It really depends on what this Playstation Support low end "Don Mesa" meant when talking about AAA games (Industry large budget or fans critical reception). He's talking about economics, which makes me think his question in context was about comparing PS3 AAA or big budgeted titles to Vita AAA or big budgeted titles.
I wouldn't believe that support guy as the end all be all for an answer.
Very well said my brother
100% spot on
Took the words out of manys mouths
But leave it to Charizard the Playstation hater to spin negative Sony news any way he can
So brofists, where have you been this last year or so? System Wars missed your unique brand of insane fanatic Sony loyalty, bro. The other Sony fans just don't cut it compared to you.
LOL no way, is this another bro fists account. I don't recall anyone else having so many.
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