1. Blu-ray support Blu-Ray could lose. then I 'll be left with a Blu-Ray player I don't want
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii Maybe,but I would like proof
5. Superior 3rd party support This may or may not be true,As of now Xbox 360 has the largest support,but this may change to either PS3 or Wii in the future.Many devolpers don't like PS3 due to it is too hard to develop for
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined. LOL,You wish,Xbox 360 beats it alone and many smaller devs. wont go PS3 cause high costs and hard development
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII. Resident Evil and GTAis coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 has a Halo,Gears of war,Mass Effect,Mistwalker games....., While Wii has Zelda,Mario,SSB,Metroid,Resident Evil....
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics? Why? Becuase PS3's controller is a gimmick,It is just an extra,not a new way of playing games,Tell me how say Final Fantasy will use the contro? MEtal GEar Solid? Even Kojima hates it.
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined. I think Wii is catching everyones intrest.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd. Prove It, I also think of Xboxs as the system with the most adult,It was tons of shooters,Sports game......
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24. ROFL,I have an Xbox 360,And if Sony has a Better Online,I will shot my foot,I had a Ps2 and a Xbox last gen and PS2 was my favorite,But Xbox's online was suprior,I mean Microsoft owns it and Microsoft is the computer people
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft. Really,I haven't seen one ad for the Ps3 yet,Xbox 360 has tons of ads,even a MTV special,even though it sucked,they have deals with Best Buy Wal-Mart for advertising, Bill Gates has the deepest pokets in the world,His name can advertise things he has so much money
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems. Really?,Only the crappy Sony owned ones,Causals ONLY buy EA Sports games,trust me,I tried to to get my ultra causal friend to play NFL 2K5 a couple years back and he was like WTF,get the POS away from me
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