[QUOTE="ironcreed"] Wow....how suprising. Yet another wildly fanatical PS3 bashing thread left UNLOCKED that is full of nothing, but ridiculous, slanted, crystal ball, TROLL predictions regarding the PS3's and even the PS4's future, lol. Funny thing is that if someone made this against the 360, it would have been locked after the first post, and the creator would probably have been modded instantly.
Instead in this topic, we actually have a mod nearly backing up the topic creator, who is obviously a PS3 bashing troll. As should be evidenced by the numerous topics that he makes, that are all in the same trolling/PS3 bashing vein. I may be mistaken, but I thought deliberate trolling was a TOS violation, correct?
:cry: Do you need a tissue???
The original poster posted some very valid arguements. Just because it goes against all your fanboys belief's on how well the PS3 is doing, the bottom line and the facts point out the the PS3 is doing horrible, with no short sight relief in sight. Long term isn't looking all that promising either.
What even more disturbing, is obviously your one of these posters that hit the "report" button when it goes against your fanboy system. In jail, they have a term for that.
LOL...yet another perfect, and pathetic example of a FANBOY calling some else a fanboy, just because they happen to like the PS3. Newsflash, pal...I own a 360, and an Xbox as well. I just get tired of seeing the same people beat a dead horse everyday, with the same negative trolling posts, without ever weighing in on the positive aspects that the PS3 may offer as well in order to paint a more accurate picture.
In any objective, but NON BIAS assessment, you have to weigh the pros, with the cons, instead of PURPOSEFULLY focusing only on the negatives, over and over again, in order to try and obscure any positives. That is the work of a BIASED, trolling fanboy. Simple as that. I was just calling it as I saw it. Sorry you do not approve of my actually liking the PS3, in addition to the 360.
I will be the first to admit that the PS3 is having a rough time right now, man. But there are definitely some great games and features for it just over the horizon. At least I have an open, free mind, and can recognize, appreciate, and give credit where credit is due, instead of focusing all of my energies on being a hateful, pessimistic doomsday prophet against things that may not particularly appeal to me, but certainly do to others. That kind of action, and attitude reflects nothing but spitefull, mob rules mentality....like a pack wild chimps.;)Â
Save those tissues for yourself.
(EDIT) Oh, and just for your info, I never reported, I just posted, bud. And speaking of jail terminology...I suppose you are referring to "ratting", lol. You must know from experience, aye?
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