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[QUOTE="NintendoHate"]1. Blu-ray supportNECR0CHILD313
I've been dying for this! :? I'm sure everyone else has as well!
2. RSX processor3. Cell chipNintendoHate
Sounds good! I actually applaud greater hardware, but at an affordable rate?
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and WiiNintendoHate
Sega Saturn had better graphics than SNES
5. Superior 3rd party supportNintendoHate
Historically, this is Sony's strong point. However, I've seen more parties speak their interest in Nintendo at this point in time, and most 3rd party games are multiplating to the more affordable 360 as well.
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.NintendoHate
"Coming Soon"
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.NintendoHate
ROFL. Check your list again.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?NintendoHate
Warhawk demo. I'm sure the PS3 controller will be great for FPS.
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.NintendoHate
...until E3 2006
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd.NintendoHate
Likewise with a pron shop
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.NintendoHate
...but your PSP works as a rear view mirror for RIIIIIDDGE RACER!
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.NintendoHate
crystal ball perhaps?
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.NintendoHate
Ok, now you're talking. I want a PS3 now!
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.NintendoHate
More Square-Enix, you mean
15. More sports games that the other two systems.NintendoHate
I'm not 100% certain on sports games, since I don't play them, but from what I've noticed is they multiplat like crazy. Can you support this? Or are you spewing.
Nice saying NECRO!!! Plus your sig rocks because its true :lol:
But I have to say that I thought that Saturns graphics were more superior than Playstation graphics??? Plus you shoud have said that the Wii's motion sensoring is greater than the PS3
NintendoHate, rather than retaliating with stupid arguments like, "you can't spell, so I'm not listening to you", could you actually respond to the billions of posters who have gone down your list and disproven half your points? Oh, that's right, you can't. Cause you've been pwned. Get over it.Daynus
NintendoHate, get back to this thread and accept ownage like a man. You really don't know what you're talking about. And everyone hear at your thread has already owned you so stop hiding and stop crying because if you don't accept ownage then you will be further owned in the future.FireEmblem_ManOtherwise I'll place your "facts" in my sig :P
[QUOTE="FireEmblem_Man"]NintendoHate, get back to this thread and accept ownage like a man. You really don't know what you're talking about. And everyone hear at your thread has already owned you so stop hiding and stop crying because if you don't accept ownage then you will be further owned in the future.gamestar412Otherwise I'll place your "facts" in my sig :P
Do it, then. I don't mind, at least it will make NintendoHate know that he is a blind cow.
1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
5. Superior 3rd party support
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
Uhh you do realize that Resident Evil WILL be coming out for the Wii so you fail. Why pay 600$ for a dumbed down version of the nunchuck (already dumbed down from the Wii-mote)Â which will probably used for only a few games. How can you play Warkhawk while you moving around like an idiot, HOW THE HECK are you supsose to hit buttons to shoot when you are flying with the centroller while it's tillted it just wont work like the Wii-mote will.
I wont even bother with the gimick coment because pretty much everything on the PS3 is a gmimic. Seriously I have lost all will to try to be a mati-core because of people like you.Â
1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
5. Superior 3rd party support
Superior? The devs say it's to hard to develop for the Ps3.
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.Â
GTA is no longer exclusive.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics? Â
The Ps3 controller is limited to dog fighting.
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
That was before E3 2006.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd.
Non-gamers are a larger audience than casuals.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
you fanboys are crazy, PS2 owned everything last year from start to finish. Why would microsoft and nintendo, who havn't changed their philosophy, suddenly not suck?kawakev Â
"History doesn't always repeat itself". Oh, and read this article.
look at number 7. he saying gta only for ps3 :lol:
so if he can do that. i i guss the next gen console nintendoremote will win next war. there now you know what to buy later this year ;)
Oh now this is just sad. Half of this rubbish isn't even true, oh wait, make that 3 quarters of it.1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
5. Superior 3rd party support
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
1. Blu-ray support The main reason Sony is giving to justify the price, really isn't worth that much to me.
2. RSX processor Inferior to the GPU the 360 uses.
3. Cell chip Not suited to gaming at all.
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii Really? I havn't noticed, indeed a think the 360's graphic often look better but not by much.
