Thank you very much. NukePistolsYou're welcome :)
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I'm sorry but that product is going to fail so badly it's not even funny. It looks terribly outdated compared to the other two motion technologies, the controllers are ugly as sin, and any hype it could be building is getting stolen by Kinect.Theyhave tosell a ton of units in order to get developers to even consider making games for it and I just don't see that happening.
So let me get this straight. You think Move, that is more technologically advanced than the Wii's motion control, is gonna fail. However, you think Natal/Kinect is gonna be a big success?
For the record, both are going to be flops. Both are a little late to the party. The Wii owns the casual market, which is what Kinect and PSMove are aiming for. Too late. Even if both get positive reviews from their unveiling, the public isn't going to start buying PS3's and 360's in droves, especially when the new Wii bundle is out that includes two sports games, M+, and is only $200. Everyone is a little confused about both PSMove and Kinect, and they're as dumb as eachother. It'll be interesting how they will contribute to more mainstream titles (such as the Move for Socom, I don't know what Kinect has planned) but it's iffy at best.
[QUOTE="bphan"]That is exactly what I'm saying right there. To the average consumer there is no distinction between Sony's Move and the Wii so there is not the hype of cool new tech. Natal is different.I already have a wii. I don't need move. I'm gonna get Natal though.
Kinectimals - Eyepet, Nintendogs
Kinect Sports - Wii Sports
Joyride - Mario Kart Wii
Kinect Adventures - Wii Sports Resort
Dance Central - Just Dance
That is exactly what I'm saying right there. To the average consumer there is no distinction between Sony's Move and the Wii so there is not the hype of cool new tech. Natal is different.[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="bphan"]
I already have a wii. I don't need move. I'm gonna get Natal though.
Kinectimals - Eyepet, Nintendogs
Kinect Sports - Wii Sports
Joyride - Mario Kart Wii
Kinect Adventures - Wii Sports Resort
Dance Central - Just Dance
Don't even bother. It's just a 360 fanboy trying to justify that Natal/Kinect is this revolutionary new thing, when it's old. Very, very old, same goes for PSMove. It's all been done, bro.
Oh noes! Greg Miller: So, Ryan, I was caught off guard tonight. I never hated the PlayStation Move, but after this evening's event, I'm actually really excited about it -- about SOCOM 4 feeling great with the Move, about Start the Party being fun, and about where the tech could go. Am I crazy? What did you think? Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate. Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock. Greg Miller: I think playing with it is a big thing, but I think that it helps that the demos were farther along. I mean, how was Sports Champions running for you? I know at GDC some folks complained that there was a bit of lag in the moves. Ryan Clements: No lag that I could notice, but I only played the two events. I mean, the character animations aren't going to win any awards, but when it comes to the raw gameplay, that's where I felt satisfied. I totally forgot to mention this, but I got super-excited when I saw you doing the tech demo portion of the event, where you could create shapes in real 3D by moving your hands around on screen. That was some Minority Report level stuff, man. It blew my mind. Imagine controlling a super-sleek interface of some futuristic war machine like that. I think I just blew up my brain. soapandbubblesWell that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.
[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"]Oh noes! Greg Miller: So, Ryan, I was caught off guard tonight. I never hated the PlayStation Move, but after this evening's event, I'm actually really excited about it -- about SOCOM 4 feeling great with the Move, about Start the Party being fun, and about where the tech could go. Am I crazy? What did you think? Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate. Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock. Greg Miller: I think playing with it is a big thing, but I think that it helps that the demos were farther along. I mean, how was Sports Champions running for you? I know at GDC some folks complained that there was a bit of lag in the moves. Ryan Clements: No lag that I could notice, but I only played the two events. I mean, the character animations aren't going to win any awards, but when it comes to the raw gameplay, that's where I felt satisfied. I totally forgot to mention this, but I got super-excited when I saw you doing the tech demo portion of the event, where you could create shapes in real 3D by moving your hands around on screen. That was some Minority Report level stuff, man. It blew my mind. Imagine controlling a super-sleek interface of some futuristic war machine like that. I think I just blew up my brain. Firelore29Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
I already have a wii. I don't need move. I'm gonna get Natal though.
