well that's not a good thing for me since i prefer sony over nintendo :P
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[QUOTE="Zaibach"]I did, twice, because it cant be down to quality, because the console has lots of quality titles in all Genres, in fact it has alot of unique and niche games/ experiences that cant be found on any other console Heavy Rain, LBP, Demon souls, Uncharted, MAG, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles
This is the same thing people say when they ask what is Sony's mascot? and thats the thing, there is no one game or genre that represents the PS brand.
If you want Halo 4, 5, 6and Halo ressurection, buy xbox, if you want zelda forever and MArio 26 buy a NIntendo thing, you want new IPs and fresh single-player and multiplayer experiences get a Praystashion.
Besides all the genres are well represented
FPS- kz, resistance and Mag
Action/adventure - Heavenly Sword, Yakuza, HR
Hacky slashy- GOW,
Platforming- LBP, sLY, Rand C
JRPG, Versus, Demon souls
Horror- the siren series, Amy
TPS, uncharted
Sandbox - Infamous
Who said it was about that? An identity is not bound aimply by having some good games. An identity also isn't "well we've got new Ips". And? An identity is an outlook on the system. A system that whne you look at it, you know what its all about. You pretty much can get the idea that if I buy this system, its for this experience and this experience and this. The PS3 doesn't have that. The PS3 has a bunch of excellent games (like every system in existance, I'm sorry but this is such a weak argument) and no identity. Having 3 games in each genre atbest which are not the top of their class is not some sort of glowing achievment. It basically means that if you like a genre the PS3 has a couple of em. If platforming is suppose to be well represented because you can play R&C, LBP and a Sly game not out that's a problem. If JRPGs big send off are a practically vapourware game and demon souls that's a problem. If the whole added reason to get the PS3 over and other system is because "The Show" is the best baseball games ever (not taking away, if you are a huge baseball fan maybe it is and the games review well) how is that representory of a whole genre. You can excel at everything too. The PS2 pretty mcuh did. This system has no identity because if you're a gamer looking for an experience, every other system at face value tells you what they are about.
You're talking about a system being stuck in a rut as if its a good thing. Up until the Wii, systems suceeded not by focusing on a handful of franchises, but by boasting a wide array of games (think the 2600, the NES, the Genesis/SNES, the PS1 and the PS2). The Wii broke the pattern (and broke out of the corner Nintendo spent generations painting itself into) by appealing to casuals, but its also the least successful lead system in two generations and it lost the (month to month) lead once MS came up with an even simpler interface...
In terms of core games, Nintendo excels at nothing, they merely trade on nostalgia and offer up increasingly bizarre interfaces to disguise the fact that most of their games are based on formulas more than a decade old (some much more than a decade old). if Nintendo fans were true gamers, there would be more third party support. But Nintendo fans tend to be fixated on franchises and care little about games, so third parties don't bother. Its interesting that even Nintendo's games tend to fail if they don't have the right characters slapped on the box (which goes a long way towards explaining why Nintendo clings to its old franchises like a toddler to its mother's skirts).
Having an area where you shine is not a bad thing. I don't want to go out and buy every system because they can't all decide on what they want to be. Preferably 1 console would just be king of everything and the others would carve out niches that would attract people but with how well all the companies have done to segregate the market, having an identity is essential. Its what makes people want your system, they know what they're getting, they know the main focus and from there they can expand.I also don't see how this became about Nintendo. Nintendo has had an identity since the beginning of its gaming carreer. You know what you're getting if you buy their system, its the most non misleading brand around. Anything to round it out is just bonus. Every gen Sony can't decide where they want to go and what they want to be. They have never carved an identity, third parties did that for them and now that everything is multiplat, their system is treading water, its not first or second choice anywhere, its just simply there and its existance doesn't mean much to the market tbh.
[QUOTE="Zaibach"]I did, twice, because it cant be down to quality, because the console has lots of quality titles in all Genres, in fact it has alot of unique and niche games/ experiences that cant be found on any other console Heavy Rain, LBP, Demon souls, Uncharted, MAG, Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles
This is the same thing people say when they ask what is Sony's mascot? and thats the thing, there is no one game or genre that represents the PS brand.
If you want Halo 4, 5, 6and Halo ressurection, buy xbox, if you want zelda forever and MArio 26 buy a NIntendo thing, you want new IPs and fresh single-player and multiplayer experiences get a Praystashion.
