@hardwenzen: Do whatever you want as long as you're consistent. 😎
@wonderwinner: sony has sold more so they do have a bigger market share but MS has made more money from gaming than sony and nintendo. both those companies are using MS servers on their backends. and alot of tools that are use to make games are owned by MS. So to them they could care less and market share and more about ROI and they're pulling in a far higher return from gaming than Sony and Nintendo.
Nintendo is selling the most consoles and first party software.
They've had the highest dollar sales (revenue) since this old article was posted as well, not to mention PS4 has dropped off a cliff.
By every metric Nintendo is the current market leader.
Thread still making alts butthurt. Trying to spin and damage control, but data don't lie. 46%>31%.
Cold, hard facts. 😎
Nintendo is selling the most consoles and first party software.
They've had the highest dollar sales (revenue) since this old article was posted as well, not to mention PS4 has dropped off a cliff.
By every metric Nintendo is the current market leader.
These alts and cows are NOT gonna like your reply, just FYI.
Lems just stop. You lost. Sheep just stop. Your system is a secondary console. I can't believe you lems and sheep have to resort to name calling.
This will be interesting 2 years from now, all of this data is carry over from last gen, but in two years we will come back to this post to see where things stand, I'd say with the growth of gamepass and how xbox is trending on Twitter, combined with the 70 dollar price tag of Sony games, that Microsoft closes that gap by at least 20%.
Bu bu cows said Nintendo was awesome... Oh yeah, that's only when they're USING them against Xbox. ;-)
Yet, Nintendo has the fastest selling gaming device in the world
but the lowest game sales. which were most the money comes from. third party sells the least on the the switch. notice only there titles mario, zelda, pokeman, and animal crossing are the only games that sells tons on the the switch.
good job sony for being able to manipulate a ton of sheep. But the bottom line at this point is that xbox is the best console this gen because of gamepass. Its not even close.
@casey-wegner: Revenue vs. Profit. Nintendo is the clear leader in profit and units sold. Sony fans are just praising Sony for the revenue angle. If they did not want to come across disingenuously then they should have just called this a draw. Both companies are good at what they're doing, they're both leading in different areas of the industry but because sony fans are so biased they will never point this out they just want to see their company on top.
@wonderwinner: Select quotes, 4 months old, and doesn't address several other aspects in the industry. Essentially, you're cherry-picking information.
Your opinion is conjecture. Your fact selection is conjecture.
Facts don't care about your feelings, and the fact is you hand-picked all of the data.
I can hand-pick too. Nintendo sold more consoles than Microsoft and Sony combined: https://www.svg.com/417473/the-real-truth-about-2021-console-sales/
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