That is exactly what I'm saying right there. To the average consumer there is no distinction between Sony's Move and the Wii so there is not the hype of cool new tech. Natal is different.:|
Kinectimals - Eyepet, Nintendogs
Kinect Sports - Wii Sports
Joyride - Mario Kart Wii
Kinect Adventures - Wii Sports Resort
Dance Central - Just Dance
...sigh... it's different. My kids can play the Wii but if a game involves buttons they are lost. No buttons at all on Kinect.[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"]Oh noes! Greg Miller: So, Ryan, I was caught off guard tonight. I never hated the PlayStation Move, but after this evening's event, I'm actually really excited about it -- about SOCOM 4 feeling great with the Move, about Start the Party being fun, and about where the tech could go. Am I crazy? What did you think? Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate. Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock. Greg Miller: I think playing with it is a big thing, but I think that it helps that the demos were farther along. I mean, how was Sports Champions running for you? I know at GDC some folks complained that there was a bit of lag in the moves. Ryan Clements: No lag that I could notice, but I only played the two events. I mean, the character animations aren't going to win any awards, but when it comes to the raw gameplay, that's where I felt satisfied. I totally forgot to mention this, but I got super-excited when I saw you doing the tech demo portion of the event, where you could create shapes in real 3D by moving your hands around on screen. That was some Minority Report level stuff, man. It blew my mind. Imagine controlling a super-sleek interface of some futuristic war machine like that. I think I just blew up my brain. Firelore29Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it. WHAT? LOL...what is wrong with you? Why would buyers make a decision of weither to buy it or not based on how much improved or how original it is? what about how it feels and if it works? and from what we can tell it DOES! it's distinguished enough by the fact that MANY more hardcore games will behind it and the fact that it's enhanced. A PROVEN product! gsus!
Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="soapandbubbles"]Oh noes! Greg Miller: So, Ryan, I was caught off guard tonight. I never hated the PlayStation Move, but after this evening's event, I'm actually really excited about it -- about SOCOM 4 feeling great with the Move, about Start the Party being fun, and about where the tech could go. Am I crazy? What did you think? Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate. Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock. Greg Miller: I think playing with it is a big thing, but I think that it helps that the demos were farther along. I mean, how was Sports Champions running for you? I know at GDC some folks complained that there was a bit of lag in the moves. Ryan Clements: No lag that I could notice, but I only played the two events. I mean, the character animations aren't going to win any awards, but when it comes to the raw gameplay, that's where I felt satisfied. I totally forgot to mention this, but I got super-excited when I saw you doing the tech demo portion of the event, where you could create shapes in real 3D by moving your hands around on screen. That was some Minority Report level stuff, man. It blew my mind. Imagine controlling a super-sleek interface of some futuristic war machine like that. I think I just blew up my brain. Khadaj32
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Kinect: This Is How Not To Do It Sony
Dear Sony, With Microsoft's official reveal of Kinect in LA last evening I write to you to point out what I hope is something blindingly obvious, that's the way not to do it. Flash, pomposity, colour, an animatronic elephant – these are all good things to have, but the most important thing to show at a games convention is games. Bizarre, I know, but true. Microsoft stole your thunder a little last year when it revealed Natal (with Spielberg and a virtual boy attached) the day before you live demoed Move for the first time. That was difficult and I sympathise with any anger you may have felt about that. You showed live gameplay, Microsoft had a bunch of canned videos and yet they got all the press and hype. It wasn't fair, but time has eventually proved you right. We can now see Kinect for the EyeToy impersonator it truly is. Move may only be a HD Wii controller, but that's actually a good thing. Your technology is proven, we know that it's accurate, we know how it can enhance games, we know the kinds of new genres it can support. We also know that it will be very family friendly and offer some hardcore interest too. It's the best of both worlds and we're pretty excited. But now we need from you what Microsoft didn't give us. Games. The floor is yours. We thought it was an error to bundle in Move with your E3 conference, but now we think you've made the right choice. This is your chance to prove to everyone what having a controller in your hand, having accuracy of movement and fidelity of control means to gaming. By all means, throw us some bowling sims and a little lightsabre waving, but give us some meaty stuff too. Real games for those of us melded to our own sofas. If you can give us that then E3 is yours for the taking. And we only have half a day to find out if you can do it.
