And it's not even close. Sony arguably started this whole pay-up-front-to-block-games craze (I think...correct me if I'm wrong). They've been paying third parties to block content or entire games from consoles, mainly Xbox, for forever and a day. Developing exclusive games with in-house first party devs is one thing, but paying out the nose for third party exclusivity to any extent is garbage, and that is exactly what Sony excels at. Garbage. Now, some good games have come out of it, no doubt. I'm playing Demon's Souls Remake right now, and hot damn, this game is the shizz. Puts most other games this gen to shame. But it should be on Xbox too. Back in the day, it should've been on Xbox. Paying for third party exclusivity being such a big thing these days is almost entirely, if not entirely outright, Sony's fault. Sure, other companies, they all do it. But Sony got that ball rolling. They even do it with VR, for effs sake.
Anyway, agree, disagree, whatever. Yeah, MS just bought the entire neighborhood, let alone one block , with the acquisition. But I wonder if that would've even happened if Sony hadn't been up to these same types of shenanigans for generations on end. Discuss.
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