What about Greenberg and Major Nelson's arrogrant attitudes for MS? Why are people so mum about MS attitudes but lash out at Sony's the first chance they get.
Publishers complained about how their 3rd party games dont sell on the Wii long before Sony made this comment. This is why you dont see games like AC 2, Batman, GTA, and many more on the Wii. The Wii does sell the most hardware and software thanks to Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario,and many other casual games such as Carnival Games or Wii Play.
IMO the Gamecube/N64 were much better than the Wii gaming wise. I could care less about sales because I dont get nothing out of it. If the Wii is selling this much then how the heck does Sony the one in last place manages to get more 3rd party support and the games of 3rd parties sell better on it despite a lower userbase?
I could care less about how much money Sony is losing on the PS3 or that it is in last place as long as they supply great games ranging from Infamous to LBP to UC2 to MGS4 to Heavy Rain to GoW 3 and 3rd parties are even icing on the cake with Just Cause 2, Batman 2, FF 13, and many more.
On the other hand the Wii is selling huge with the lowest quality software that I have no interest in. If the Wii was more like the Cube/64 and selling terrible but has incredible games behind it I would have one.
The 18 dollars Sony loses on a PS3 is made up by people buying a single game, accessory, or perhaps even a BluRay film. What will the haters say when they finally start to make a profit on it?
i don't pay attention to those two guys either, BUT MS are not in last place pretending to still be in first place are they, MS are also arrogant, but SONY take arrogance to an entirely greater level,lol, it amazes me that people are so taken in by the PR BS, i could facepalm both company's execs for the stupid things they come out with all the time, especially one comment from MS about making games that would destroy Ps3 exclusives in the graphics department, don't get me wrong, i prefer the 360, but thats because of the library, the Ps3 definitly has a slight edge in the graphics dept
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