[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.Firelore29
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses. LOL WUT!?[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="soapandbubbles"]Oh noes! Greg Miller: So, Ryan, I was caught off guard tonight. I never hated the PlayStation Move, but after this evening's event, I'm actually really excited about it -- about SOCOM 4 feeling great with the Move, about Start the Party being fun, and about where the tech could go. Am I crazy? What did you think? Ryan Clements: Well, you're absolutely crazy, but I'm going to have to agree with you here. When I first tried the PlayStation Move tech out at the Game Developers Conference in March, I was totally unimpressed. The software just wasn't there. But now, the hardware is accurate and some of the games are actually a blast. Start the Party was surprisingly fun, and I actually loved Sports Champions. It's crazy accurate. Greg Miller: See, that's what I dug about SOCOM 4 -- the accuracy. When I was pressed up against a car for cover, popped out, and was able to use the Move to target a bad guy's foot behind a car, I was sold. It was quick and accurate. I don't know if I could've lined that shot up as easily with a DualShock. Greg Miller: I think playing with it is a big thing, but I think that it helps that the demos were farther along. I mean, how was Sports Champions running for you? I know at GDC some folks complained that there was a bit of lag in the moves. Ryan Clements: No lag that I could notice, but I only played the two events. I mean, the character animations aren't going to win any awards, but when it comes to the raw gameplay, that's where I felt satisfied. I totally forgot to mention this, but I got super-excited when I saw you doing the tech demo portion of the event, where you could create shapes in real 3D by moving your hands around on screen. That was some Minority Report level stuff, man. It blew my mind. Imagine controlling a super-sleek interface of some futuristic war machine like that. I think I just blew up my brain. soapandbubblesWell that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it. WHAT? LOL...what is wrong with you? Why would buyers make a decision of weither to buy it or not based on how much improved or how original it is? what about how it feels and if it works? and from what we can tell it DOES! it's distinguished enough by the fact that MANY more hardcore games will behind it and the fact that it's enhanced. A PROVEN product! gsus! Absolutly it matters. We are talking about a lot of money here. There are thousands of perphrials out on the market that have increadible functionality but that doesn't mean they sell well. If you can't call your friends over and say check out this and show them something that is new and impressive people are not going to want to buy it.
Rename your title to "Kinectic" and you will be right.
natal wont flop, it has a starwars game, its a kids dream.
Your right, it wont flop, it will fail.
Whats Kinetic?
[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.Firelore29
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses. LOL WUT Again the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality.And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
don't bother, his a fanboy in damage control. he knows his wrong, but his trying hard not to lose the arguement...yet he forgot what this Thread is actually called. LOL self ownage.LOL WUT Again the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality. for consoles? like the wiimote? GTFO! wii is proven and Move is better (tech) is will only succeed or atleast NOT fail. Kinect on the other hand looks to be heading straight to the ground. how did you even come about making this topic?[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Firelore29
[QUOTE="jyoung312"][QUOTE="soapandbubbles"] Well that was interesting. It's still basically a Wiimote though. Again sure it may work slightly better then the Wiimote but that's not going to distinguish it enough to make people buy it.Firelore29WHAT? LOL...what is wrong with you? Why would buyers make a decision of weither to buy it or not based on how much improved or how original it is? what about how it feels and if it works? and from what we can tell it DOES! it's distinguished enough by the fact that MANY more hardcore games will behind it and the fact that it's enhanced. A PROVEN product! gsus! Absolutly it matters. We are talking about a lot of money here. There are thousands of perphrials out on the market that have increadible functionality but that doesn't mean they sell well. If you can't call your friends over and say check out this and show them something that is new and impressive people are not going to want to buy it. exactly who with a 360 (gamers) is going to out and buy kinect and show it off to their friends? It's too late to appeal to the casual market. the wii has the casual market sewn up and they aren't going to buy something more expensive when everybody they know has the wii. both move and kinect will fail but kinect will fail harder b/c it's unproven and cost MS more than the move cost Sony b/c again sony had all the tech (eyetoy, motion sensors from sixaxis) they just put it together. MS might advertise the crap out of it but that hasn't work in the past for them to get the casual market they seek
LOL WUT Again the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality.[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Firelore29
Actually, there weren't. Similar functionality, maybe. But used for a mainstream purpose? No. And with the M+, it's pretty pinpoint accurate. Funny thing is, it isn't incredibly new anymore, and it still sells like hot cakes.
