Regarding Nintendo
"What publishers have said is they're not going to spend the resources on Wii... In my job, we compete against Microsoft and Nintendo, and we're competing for resources. So when I walk into a publisher, I ask, 'Where are you guys pushing your resources?' In the past, it was 'Look how hot the Wii is,' or 'Look how hot the DS is,' and 'We should put resources there.' They did that and realized, 'You know what, third-party product just doesn't sell on that platform.' So now they're taking those resources, coming back to us and saying, 'Sony we're going to be able to provide you with that exclusive content,' or 'We're going to put more engineers on it and figure out to maximize the Blu-ray and get more out of PS3.' That's what we're seeing now," he stated.
Dyer continued, "And I don't even have to fight for their hearts and minds; I just show them the TRST data with regards to how many top 10 titles are third-party titles on the Wii, or how many top 10 titles are third-party titles on the DS. Not many. It's not a hard story to sell, and they get that. Unless they've got a particular franchise that's worked well on the Wii, you don't see a lot of innovative new IP coming out on that platform."
Quite frankly, we feel this is a real problem for Nintendo. Even if what Dyer is saying is viewed as more "Sony PR," that doesn't eliminate the fact that third parties are still experiencing difficulties on Wii after four full holiday seasons on the market. Nintendo should be working on its own publisher relations, and we'd love to hear from them on this subject, but so far Nintendo has been quite resistant to inquiries from IndustryGamers. It's like the company is an ostrich with its head stuck in a hole in the ground - get out there and be pro-active Nintendo!
Regarding MS
"I've been on the road literally non-stop since the beginning of the year with every top 15 publisher, and there's been nary a word of discouragement. Having been in Japan, and here with EA and Activision and Ubisoft, and everyone else, it's good to walk in there right now versus, say a year ago when it wasn't so easy [to win support]. The $299 price point has resonated and it has a huge impact when you're sold out in so many locations, but the better news is that it's translating into software sales.When I walk into an EA, they're telling me that for Madden, the one platform they're seeing year-on-year growth is the PS3, or when I walk into Activision and they tell me the same thing for Guitar Hero. Those are big statements, given what has transpired with those franchises," he began.
For Dyer, the game sales of PS3 software SKUs have been impressive considering the difference in installed bases between Xbox 360 and PS3. Ultimately, he says the statistics show that PS3 is now a better performer for publishers.
"They had a year's head start against us, so we've been playing catch-up ball. Before the price cut, they had a two-to-one advantage; if you were a third-party publisher looking at the index, you should have been selling twice the number of units on the 360 as you would on the PS3. So what we did when following a particular title was see if we over or under-indexed against that. So anything below 2, we over-indexed, meaning we did better, and above 2 meant it was under-indexing. What it shows you is that as our installed base has been growing, we're now down to a 1.6 to 1.0, and what we've been finding is that outside of the shooter category we literally over-index every single category – sports, fighting, action/adventure, music, etc. We do better for our publishing community than 360 does," Dyer stated. "As our installed base starts catching up and gaining on 360, you're going to see the publisher side much quicker get to par than even if we had the same number of [360 hardware] units. So for instance, with a title like Madden, I think the index was 1.4 to 1.0, which meant we way oversold on PS3 versus 360, given the installed base. That's only going to get better and better as the installed base continues to grow."
In Short Sony is dead last. Yet they are still arrogant as ever. In the PSone PStwo days they were allowed to be arrogant. But now they are dead last and still think they are top dog.. LOL
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