Sony's PS3 is the clear winner. Please cease all further arguments.

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#151 Skipper24
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

That's a few months worth of sales data. If you base the Wii's success off of that, then your reasoning fails. Sales numbers fluctuate all the time. Just look at how sales numbers looked when the N64 and PSone first came out. At first the sales for the N64 were surpassing those of the PSone. But then what happened later?--The PSone crushed the N64. History will repeat itself.


I only speak the truth brother. The sooner people come to realize that the Wii is a lost cause, the better this world will be.

[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Why did you bump this thread? Your arguements are even more laughable now than they were last year.NintendoHate

That lost cause is outselling the PS3 by what? 3:1?

Yes, sales numbers fluctuate. But don't you think it's still premature to conclude which console will win?

(Unless, of course, you are one without logical thinking skills.)

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#152 Cubs360
Member since 2006 • 3771 Posts

1. Blu-ray support

2. RSX processor

3. Cell chip

4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii

5. Superior 3rd party support

6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.

7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.

8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?

9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.

10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd.

11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.

12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.

13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.

14. More RPGs than the other two systems.

15. More sports games that the other two systems.


Nice list buddy, didn't agree with it then, and I sure as hell don't agree with it now. Sony Ps3 is in dead last, HA! and Owned!!

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#153 Skipper24
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Ok, I know this has already been done a million times but...

1. Blu-ray support

2. RSX processor

3. Cell chip

4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii

5. Superior 3rd party support

6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.

7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.

8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?

9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.

10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd.

11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.

12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.

13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.

14. More RPGs than the other two systems.

15. More sports games that the other two systems.


1. Blu-Ray is an unproven technology that isn't even getting much support. Sony jumped too far ahead when they decided to use Blu-Ray.

2. and 3. It's all up to the developers to actually use that power. Power unused is no power at all.

4. and 5. Again, all up to the developers. Also, the games out so far seem to say otherwise.

6. Maybe you need a chart to organize your data. And more isn't always better.

7. You apparantly did not consider the system sellers of the other consoles.

8. If you're a "graphicswhore", get a PC.

9. I think you should look at the sales charts again.

10. Games that aren't out yet are not games (they're ideas). If you have an accurate crystal ball,though, I'll let that pass.

11. No comment. That's your own opinion.

12. If you believe so, OK.

13. Microsoft has more money. More money to advertise.

14. If you like RPGs, good for you.

15. If you like sports, good for you. (Though seriously, play the real thing. It's better than a simulator.)

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#154 Sedin44
Member since 2007 • 1171 Posts

Ok, I know this has already been done a million times but...


1. Blu-ray support

2. RSX processor

3. Cell chip

4. Superior graphics to both XBox 360 and Wii

5. Superior 3rd party support

6. More games in development than both next generation systems combined.

7. The major games--the biggest system sellers--will only be coming to this system, such as: Metal Gear Solid 4, GTA, Resident Evil, & Final Fantasy XIII.

8. A controller that has motion sensitivity. Why buy a Wii, when your PS3 controller already has motion sensitivity? Why settle for something with inferior graphics?

9. There is more hype and consumer interest in this system worldwide that the other two next generation systems combined.

10. There will be more adult games and more games that cater to themature crowd.

11. No gimmick games like WarioWare.

12. An online play superior to both X Box Live and WiiConnect24.

13. More advertising power than both Nintendo and Microsoft.

14. More RPGs than the other two systems.

15. More sports games that the other two systems.


1. Blu-Ray is an unproven technology that isn't even getting much support. Sony jumped too far ahead when they decided to use Blu-Ray.

2. and 3. It's all up to the developers to actually use that power. Power unused is no power at all.

4. and 5. Again, all up to the developers. Also, the games out so far seem to say otherwise.

6. Maybe you need a chart to organize your data. And more isn't always better.

7. You apparantly did not consider the system sellers of the other consoles.

8. If you're a "graphicswhore", get a PC.

9. I think you should look at the sales charts again.

10. Games that aren't out yet are not games (they're ideas). If you have an accurate crystal ball,though, I'll let that pass.

11. No comment. That's your own opinion.

12. If you believe so, OK.

13. Microsoft has more money. More money to advertise.

14. If you like RPGs, good for you.

15. If you like sports, good for you. (Though seriously, play the real thing. It's better than a simulator.)

Blu-ray doesnt have support??? Its supported by all the major studios with the xception of universal. Its outselling HD-DVD. Either Blu-Ray will win or they both will. But Blu-Ray is here to stay.

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#155 blaznwiipspman1
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#156 p2rus
Member since 2005 • 2859 Posts
beat me to it, yeah bluray is probably going to become standard because almost all the studios are using bluray. it just pisses me off that children of men is hddvd only
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#157 Skipper24
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
By "not much support" I meant that Blu-Ray players (PS3s) aren't selling too well. Sorry for the confusion.