You really have no logical facts here, do you?
And the Kinect technology is basically the PSEye gone a tad farther, what's your point?
As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell.[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.soapandbubbles
Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
don't bother, his a fanboy in damage control. he knows his wrong, but his trying hard not to lose the arguement...yet he forgot what this Thread is actually called. LOL self ownage.Lol, the best kind of ownage. Best part is, after the Wii took repeated bashing for "casual gimmicky motion controls", the 360 gets in on it, and all of a sudden it's the coolest thing ever.
Ahh, irony.
I hope it and Kinect both do. I don't want the next gen to be made around motion controls are the main feature.
[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Firelore29
Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell.Oh, I'm sure some will sell, but not enough to break even. They're gonna lose money on this, as will the PSMove. Microsoft might as well come out with a handheld that employs two screens with one of them a touch screen, and market the hell out of it that it's "new and revolutionary." Same thing, pretty much.
[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] As stated on pages 1 and 2 Kinect will sell because of the huge amount of hype surrounding it. It's not about the actual technical functionality it's about how well it's marketed to the masses.Firelore29
Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell. you're like a broken record. NO one argued that it won't sell at first, it's the simple fact that will it deliver as promised and FAIL are in the end due to it not working as marketed. you're implying that even a rubbish product can selling millions and NOT fail because it's hyped and marketed enough.[QUOTE="Firelore29"]
LOL WUTsoapandbubblesAgain the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality.
Actually, there weren't. Similar functionality, maybe. But used for a mainstream purpose? No. And with the M+, it's pretty pinpoint accurate. Funny thing is, it isn't incredibly new anymore, and it still sells like hot cakes.
You really have no logical facts here, do you?
No I'm fairly certain you don't have any facts here. Natal was shown on Oprah, Jimmy Kimble Live, Jimmy Fallon. Heck my wife asked me about it after watching some show on Univision. The technology has to be sound but the hype is what will sell the tech and the hype surrounding Kinect is huge.[QUOTE="Firelore29"] Again the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality.
Actually, there weren't. Similar functionality, maybe. But used for a mainstream purpose? No. And with the M+, it's pretty pinpoint accurate. Funny thing is, it isn't incredibly new anymore, and it still sells like hot cakes.
You really have no logical facts here, do you?
No I'm fairly certain you don't have any facts here. Natal was shown on Oprah, Jimmy Kimble Live, Jimmy Fallon. Heck my wife asked me about it after watching some show on Univision. The technology has to be sound but the hype is what will sell the tech and the hype surrounding Kinect is huge. and what does that have to do with Natal succeeding and NOT failing? you can market and hype a product till you turn blue, but if it sucks it simply sucks and no one will care eventually. you're talking about the whole OMFG IT"S NEW!!! yet it's just an advanced eyetoy that seems like it won't do what was promised. dude just stop, you're been smashed here. gsus![QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="soapandbubbles"] So you're going by hype and marketing and what others WOW! MOVE is MUCH more comparable with the majority of games than the EYETOY RIP OFF KINECT. Can't wait to find out how you will RUN in a hardcore KINECT game. Start jogging...on the spot boy! lolsoapandbubblesYou can see Kinect everywhere and MS is not doing hardly any of that. Kinect is getting displayed everywhere you look because it's new. Yes it's essentaully an Eye Toy I 100% agree with that but that's not the point. There was motion sensing long before the Wii came out. Nintendo was simply able to capitalize on it because they got the message to the masses. Yes, HYPE creates attention and MANY will be impressed by it, but how can a product if it DOESN'T work a SUCCESS and sell millions, expecially after someone tries it out at a friends house and doesn't like it? MILLIONS AND MILLIONS won't blindly buy something that expensive because it's the COOL thing to do. you're grasping at straws, dude. A product has to be GOOD to be considered GOOD, hype and marketing alone can only go so far,before it's compared and considered a failure.