Besides all the genres are well represented
FPS- kz, resistance and Mag
Action/adventure - Heavenly Sword, Yakuza, HR
Hacky slashy- GOW,
Platforming- LBP, sLY, Rand C
JRPG, Versus, Demon souls
Horror- the siren series, Amy
TPS, uncharted
Sandbox - Infamous
Who said it was about that? An identity is not bound aimply by having some good games. An identity also isn't "well we've got new Ips". And? An identity is an outlook on the system. A system that whne you look at it, you know what its all about. You pretty much can get the idea that if I buy this system, its for this experience and this experience and this. The PS3 doesn't have that. The PS3 has a bunch of excellent games (like every system in existance, I'm sorry but this is such a weak argument) and no identity. Having 3 games in each genre atbest which are not the top of their class is not some sort of glowing achievment. It basically means that if you like a genre the PS3 has a couple of em. If platforming is suppose to be well represented because you can play R&C, LBP and a Sly game not out that's a problem. If JRPGs big send off are a practically vapourware game and demon souls that's a problem. If the whole added reason to get the PS3 over and other system is because "The Show" is the best baseball games ever (not taking away, if you are a huge baseball fan maybe it is and the games review well) how is that representory of a whole genre. You can excel at everything too. The PS2 pretty mcuh did. This system has no identity because if you're a gamer looking for an experience, every other system at face value tells you what they are about.
I think you've missed my point completely, it wasnt to show how many games X console has in a particular genre,it was to show that Consoles dont need an identity, why? because they dont benefit them.
Having the wii be reffered to as a family consoles has painted it as child's toy jam packed with games that are not to be taken seriously, causing an exodus of core gamers to the other consoles
Having the Xbox be reffered to as the shooter console has tainted its user-base as a bunch of COD-loving dude bro game- fratboy DBAGs (easy mods just making a point)
Where as the ps console doesnt suffer from this, if you want a solid VARIED experience its what you pick up.
It benefits me as a gamer if I know what a system is about. What the stupid gaming media, or devs want to call it is not really important. As a Wii owner I know if I buy the system I'm going to get good games in continuing franchises and some third party sprinkles. If I can't handle that I go else where. Nintendo carved its identity with its games and that makes it easy for consumers to see if they like what is being offered. MS did a similar thing. Sony is just all over the place. core gamers and press is not what identity is about. How can Sony be the Next Nintendo if Sony can't even figure out what message Sony wants to send people with their games? And the PS systems (all 2 of them) had an identity as well. No one picks up PS systems to play shooters or WRPGS. Hate to say it but there is nothing sooo varied about the PS3. 3-3 1st party games most of which are mid teir is nothing worth getting excited about.
I think you've missed my point completely, it wasnt to show how many games X console has in a particular genre,[QUOTE="Zaibach"]
Who said it was about that? An identity is not bound aimply by having some good games. An identity also isn't "well we've got new Ips". And? An identity is an outlook on the system. A system that whne you look at it, you know what its all about. You pretty much can get the idea that if I buy this system, its for this experience and this experience and this. The PS3 doesn't have that. The PS3 has a bunch of excellent games (like every system in existance, I'm sorry but this is such a weak argument) and no identity. Having 3 games in each genre atbest which are not the top of their class is not some sort of glowing achievment. It basically means that if you like a genre the PS3 has a couple of em. If platforming is suppose to be well represented because you can play R&C, LBP and a Sly game not out that's a problem. If JRPGs big send off are a practically vapourware game and demon souls that's a problem. If the whole added reason to get the PS3 over and other system is because "The Show" is the best baseball games ever (not taking away, if you are a huge baseball fan maybe it is and the games review well) how is that representory of a whole genre. You can excel at everything too. The PS2 pretty mcuh did. This system has no identity because if you're a gamer looking for an experience, every other system at face value tells you what they are about.
it was to show that Consoles dont need an identity, why? because they dont benefit them.
Having the wii be reffered to as a family consoles has painted it as child's toy jam packed with games that are not to be taken seriously, causing an exodus of core gamers to the other consoles
Having the Xbox be reffered to as the shooter console has tainted its user-base as a bunch of COD-loving dude bro game- fratboy DBAGs (easy mods just making a point)
Where as the ps console doesnt suffer from this, if you want a solid VARIED experience its what you pick up.
It benefits me as a gamer if I know what a system is about. What the stupid gaming media, or devs want to call it is not really important. As a Wii owner I know if I buy the system I'm going to get good games in continuing franchises and some third party sprinkles. If I can't handle that I go else where. Nintendo carved its identity with its games and that makes it easy for consumers to see if they like what is being offered. MS did a similar thing. Sony is just all over the place. core gamers and press is not what identity is about. How can Sony be the Next Nintendo if Sony can't even figure out what message Sony wants to send people with their games? And the PS systems (all 2 of them) had an identity as well. No one picks up PS systems to play shooters or WRPGS. Hate to say it but there is nothing sooo varied about the PS3. 3-3 1st party games most of which are mid teir is nothing worth getting excited about.