5. Superior 3rd party support More expensive to devolp for means that the third parties will be much more inclined to make games for the 360 and Wii, espically since the 360 will have a large userbase at the time the PS3 is released.
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined. ...what? Care to provide me with evidence because I very much doubt that.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII. GTA4 and Resident Evil5 have already been announced for the 360, the Wii will have brillaint first party games which will of course be exclusive and the 360 will have great second party support, only available for the 360 and for some the PC.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics? Why settle for something with inferior motion sensing, indeed you could buy a 360 and a Wii for the price of the PS3 and have the best of both worlds.
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined. Did you see the hype over the Wii's name alone? Unfortunatly lots of the media coverage the PS3 recieves is negative thanks to downgrades (and Ken Katugari and Phil Harrison of course).
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd. Perhaps so, but not by a huge margin if that's true, I would suspect the 360 would get the most, but honestly how the hell can you tell how many different types of games will be realeased three, or four years down the line?
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare. Using the PSP as a wingmirror isn't a gimmick? How about using the eyetoy to 'scan' cards into games.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24. You think the PS3 will have superior online? Regardless of the fact that Microsoft has been polishing Live for years and Sony paid very little attention to the PS2's online element. Oh of course, it'll be free. It's not like it costs money to maintain servers and so on -.-
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft. Again, did you see how much free advertisment Nintendo got over the name? Plus, every Friday night I'll see nintendo advertising the DS on channel 4, I very rarely see Sony adds. Microsoft organises loads of events and competitions to advertise the 360, for instance the Pepsi win a 360 every minute thing. Honestly, who do you think will have a bigger advertising budget, Sony or Microsoft?
14. More RPGs than the other two systems. Again, it's hard to see three, four years down the line.
15. More sports games that the other two systems. Same point as the above, but most sports games are ported to all possible platforms.
 Â[QUOTE="kawakev"]you fanboys are crazy, PS2 owned everything last year from start to finish. Why would microsoft and nintendo, who havn't changed their philosophy, suddenly not suck?Stabby2486
"History doesn't always repeat itself". Oh, and read this article.
History does repeat itself, and just like nintendo sony will lose after being on top for a while
Lets get some perspective on this post.
1. Blu-ray support/ Technically a more advance format than DVD. Contray to the idiots on these forums no devco has come out to say they don't need it.
2. RSX processor/ Greater raw horsepower than ATI's offering on 360.
3. Cell chip/ Advance multi thread architecture similar to the areas Intel are exploring for future iterations of PC CPU.
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii/ Lets speak english in this category and not get lost in numerical mumbo jumbo. RSX has greater raw power than Xenos. History tells us that the system latest to the market tends to be the graphically superior. It's not rocket science.
5. Superior 3rd party support/ Greater Japanese support
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined./ Sorry. Can't agree with this. Don't know for sure.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII./ This isn't exactly true.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics? Possibly because the Wiimote has greater degree of interaction with games than Sony's controller.
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined./ There's some truth to this. PS2 has larger market penetration. There is greater brand awareness of the Sony brand. So, on the face of it, this makes sense.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd./ Than Wii, maybe. I doubt how this statement holds up against 360 with games like Gear of War and Halo 3.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare./ Warioware is too cool. No.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24./ How do you know this?!
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft./ Judging by the way Ninty and Microsoft are advertising at the moment I wouldn't take this for granted.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems./ Historically this is true, though I suspect the other two will have something to say about that.
15. More sports games that the other two systems./ I think M$ has proven over the course of last gen that in the western market at least it can compete with $ony in most genres.
The OP is clearly a fanboy, but I thought this could rationalise the topic.
1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
5. Superior 3rd party support
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to the mature crowd.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
Oh god. Wiiconnect24 is not even the online service of Wii. It's the Wi-Fi connection. WiiConnect 24 is the program that let you download things like patches, new maps or new items on Wii even if the console is off or on sleep mode. The only thing that can stop the Wiiconnect24 is to unplug the console. Â
Have fun with your last gen controller. I want new challenges and PS3 doesn't have any new challenges in gameplay. Wii controller has motion sensors too. It has tilt, motion sensor, gyroscope and accelerators. The PS3 controller is nothing more than a PS2 controller with motion sensors.
