[QUOTE="Sushbag88"]Given that the PS3 is the Dreamcast of this console generation, Sony should take a leaf out of Sega's book: Pack their bags, discontinue the console, cease all game development, and start cutting their losses and working on a new platform for next time. Maybe then they can beat Microsoft to market in 2010 or something.
I mean for a while it was funny. It was the joke of the gaming community: The fact that Sony was just shooting itself in the face repeatedly, at every damn turn. But now, it's been obvious for a while that in terms of the current console war Microsoft has already won. But even though they have, couldn't Sony have still at least tried? But no, they continue their reign of mediocrity and suicidal industry moves. And so it's not even funny, it's almost old hat.
Consider E3 2007. As many of you pointed out, and with no small amount of truth I'll admit, Sony had to wow the industry and the gamers at this year's E3. They HAD to. We pretty much knew that the rest of the year is a given for the 360, and that Sony already had a slim chance at competing this holiday. But now, not only do we know for sure that Sony has absolutely no chance (0%) at competing with anyone (especially, I don't know, Microsoft) this holiday season, they haven't even set themselves up properly for 2008 like they should have at E3. Are you kidding me, Sony? Are you trying to lose? I mean clearly the only real game the PS3 has ever had surely would allow Sony to compete at Christmas. Oh wait, it's been delayed. I actually didn't see that coming, and I'm usually good with this sort of thing. Now instead of one game (MGS4 that is) the PS3 has exactly no games. One may argue, "But wait, that's just 2007." Gotcha covered. You realize that 2008 is now Sony's last stand? With a mixed lineup of a bunch of non-exclusives and perhaps 3 or so actual exclusives, the PS3 is rallying in 2008 like it's the Alamo. MGS4, Killzone, Haze, and then the non-exclusives which will definitely not sway anyone. It's not even like the PS3 has RE5 or SH5, because if those had been exclusive I'd have to buy one wouldn't I. But even those are gone! Is Sony really banking on those 2 or 3 exclusives to carry them for 2008? When people are sitting at home comfortably playing Halo 3, GTA4, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and whatever else the 360 has, does anyone here honestly believe that a one of them will consider heading out to spend $600 on anything but more 360 games or perhaps computer hardware to play Crysis/UT3/TF2? It's humorous to even consider such a possibility. And Sony needed this E3. E3 2007 was huge for them. And guess what we got? A delay of MGS4 and, even better, news that Konami might take MGS4 to the 360, and even better, news that the much-touted $100 price cut wasn't much of a price cut at all. What? The one thing that might have sold them a few extra PS3's and Sony is actually publicly admitting that the whole price cut was just to get rid of inventory on a console that, like the original $500 variant, they are phasing out? What kind of backhanded move is that? This is a joke. They're done.
Maybe some of you are confused still, perhaps some of the younger members on these boards (I've seen quite a few) are still defending their VCR-looking console to the death. And to you I will give this one thing: I'll still probably buy a PS3 before the war is out. Why not, they still have SOME exclusives. But that's all I'll give you. I'll give you that I might still buy one just because my love of games exceeds my love of predicting industry trends and watching as they are fulfilled before my eyes. But make no mistake: This is the Dreamcast of this generation. Which is why I suggested that Sony, in order to make the logical move, should back out of the console race. They can still keep the PSP and PS2 in production I'd say, but the PS3 has failed to such an extent that it's bleak future, which is just another guarantee that Sony needs to go pick a quiet spot to die, is something that Sony is actually trying to confront as if things will magically turn around in 2008 or any subsequent year. Sony is actually throwing more money into it, in an attempt to play somegame of charades with the public. "We're doing fine because we say we are." I lold', etc.
This isn't just a Sony issue, Nintendo fans. Don't make the mistake of thinking the Wii is an attractive substitute for a PS3. I'd rather buy one of the black paper weights from Sony than fork over cash for something called a Wii. The 360 is rocking in game selection, and, contrary to not-so-popular-but-still-prevalent belief, it ALWAYS has! The 360 launch was awesome, they had some of their best games to date on that freaking launch. And it's only gotten better from there. I knew that the 360 was something to buy right from launch (even though I waited a few months anyway) and I certainly never thought of Microsoft as needing to do anything to make itself more presentable to me as a consumer. They did virtually everything right, a few hardware issues aside. Their console has the best games, but come on: It even looks cool. The controller is fantastic, the interface is well integrated with the guide button, the downloadable content is icing on the cake, I mean come on. The 360 is doing amazing in games at this point in it's life, and holiday 2007 is like sex in video game form, in terms of the lineup that is. It's not like it's the more attractive buying option for gamers now, it will be for the foreseeable future. The PS3 and Wii? Their games are non-existent and laughable, respectively.
I may be digressing, so here's a brief conclusion: Sony is done. And, while we're on the subject of defunct gaming companies, Nintendo isn't even trying to do anything in terms of games at this point. Financially they may be selling consoles, but their lineup is jokingly barren and their installed base isn't up to that of the 360's yet. But back to Sony: The reality of the Dreamcast-like nature of the PS3 is growing daily. I wouldn't be surprised if, in three years or so, people are looking back and saying, of the PS3: "Oh that? Yea it was kind of a failed experiment by Sony. Had impressive hardware at first, but not enough games ended up coming out for it and, well, the 360 just destroyed it. I kinda liked it, but eventually even I came to realize that it was a waste of money compared to it's competition. A pity, really, considering the PS2 was so great. Oh well."
Sorry, I quit reading after the third paragraph. Are you sad the Sony won E3? They can't compete this holiday? Are you nuts? They have 15 first party exclusives, not to mention their third party exclusives. I watched MS confrence hoping to see a reason to buy one. Nope, just about every great game they had coming is multiplat. COD4, GTA, Assassins Creed, etc. The only exclusive I saw that MS had that will be great is Mass Effect. I would say Halo too, but UT2k7 and Haze are coming out, and both look on par with Halo. Then Killzone amazed everyone that Sony was actually TELLING THE TRUTH about the demo shown in 2005. It blew everything out of the water and is in freaking pre-alpha stages.
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