I dont understand what youre trying to say, first your saying that it benefits you what the identity is but screw what the publuicat large thinks? I dont know where youre trying to go with thisi agree that the wii was a failure in terms of games, but i think it was their best selling console since the snes so they are a success in business terms.
rotflol sony has never walked a mile in nintendos shoes
-- and they most certainly are not nintendo
last i checked they did not innovate bring new ways to control provide me with marioparty mariokart metroid ssb zelda pilot wings fzero pokemon , wii line , etc etc etc
and their consoles were never the cheapest of their gen and i doubt they ever will be psp vita is the only exception being on par, with 3ds for the wifi model but who said nintendo cant drop that price ,, they have room sony wont
so ya when that happens ya ill be leaving gaming,
cause they will never duplicate some one as good as nintendo i dont care who you are cause when nintendos at their best they cant be beat
sony tried so hard to be nintendo this gen with move did that work ,, hmm lets see--- no i still see wii out selling ps3 in the us and other countries outside japan -which is the only country ps3 leads weekly and that has not been that way for a long time
wake me up when its been leading for 4 yrs -5 yrs strieght in all major territories
cause they are stil behind xbox 360 as a matter of fact lol
face it tc sony will never be nintendo to be nintendo they have to meet the following criteria
1- release a system cheaper then the competitors-nintendo and microsoft-so far they only matched nintendos handheld with their wifi only handheld - but their consoles have always been same as ms or higher-this gen it launched at 600 vs 400 for xbox360 and 250 for wii
2 release these games on their system-mario kart metroid zelda fzero pilotwings nintendogs -ya the later even says it wont cause its nintendogs not sondogs lol also sales for ps3 exclusives are not comparable to nintendo wiis /ds games at all not even to its prodecessor-ps2 .or psp so calling sony nintendo ya right bud maybe if your talking about at nintendos worst time -gc/n64 then youd be right
3 gameplay matters more for nintendo -while online and hd matters more for sony so thats a no
4 been in this industry since 1983-japan 1985 us ,, ya they have not been out that long sony started consoles in 1995! have fun ,, with false claims
and as far as wii software goes sony vs nintendo , its to close ,, plus wii software sold more so ya
that dont count good third party titles , and dont say they do not exist i have a mind to list each and every game released on the wii that has been overlooked /under rated and under appreciated !
dont make me start now
cause that will be your mistake you make your bed you lay in and more time you take out of me typing , have a nice day
heres the first party count in case your interisted
nintendo has 1 aaae first party title 55 in all most score 8.5-and up with few 6.0 and under
sony in comparision has 0 first party titles that have scored a 10-mgs is not first party its a third party exclusive and gta iv most certainly is multiplat
they have 8.5 and up to but the sales is where wii comes in before i get to there-59 is where sony is at -does not include third party software exclusives only first and 2nd party
so dont bring multiplats in , cause its shared with microsoft and in some cases wii -cod 007 -the major ones any way , and when i mean major ips i mean ones that have been out since nes/snes etc like madden cod 007 driver -ps 1 era title crash guitar hero-ps2 gen , stuff like that ya ps3 360 see other titles wii dont have but those are miostly new ips and best suited for them platforms ,
so wii is not a failure in software thats just your opinion vs reality
wii has alot of good games that have been under appreciated this entire gen goldeneye zack and wiki no more heroes madworld to name a few
rotflol sony has never walked a mile in nintendos shoes
-- and they most certainly are not nintendo
last i checked they did not innovate bring new ways to control provide me with marioparty mariokart metroid ssb zelda pilot wings fzero pokemon , wii line , etc etc etc
and their consoles were never the cheapest of their gen and i doubt they ever will be psp vita is the only exception being on par, with 3ds for the wifi model but who said nintendo cant drop that price ,, they have room sony wont
so ya when that happens ya ill be leaving gaming,
cause they will never duplicate some one as good as nintendo i dont care who you are cause when nintendos at their best they cant be beat
sony tried so hard to be nintendo this gen with move did that work ,, hmm lets see--- no i still see wii out selling ps3 in the us and other countries outside japan -which is the only country ps3 leads weekly and that has not been that way for a long time
wake me up when its been leading for 4 yrs -5 yrs strieght in all major territories
cause they are stil behind xbox 360 as a matter of fact lol
face it tc sony will never be nintendo to be nintendo they have to meet the following criteria
1- release a system cheaper then the competitors-nintendo and microsoft-so far they only matched nintendos handheld with their wifi only handheld - but their consoles have always been same as ms or higher-this gen it launched at 600 vs 400 for xbox360 and 250 for wii
2 release these games on their system-mario kart metroid zelda fzero pilotwings nintendogs -ya the later even says it wont cause its nintendogs not sondogs lol also sales for ps3 exclusives are not comparable to nintendo wiis /ds games at all not even to its prodecessor-ps2 .or psp so calling sony nintendo ya right bud maybe if your talking about at nintendos worst time -gc/n64 then youd be right
3 gameplay matters more for nintendo -while online and hd matters more for sony so thats a no
4 been in this industry since 1983-japan 1985 us ,, ya they have not been out that long sony started consoles in 1995! have fun ,, with false claims
and as far as wii software goes sony vs nintendo , its to close ,, plus wii software sold more so ya
that dont count good third party titles , and dont say they do not exist i have a mind to list each and every game released on the wii that has been overlooked /under rated and under appreciated !