You don't know what you're talking about.
not when it just lost its top exclusive , assasins creed......GuiltysparkHALO
Ubisoft July 4th: Ubisoft have confirmed no such thing. Assassin's Creed will come on PlayStation 3 and at this time, no other platform has been confirmed.
Not the same arguments. I only call it like I see it. Face the facts. Face the music.
Same old arguments. Yawn. "Bu Bu teh cell" give me a break. :lol:luigigreen
I only speak the truth brother. The sooner people come to realize that the Wii is a lost cause, the better this world will be.
Why did you bump this thread? Your arguements are even more laughable now than they were last year.TyrantDragon55
I only speak the truth brother. The sooner people come to realize that the Wii is a lost cause, the better this world will be.
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Why did you bump this thread? Your arguements are even more laughable now than they were last year.NintendoHate
That lost cause is outselling the PS3 by what? 3:1?
care to try again?1. Blu-ray support The price seems to scare people away... Mabey DVD would have been better
2. RSX processor The average consumer wouldn't know about this, so it won't realy influence sales
3. Cell chip Again, the average consumer wouldn't know
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii The most powerful onsole has never won
5. Superior 3rd party support That's an oppinion. I'm not actually interestd in many of the 3rd party games on the ps3
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined. Mabey. I'm not going to count and verify this
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII. Many of these are multiplats
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics? The wii's motion is much better than the ps3's. all the sixaxis does is measure tilt. The wii does all movement
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined. So why isn't it selling as much as the competition?
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd. The xbox does pretty well with M rated games
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare. That's a bad thing for the people who like those games. Having less variety is never good.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24. Oppinion
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft. Too bad so many people say the commercials suck
14. More RPGs than the other two systems. this isn't going to have a huge impact
15. More sports games that the other two systems again, this won't have a huge impact. people don't buy 2 or 3 baseball games per yearNintendoHate
That's a few months worth of sales data. If you base the Wii's success off of that, then your reasoning fails. Sales numbers fluctuate all the time. Just look at how sales numbers looked when the N64 and PSone first came out. At first the sales for the N64 were surpassing those of the PSone. But then what happened later?--The PSone crushed the N64. History will repeat itself.
[QUOTE="NintendoHate"]I only speak the truth brother. The sooner people come to realize that the Wii is a lost cause, the better this world will be.
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Why did you bump this thread? Your arguements are even more laughable now than they were last year.TyrantDragon55
That lost cause is outselling the PS3 by what? 3:1?
That's a few months worth of sales data. If you base the Wii's success off of that, then your reasoning fails. Sales numbers fluctuate all the time. Just look at how sales numbers looked when the N64 and PSone first came out. At first the sales for the N64 were surpassing those of the PSone. But then what happened later?--The PSone crushed the N64. History will repeat itself.
I only speak the truth brother. The sooner people come to realize that the Wii is a lost cause, the better this world will be.
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Why did you bump this thread? Your arguements are even more laughable now than they were last year.NintendoHate
That lost cause is outselling the PS3 by what? 3:1?
Yes they do, but right now there is no indication that the PS3 will overtake anything, so your reasoning basically comes down to history repeats itself and the good old crystal ball arguement. If you want to use history repeats itself, than sony is doomed due to the third console curse and the fact that no $600 system has ever succeeded.
That's a few months worth of sales data. If you base the Wii's success off of that, then your reasoning fails. Sales numbers fluctuate all the time. Just look at how sales numbers looked when the N64 and PSone first came out. At first the sales for the N64 were surpassing those of the PSone. But then what happened later?--The PSone crushed the N64. History will repeat itself.NintendoHateyoure right. history will repeat its self. no company has ever been on top for 3 generations, and now sony is sitting in 3rd place.
1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
...And?These things don't mean anything to why the PS3 will win,unless you can explain them further.
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
It is superior to the Wii (of course),but I'm not really sure if it has better graphics than the 360.
5. Superior 3rd party support
I'm pretty sure it's not better than the 360's,as it has been out for much longer.
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
Do you have any link to verify this?
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.
Guess what?The other consoles have major games and system sellers,too!:o
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?
