[QUOTE="warmaster670"]lol at all teh lemmings in denial, no ps3 piracy has nothing to do with no interest, or nothing worthwhile to pirate, or whatever BS excuse you want to fool yourself into thinking is true, since it came out theve tried and tried to hack it, even now there still trying to hack it, they simply cant do it yet, has nothing to do with a lack of interest.
if anything the ps3 would be even more interesting to hackers, since it would be a homebrewers paradise with its easily upgradable HDD, which would be pure gold for running games off the HDD, and BR being expensive isnt much of an excuse either, since theres been no success loading games off the HDD
So what is it then?? Software sales are ALWAYS behind the 360 and Wii despite piracy, and Bluray MOVIES are being pirated and they use the same discs, same encryption. So why arent PS3 software sales higher?? I mean people have no choice but to buy the legit version right?? Or why do the bluray movie hackers NOT pirate the games?? regardless of what you and i think, FACT is, bluray encryption has been broken, bluray MOVIES are being pirated, and the GAMES are not. what could that be besides lack of interest?? I own a PS3 too, but im not blind to the facts. Try to be an informed gamer, not a blind fanboy (not calling you one, im just saying :P )
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