dont make me start now
cause that will be your mistake you make your bed you lay in and more time you take out of me typing , have a nice day
heres the first party count in case your interisted
nintendo has 1 aaae first party title 55 in all most score 8.5-and up with few 6.0 and under
sony in comparision has 0 first party titles that have scored a 10-mgs is not first party its a third party exclusive and gta iv most certainly is multiplat
they have 8.5 and up to but the sales is where wii comes in before i get to there-59 is where sony is at -does not include third party software exclusives only first and 2nd party
so dont bring multiplats in , cause its shared with microsoft and in some cases wii -cod 007 -the major ones any way , and when i mean major ips i mean ones that have been out since nes/snes etc like madden cod 007 driver -ps 1 era title crash guitar hero-ps2 gen , stuff like that ya ps3 360 see other titles wii dont have but those are miostly new ips and best suited for them platforms ,
so wii is not a failure in software thats just your opinion vs reality
wii has alot of good games that have been under appreciated this entire gen goldeneye zack and wiki no more heroes madworld to name a few
umm, the ps1, ps2 and ps3 outsold the nes, snes, n64, gamecube, and wii combined. so chill out a bit mario64fan
does it have to be either?
Isnt it a little bit narrow minded to make a console for 1 specific genre?
And what would you class as a game with 'identity'?
I'm saying that the PS3 has no identity for itself. Sony tries to do what everyone else is doing but doing it just as good or worse. They should instead focus on an aspect or two that sets them apart from the competition. Nintendo has motion controls, Microsoft has the whole online/multimedia experience, I'm not sure what Sony has beyond blu-ray (more on that below). I'm still not sure how they're trying to market the PS3, even 5 years later, I don't know what they're doing.
With blu-ray I can't really say it's added any importance to gaming. It's only truly starting to show it's usefulness now, 5 years later. The more space is needed for a few more games now than it ever was at the beginning of the gen.
No. I don;t think Haziq means that the system should be one thing. I think he's saying the system lack an identity as the system you go to for certain games and tastes. He's saying its all over the place, doesn't know what it wants to be and as a result it ends up being weaker then the competition at everything it tries. If you love JRPGs, you know that the PSP and the DS are a good place to start, they have other great games as well but they should help your initial priority. If you love platformers you know the Wii is a solid choice. If you love shooters and sports you know that the 360 fits that bill and does it best (or PC for shooter if you wanna be annoying :P ). With the PS3 though, it doesn't really excel in giving me a reason to buy it or what its all about. Its got shooters but they aren't the top tier stuff that this gens gamers lgo crazy for, its got platformers but their still beaten by Nintendo's efforts, its got JRPGs but they aren't very comparable to the DS and PSP let alone older gens. I think that's his idea. What is Resistance's reason to exist? What does it want to do, to craft, to get the player to explore and understand? I think that's his point.
This also plays a part in what I'm trying to say. Though, I don't think it's entirely necessary for Sony to have a certain type of game genre or tastes on their platform, it would definitely help if they had one or two genres that excelled on that platform.
does it have to be either?
Isnt it a little bit narrow minded to make a console for 1 specific genre?
And what would you class as a game with 'identity'?
I'm saying that the PS3 has no identity for itself. Sony tries to do what everyone else is doing but doing it just as good or worse. They should instead focus on an aspect or two that sets them apart from the competition. Nintendo has motion controls, Microsoft has the whole online/multimedia experience, I'm not sure what Sony has beyond blu-ray (more on that below). I'm still not sure how they're trying to market the PS3, even 5 years later, I don't know what they're doing.
With blu-ray I can't really say it's added any importance to gaming. It's only truly starting to show it's usefulness now, 5 years later. The more space is needed for a few more games now than it ever was at the beginning of the gen.
No. I don;t think Haziq means that the system should be one thing. I think he's saying the system lack an identity as the system you go to for certain games and tastes. He's saying its all over the place, doesn't know what it wants to be and as a result it ends up being weaker then the competition at everything it tries. If you love JRPGs, you know that the PSP and the DS are a good place to start, they have other great games as well but they should help your initial priority. If you love platformers you know the Wii is a solid choice. If you love shooters and sports you know that the 360 fits that bill and does it best (or PC for shooter if you wanna be annoying :P ). With the PS3 though, it doesn't really excel in giving me a reason to buy it or what its all about. Its got shooters but they aren't the top tier stuff that this gens gamers lgo crazy for, its got platformers but their still beaten by Nintendo's efforts, its got JRPGs but they aren't very comparable to the DS and PSP let alone older gens. I think that's his idea. What is Resistance's reason to exist? What does it want to do, to craft, to get the player to explore and understand? I think that's his point.
This also plays a part in what I'm trying to say. Though, I don't think it's entirely necessary for Sony to have a certain type of game genre or tastes on their platform, it would definitely help if they had one or two genres that excelled on that platform.
The PS3 lost its identity during the PSN hack.....zingThe PS3 lost its identity during the PSN hack.....zingEggHeadMan
Nah it didn't lose it's identity in that hack. It lost YOUR identity!