What the Sixaxis has is barely motion sensing.It's only tilt,while the Wii-mote has full (superior) motion sensing.And while the Wii may not have as good of graphics as the PS3,the PC has better graphics than all 3 consoles,so why settle for something inferior like the PS3 then?:wink:
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
Is that why the PS3 is last in sales?:|
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
No comment for these two.:|
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
No.No,it's not superior to Xbox Live.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
Not really sure about these two.It may have or may not have more of those,but not everyone like them.
And with a name like NintendoHate,should we really take you seriously?
So PS3 is the 'clear winner?' Last time I heard that was when Geotge Plimpton said Intellavision was the clear winner over Atari 2600. We all know Intellivison dominated the 2600...
THIS THREAD IS A YEAR OLD. stop now. for the good of system wars.martin_fagreed. This is one freakin year old!!! Oh and yea, ps3 sure is the winner, ROFL at grill pic on first page
If you want to be the winner, you need to start outselling the GBA consistently.ZinkOxide
Ouch. Salt, meet wound.
Yeah it's clearly the winner alright
Lol, coming from a 360 fan boy thats funny. Go to youtube and type in "xbox 360 overheating" and take a look. You'll have plenty to choose from.
That was posred last year. Way to self own yourself...
Yeah it's clearly the winner alright
Lol, coming from a 360 fan boy thats funny. Go to youtube and type in "xbox 360 overheating" and take a look. You'll have plenty to choose from.
That was posred last year. Way to self own yourself...
Yeah i just noticed that. Its "posted" by the way. But its nice to look back a year later and see how many more problems the 360 has than the PS3.
Yeah it's clearly the winner alright
Lol, coming from a 360 fan boy thats funny. Go to youtube and type in "xbox 360 overheating" and take a look. You'll have plenty to choose from.
lmao you could do the same thing with ps3 actually. Better yet, search "ps3 price"
[QUOTE="Big_player"]most of those mean nothing to the casual gamer, which is the biggest market for console and game sales. most people dont know what blu-ray or cell is. they also dont know future games for the system or whos developing them. what most of them look at is brand name and price. although playstation is a huge brand name i dont know if its big enough to overcome a $600 price tag.NintendoHate
Sure they will. Remember when the PS2 launched and people were initially apprehensive about the $400 price tag? Many people even paid twice that amount on ebay for it. All retail outlets were sold out. Think that won't happen again? Keep dreaming.
So why isn't it happening now? It seems to me that you are the one who's dreaming.
You guys understand this is a joke topic right? The immaturity and obvious inability to formulate a logical argument should've given that one away before you finished the first sentence. It's funny, whenever I see someone on the internet tell someone that they don't have a life, I usually chuckle because they have no way of knowing that over the internet. In this case, however, I think we know it to be true.
Judging from the time stamps, it's obvious that this kid has thought about a year old internet forum thread consistently enough to revive it after a year of being idle. Just look at yourself kid, do the normal world a favor and delete your account.
not when it just lost its top exclusive , assasins creed......GuiltysparkHALOactually 360 lost that 1, it was shown a year Earlier on the 360 as Project assassin and then showed the next on PS3.
[QUOTE="GuiltysparkHALO"]not when it just lost its top exclusive , assasins creed......GarchomProactually 360 lost that 1, it was shown a year Earlier on the 360 as Project assassin and then showed the next on PS3.
Wasn't it first announced as an exclusive for the PS3 though?
1. Blu-ray support
2. RSX processor
3. Cell chip
4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii
5. Superior 3rd party support
6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.
7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.
8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?
9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.
10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd.
11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.
12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.
13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.
14. More RPGs than the other two systems.
15. More sports games that the other two systems.
The sixaxis controllers motion sensing is very limited while the wiimote's recognizes all kind of motion.
[QUOTE="GuiltysparkHALO"]not when it just lost its top exclusive , assasins creed......GarchomProactually 360 lost that 1, it was shown a year Earlier on the 360 as Project assassin and then showed the next on PS3.
From this link:
Considered by some to be a possible "system seller", many (Microsoft included, no doubt) were shocked to find out that it was only announced for the Playstation 3 at this year's E3.
That's right kiddies, it was a PS3 exclusive first.
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