently out for the sytem. Your sentence has nothing to do with the quality of games which is what, in an arguement, you are suposed to refute because that first sentence is his refute to your earlier comment.
If you were following the debate you would realize the root of it is the system launch,and since the launch was termed to be a "Flop" in one of the first posts,it was necessary to remind him that not only was the launch not a flop seeing as how it was better than Microsofts launch,but at the same time Sony have not released a new Ps3 worldwide with any added ports whatsoever since launch. My question was in place as it actually referred to the first part of his sentence.Thus,the debate shall go on.Shortages were a problem for Microsoft which is a reason why Sony sold more, as you can see after the respected launch of the PS3 many people in Europe were still able to go in next day and pick up a console. Sony supplied more than the public demanded, which is good buisness practice, but the months thereafter there was abysmal sales of consoles and software, mainly because of the lack of quality titles, or those titles were played better on a console that costs $100-$200 less. The launch itself was not a "flop" mainly because it sold most of thier stock out on opening day. I agree with you on this point, but you must also see with the abysmal sales in these current months it can be assumed that the PS3 is "flopping." This is because of a few reasons immediately, cost and lack of quality games come to mind.
I bought a PS2 a launch and even games came up on monthly basis that were getting good reviews, unluckly this isnt the case for the PS3 right now and the competition is MUCH more fierce this time around.
Multiple sku's give the consumer more choices, if the PS3 had the sku option to no have blu-ray and the games were put on DVD's I can garuntee it would have sold more and it would be more accepted. Also, at least Microsoft is not "discontinuing" skus that people are not buying, they allow them the choice of a cheaper console at the expense of lesser features. Oh and also is that rumor still going around of the 80 gig PS3 sku? If so and it does come out your point is moot because both systems would have had 3 skus based on the amount of features one wants in a console.
Good argueing with you, its 4:20 AM and I havent had much sleep while studing for college summer classes.
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