[QUOTE="EggHeadMan"]The PS3 lost its identity during the PSN hack.....zingChubbyGuy40
Nah it didn't lose it's identity in that hack. It lost YOUR identity!
my identity was lost the second I stepped into this forum[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="EggHeadMan"]The PS3 lost its identity during the PSN hack.....zingEggHeadMan
Nah it didn't lose it's identity in that hack. It lost YOUR identity!
my identity was lost the second I stepped into this forumI know that feeling bro :(
...or do I?
I don't think so. Sony will never ever have something legendary that was Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Game Boy, etc. Especially with modernity, they can never replicate the contributions and legacy Nintendo has made in the video game industry and its history.
Also, I can't find anything magical about Sony. It may just be me but except Team ICO, i can't find any game of theirs that has soul and magic like i see in Nintendo's games. Having played GoW from my PSP, i realized how soulless that game was with shallow emphasis on blood, gore, and violence. Not to mention the story doesn't evoke any emotions at all. Mario doesn't even have a story but it evokes emotions from me especially in the ending. This is coming from a PC gamer whose very first console is the Wii.
I agree with the 1st part of your post and I guess kinda with the second aswell.
Even though I like Sony's systems alot more, I don't think Sony will ever have that "nintendo magic"
rotflol sony has never walked a mile in nintendos shoes
-- and they most certainly are not nintendo
last i checked they did not innovate bring new ways to control provide me with marioparty mariokart metroid ssb zelda pilot wings fzero pokemon , wii line , etc etc etc
and their consoles were never the cheapest of their gen and i doubt they ever will be psp vita is the only exception being on par, with 3ds for the wifi model but who said nintendo cant drop that price ,, they have room sony wont
so ya when that happens ya ill be leaving gaming,
cause they will never duplicate some one as good as nintendo i dont care who you are cause when nintendos at their best they cant be beat
sony tried so hard to be nintendo this gen with move did that work ,, hmm lets see--- no i still see wii out selling ps3 in the us and other countries outside japan -which is the only country ps3 leads weekly and that has not been that way for a long time
wake me up when its been leading for 4 yrs -5 yrs strieght in all major territories
cause they are stil behind xbox 360 as a matter of fact lol
face it tc sony will never be nintendo to be nintendo they have to meet the following criteria
1- release a system cheaper then the competitors-nintendo and microsoft-so far they only matched nintendos handheld with their wifi only handheld - but their consoles have always been same as ms or higher-this gen it launched at 600 vs 400 for xbox360 and 250 for wii
2 release these games on their system-mario kart metroid zelda fzero pilotwings nintendogs -ya the later even says it wont cause its nintendogs not sondogs lol also sales for ps3 exclusives are not comparable to nintendo wiis /ds games at all not even to its prodecessor-ps2 .or psp so calling sony nintendo ya right bud maybe if your talking about at nintendos worst time -gc/n64 then youd be right
3 gameplay matters more for nintendo -while online and hd matters more for sony so thats a no
4 been in this industry since 1983-japan 1985 us ,, ya they have not been out that long sony started consoles in 1995! have fun ,, with false claims
and as far as wii software goes sony vs nintendo , its to close ,, plus wii software sold more so ya
that dont count good third party titles , and dont say they do not exist i have a mind to list each and every game released on the wii that has been overlooked /under rated and under appreciated !
dont make me start now
cause that will be your mistake you make your bed you lay in and more time you take out of me typing , have a nice day
heres the first party count in case your interisted
nintendo has 1 aaae first party title 55 in all most score 8.5-and up with few 6.0 and under
sony in comparision has 0 first party titles that have scored a 10-mgs is not first party its a third party exclusive and gta iv most certainly is multiplat
they have 8.5 and up to but the sales is where wii comes in before i get to there-59 is where sony is at -does not include third party software exclusives only first and 2nd party
so dont bring multiplats in , cause its shared with microsoft and in some cases wii -cod 007 -the major ones any way , and when i mean major ips i mean ones that have been out since nes/snes etc like madden cod 007 driver -ps 1 era title crash guitar hero-ps2 gen , stuff like that ya ps3 360 see other titles wii dont have but those are miostly new ips and best suited for them platforms ,
so wii is not a failure in software thats just your opinion vs reality
wii has alot of good games that have been under appreciated this entire gen goldeneye zack and wiki no more heroes madworld to name a few
umm, the ps1, ps2 and ps3 outsold the nes, snes, n64, gamecube, and wii combined. so chill out a bit mario64fan
it really didnt
Who said it was about that? An identity is not bound aimply by having some good games. An identity also isn't "well we've got new Ips". And? An identity is an outlook on the system. A system that whne you look at it, you know what its all about. You pretty much can get the idea that if I buy this system, its for this experience and this experience and this. The PS3 doesn't have that. The PS3 has a bunch of excellent games (like every system in existance, I'm sorry but this is such a weak argument) and no identity. Having 3 games in each genre atbest which are not the top of their class is not some sort of glowing achievment. It basically means that if you like a genre the PS3 has a couple of em. If platforming is suppose to be well represented because you can play R&C, LBP and a Sly game not out that's a problem. If JRPGs big send off are a practically vapourware game and demon souls that's a problem. If the whole added reason to get the PS3 over and other system is because "The Show" is the best baseball games ever (not taking away, if you are a huge baseball fan maybe it is and the games review well) how is that representory of a whole genre. You can excel at everything too. The PS2 pretty mcuh did. This system has no identity because if you're a gamer looking for an experience, every other system at face value tells you what they are about.
