First of all, the studio seems to have an hoops-free relationship with Microsoft, that facilitated the delivery of the devkits:
The day we announced the studio, an hour later Im on the phone with our Microsoft rep. We have dev kits. Tell us where to send them. There were no hoops to jump throughthats just the relationship we have.
Of course thats not all, and Respawn started working on the game without any exclusivity in mind. Things changed when they realized the potential of the cloud feature brought by Windows 8 and Xbox One.
It allowed us to think of the game a little differently. That was the perfect solution.
Looks like Respawn has something similar to Forza Motorsport 5s Driveatar in mind, in get the AI to behave in a more human and natural way.
Of course, considering the fact that Sonys Shuhei Yoshida already confirmed that the PS4 has the same cloud-based capabilities, this begs the question on how long Titanfall will actually remain exclusive. It also makes me wonder on how the game will play on Xbox 360, that doesnt sport the same feature.
Personally, PC will remain my platform of choice for this game, considering that the precision delivered by mouse and keyboard easily wins me over, even if Zampella seems to think of it as an obstacle to the possibility of implementing cross-platform gameplay.
What about you? On what platform are you going to play?
So? I guess Cows are gonna somehow spin this as a good thing now since claiming BS for the last week right?
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