You're talking about a system being stuck in a rut as if its a good thing. Up until the Wii, systems suceeded not by focusing on a handful of franchises, but by boasting a wide array of games (think the 2600, the NES, the Genesis/SNES, the PS1 and the PS2). The Wii broke the pattern (and broke out of the corner Nintendo spent generations painting itself into) by appealing to casuals, but its also the least successful lead system in two generations and it lost the (month to month) lead once MS came up with an even simpler interface...
In terms of core games, Nintendo excels at nothing, they merely trade on nostalgia and offer up increasingly bizarre interfaces to disguise the fact that most of their games are based on formulas more than a decade old (some much more than a decade old). if Nintendo fans were true gamers, there would be more third party support. But Nintendo fans tend to be fixated on franchises and care little about games, so third parties don't bother. Its interesting that even Nintendo's games tend to fail if they don't have the right characters slapped on the box (which goes a long way towards explaining why Nintendo clings to its old franchises like a toddler to its mother's skirts).
Having an area where you shine is not a bad thing. I don't want to go out and buy every system because they can't all decide on what they want to be. Preferably 1 console would just be king of everything and the others would carve out niches that would attract people but with how well all the companies have done to segregate the market, having an identity is essential. Its what makes people want your system, they know what they're getting, they know the main focus and from there they can expand.I also don't see how this became about Nintendo. Nintendo has had an identity since the beginning of its gaming carreer. You know what you're getting if you buy their system, its the most non misleading brand around. Anything to round it out is just bonus. Every gen Sony can't decide where they want to go and what they want to be. They have never carved an identity, third parties did that for them and now that everything is multiplat, their system is treading water, its not first or second choice anywhere, its just simply there and its existance doesn't mean much to the market tbh.
Are you seeking to rewrite history or do you just not know it? In the 8 bit days Nintendo told 3rd parties that they had to develop games exclusively on the NES if they wanted to develop games at all (initially, Sega was even crazier, and actively fighting to discourage 3rd party support, figuring that it was better to have all of a small pie). No one who was gaming in that era should forget the popularity of games like Castlevania, Mega Man, Ghosts n' Goblins, Ikari Warriors, Gradius, Blaster Master and Double Dragon (if one was Japanese, Dragon Warrior and FF were also big deals).
And third party support for the SNES (which suffered a dropoff in support because the American government forced Nintendo to end the exclusivity contracts) was hugely influential as well (nods towards SF2, Axelay, Final Fight,FF6, MK2, Chrono Triggerand Shadowrun).
*Shrugs* If you started gaming on the N64, I can see why you labor under the delusion 3rd party games have never been important to Nintendo consoles. Consider this: prior to the Wii (and its casuals) the marketshare of Nintendoconsoles (and handhelds, but Nintendo has never suffered from meaningful drop in support in the handheld arena) almost exactly tracked their third party support. The NES had the support of almost all third parties and had 90+% of the market, the SNES split third party support and the market with the Genesis, and since then massive drops in third party support had increasingly marginalized Nintendo in the console arena (the the GC marked a system that not only suffered from a smaller marketshare than its predecessor, but sold much worse in absolute terms).
The PS3 is in third place not because it has broad appeal, but due to insanely high hardware pricing out of the gate (I predict the PS3 would bring up the rear the moment the $600 pricetag was announced). The more variety a system has, the broader its appeal, but there are limits to what people are willing to pay for a system (thus far, a launch price of $300 is the highest that has proven broadly popular). Its a minor miracle that the PS3 is so close to the X360 in sales totals (probably has a lot to do with MS not focusing on variety the way they used to and not being as aggresive with pricecuts as they could have been).
"Nintendo holds a very special place in the hearts of millions (if not billions) of gamers around the world, and for good reason. Not only are the almost singlehandedly responsible for gaming's place in pop culture today, but their many mascots and franchises are beloved the world over, from Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Metroid, Kirby, and many more. There appears to have been a paradigm shift in recent years, however. As years go by, Nintendo seems to care less and less about the fanbase that brought them where they were today. Between their lack of new IP's for the Wii, or their blatant refusal to bring highly demanded titles to North America, it is clear that Nintendo has seen better days. However, there is a company that is actively trying to take Nintendo's place: Sony."
there not wrong, Nintendo has really been going down hill since the Wii. now with the announcment of the WiiU I'm convinced they could care less about their actual fanbase and really only want the casuals. theres only one problem, MS has captured them with Kinect. Sony will have the actual games people care about and create new IP's like Nintendo once did
the only thing left in them is the nostalgia created by their old IP's created long ago, which really have run out of steam but with games that old people will always go back to them no matter how bad they are
Thanks for the link. I have been trying to say this all along. Fact is i didn't start my gaming with the NES. I started with the Atari 2600. When games were just once static screen, and all you have is your own imagination.Many people around here don't know what that is like, but I do. I then moved into nintendo consoles which i owned allof them except the nintendo wii and the nintendo ds, and I sure as hell have zero intention to buy the wiiu (terrible name BTW!).
The reason why i didn't put myself in the situation of wasting my time playing games on the wii or nintendo ds is because nintendo has been stuck in the 90's for many years now. All those people like me who bought and play all those awesome games on the NES,gameboy,SNES and nintendo 64 have much higher standards today. Playing the same old franchises for nostalgia doesn't cut it anymore. All the gamers like me who put nintendo where it is today, already grew up, but nintendo hasn't. That is nintnedo biggest problem, and I'm really sure just like i saw it happen with Atari and Sega. nintendo's downfall will be coming soon. I sure as hell don't want this to happen to one of my favorite companies that game games to play for hours and hours of fun, or I can honestly say that if tomorrow they stop making nintendo consoles and games. I can't say that they will be missed. It has been the same old games and franchises over and over for the last 3 generations. I can sure as hell today live and continue to game without nintendo.
It has come down to the point where nintendo is no longer relevant anymore.
It benefits me as a gamer if I know what a system is about. What the stupid gaming media, or devs want to call it is not really important. As a Wii owner I know if I buy the system I'm going to get good games in continuing franchises and some third party sprinkles. If I can't handle that I go else where. Nintendo carved its identity with its games and that makes it easy for consumers to see if they like what is being offered. MS did a similar thing. Sony is just all over the place. core gamers and press is not what identity is about. How can Sony be the Next Nintendo if Sony can't even figure out what message Sony wants to send people with their games? And the PS systems (all 2 of them) had an identity as well. No one picks up PS systems to play shooters or WRPGS. Hate to say it but there is nothing sooo varied about the PS3. 3-3 1st party games most of which are mid teir is nothing worth getting excited about.ActicEdgeIdentity did not help NIntendo twice,it was the gimmic motion control what did the trick. NIntendo is never willing to loose anything in order to give its user case something of good value,they are the most stagnated company in gaming,its core games are basically the same games we have been playing for years now,Sony and MS actually try to move things up and are not scare of giving you some great value by loosing a few dollars,their platform have evolve while Nintendo ones had not,putting and alternate way of control is not evolution,Nintendo since the N64 has been all on with weird controllers. Sony has tons of games,and not juts kiddy games,sony can't figure out what message they send to their user base,yet they sold more than 100 million units twice with their console.
You should publish your own joke book. :lol:sony doesnt even make the same kind of games as nintendo really
smg games>>>any ps3 games
There are so many things wrong with this argument i don't know where to begin. Motion controls were not new in gaming,Microsoft had a line of those before the Gamecube was born even less the Wii,sidewinder freestyle,id doesn't matter the excuse you want to make it,there was motion controls period.Not to mention that the eye toy was another kind of motion control this one with a camera,funny it has sports games,exercise games 2 of the most successful games on wii. When the PS1 was release it did so for $299 dollars,by the time the N64 was close to launch the PS1 was already $249,but wait the N64 original price tag was $249 dollars,i know i pre-order mine back on the day,but as soon as it release it was drop to $199,not because NIntendo was the best,but because sony a few weeks before the N64 arrival lower the price of the PS1 to $199,forcing Nintendo to lower the price. The Gamecube while cheaper wasn't a console on which you could play a movie,but by the end of its life cycle on 2005,the GC was been sold for $99,while the PS2 was been sold for $129.The Wii outsold the xbox 360 and PS3 because of the gimic controller it has,not because NIntendo games or because NIntendo is quality,that same quality nintendo had it and the same games with the N64 and Gamecube,and the had the record for worst beating ever in the console market closely fallow by MS,the PS3 is not doing like the PS2,but is far from doing like the Gamecube or xbox,even that it release for $600 dollars. 1)The Wii was cheaper but over priced it was basically a Gamecube with motion control for $250 dollars making it one of the most over priced consoles ever.Also what you got on the PS3 at $600 dollars wasn't match by the wii cheap hardware or even the xbox 360 one,Blu-Ray stand alone was $1000 dollars on 2006,you wanted one and you had to spend that period,sony basically gave people blu-ray extremely cheap,so how can i hate a company who has given me a far greater value than any other console has in the history of gaming. 2)Sony had tons of games,i have been playing mario from the early 80's dude,even on N64 which was a failure Mario sold better than sony games,Nintendos platforms are always about their games,and their games always sell tons,is no secret,but they are not aggressive trying to find 3rd party games into their console,they could care less because they make their millions selling Nintendo stagnated crap,i am tire of rescuing the princes dude in both Mario and Zelda,i am not 10 years any more dude,the wii was a success,but now is been outsold by the xbox 360 and PS3,so when did that happen to the PS2.? The sales of the wii had dropped like a stone,because the platform loose it motion momentum,which is why they want to release a new console fast,they know the Wii sold fast but it doesn't have the staying power of the PS2,which still selling 11 years after been introduce,the PS2 will probably see the Wii die,even that it saw the N64 and gamecube die as well. 3)Gameplay matter more to Nintendo,that is a sad excuse bro,sony does care for gameplay and for online which Nintendo has no clue about and doesn't know what it is,now you start to understand why i say they are stagnated in the same place and don't want to move forward,well because they have mario and who cares about the future when they have kids that will buy their games no matter what. 4)False claims do you know that the sound chip on the Snes was make by sony,do you also know that the PS1 in it early days was a CD add on for the Snes.?Apparently you don't know anything about gaming,the PS1 was release on 1994 in Japan and on 1995 in US,the system was under development for years,before it was a separate console,it was part of Nintenos plan for gaming,before Nintendo stab them in the back. Should i point that Sony was the company actually bring some savings into the console market.? Do i have to tell you that before the PS1 games on Snes were $70 the lowest but mostly $80.? That even after the PS1 Nintendo N64 games were $70 and PS1 as low as $40,while the normal price was $50,Nintendo use to had a monopoly so bad that games were almost $100,now they sell games for $50,because the hardware in which they make it is old and under power,but look at the 3DS games and the way people had been complaining about its price. Nintendo doesn't want to evolve,they just want to keep giving the same mario and zelda crap i have been playing for years,i loved Mario 64,and even more Zelda OOT,but Nintendo's newest franchise this gen has been Wii sports,the rest is basically recycle games,compare that to the land slide of games that had born on the PS3 from first party. 2)rotflol sony has never walked a mile in nintendos shoes
-- and they most certainly are not nintendo
last i checked they did not innovate bring new ways to control provide me with marioparty mariokart metroid ssb zelda pilot wings fzero pokemon , wii line , etc etc etc
and their consoles were never the cheapest of their gen and i doubt they ever will be psp vita is the only exception being on par, with 3ds for the wifi model but who said nintendo cant drop that price ,, they have room sony wont
so ya when that happens ya ill be leaving gaming,
cause they will never duplicate some one as good as nintendo i dont care who you are cause when nintendos at their best they cant be beat
sony tried so hard to be nintendo this gen with move did that work ,, hmm lets see--- no i still see wii out selling ps3 in the us and other countries outside japan -which is the only country ps3 leads weekly and that has not been that way for a long time
wake me up when its been leading for 4 yrs -5 yrs strieght in all major territories
cause they are stil behind xbox 360 as a matter of fact lol
face it tc sony will never be nintendo to be nintendo they have to meet the following criteria
1- release a system cheaper then the competitors-nintendo and microsoft-so far they only matched nintendos handheld with their wifi only handheld - but their consoles have always been same as ms or higher-this gen it launched at 600 vs 400 for xbox360 and 250 for wii
2 release these games on their system-mario kart metroid zelda fzero pilotwings nintendogs -ya the later even says it wont cause its nintendogs not sondogs lol also sales for ps3 exclusives are not comparable to nintendo wiis /ds games at all not even to its prodecessor-ps2 .or psp so calling sony nintendo ya right bud maybe if your talking about at nintendos worst time -gc/n64 then youd be right
3 gameplay matters more for nintendo -while online and hd matters more for sony so thats a no
4 been in this industry since 1983-japan 1985 us ,, ya they have not been out that long sony started consoles in 1995! have fun ,, with false claims
and as far as wii software goes sony vs nintendo , its to close ,, plus wii software sold more so ya
that dont count good third party titles , and dont say they do not exist i have a mind to list each and every game released on the wii that has been overlooked /under rated and under appreciated !
dont make me start now
cause that will be your mistake you make your bed you lay in and more time you take out of me typing , have a nice day
heres the first party count in case your interisted
nintendo has 1 aaae first party title 55 in all most score 8.5-and up with few 6.0 and under
sony in comparision has 0 first party titles that have scored a 10-mgs is not first party its a third party exclusive and gta iv most certainly is multiplat
they have 8.5 and up to but the sales is where wii comes in before i get to there-59 is where sony is at -does not include third party software exclusives only first and 2nd party
so dont bring multiplats in , cause its shared with microsoft and in some cases wii -cod 007 -the major ones any way , and when i mean major ips i mean ones that have been out since nes/snes etc like madden cod 007 driver -ps 1 era title crash guitar hero-ps2 gen , stuff like that ya ps3 360 see other titles wii dont have but those are miostly new ips and best suited for them platforms ,
so wii is not a failure in software thats just your opinion vs reality
wii has alot of good games that have been under appreciated this entire gen goldeneye zack and wiki no more heroes madworld to name a few
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