The wii says Hi!
[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell. you're like a broken record. NO one argued that it won't sell at first, it's the simple fact that will it deliver as promised and FAIL are in the end due to it not working as marketed. you're implying that even a rubbish product can selling millions and NOT fail because it's hyped and marketed enough. You are absoulty correct I am repeating myself and I need to get back to work. I have nothing more to add to this conversation. I've stated the way it is, and what will happen, perhaps you agree with me perhaps not but I'm tagging this thread for future refrence and I fully expect you all to admit you were wrong in a year or so.Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
Yes, HYPE creates attention and MANY will be impressed by it, but how can a product if it DOESN'T work a SUCCESS and sell millions, expecially after someone tries it out at a friends house and doesn't like it? MILLIONS AND MILLIONS won't blindly buy something that expensive because it's the COOL thing to do. you're grasping at straws, dude. A product has to be GOOD to be considered GOOD, hype and marketing alone can only go so far,before it's compared and considered a failure.[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] You can see Kinect everywhere and MS is not doing hardly any of that. Kinect is getting displayed everywhere you look because it's new. Yes it's essentaully an Eye Toy I 100% agree with that but that's not the point. There was motion sensing long before the Wii came out. Nintendo was simply able to capitalize on it because they got the message to the masses.T-razor1
The wii says Hi!
err, i was implying a BROKEN product. Wiimote works fine, or else it wouldn't have sold. this guy thinks that even if sh** was marketed enough and hyped people will pick it up and eat're like a broken record. NO one argued that it won't sell at first, it's the simple fact that will it deliver as promised and FAIL are in the end due to it not working as marketed. you're implying that even a rubbish product can selling millions and NOT fail because it's hyped and marketed enough. You are absoulty correct I am repeating myself and I need to get back to work. I have nothing more to add to this conversation. I've stated the way it is, and what will happen, perhaps you agree with me perhaps not but I'm tagging this thread for future refrence and I fully expect you all to admit you were wrong in a year or so. love the calm act to try and hide the fact that you've been owned hard. it's cute. don't forget to say YES SIR. good boy. simply put from what we can see now, Natal looks like sh** and Move looks really GOOD. you made a boo boo..TC.[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell.Firelore29
and what does that have to do with Natal succeeding and NOT failing? you can market and hype a product till you turn blue, but if it sucks it simply sucks and no one will care eventually. you're talking about the whole OMFG IT"S NEW!!! yet it's just an advanced eyetoy that seems like it won't do what was promised. dude just stop, you're been smashed here. gsus! soapandbubblesIf the technology works well enough to show on late night tv then it works well enough to sell to casuals.
[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] Again the Wiimote is really pretty inaccurate but it was increadibly new. There were other pieces of technology out on the market that had exactly the same functionality.
Actually, there weren't. Similar functionality, maybe. But used for a mainstream purpose? No. And with the M+, it's pretty pinpoint accurate. Funny thing is, it isn't incredibly new anymore, and it still sells like hot cakes.
You really have no logical facts here, do you?
No I'm fairly certain you don't have any facts here. Natal was shown on Oprah, Jimmy Kimble Live, Jimmy Fallon. Heck my wife asked me about it after watching some show on Univision. The technology has to be sound but the hype is what will sell the tech and the hype surrounding Kinect is huge.You crack me up.
There is a complete lack of hype. Besides needing Cirque de soleil to dance about the product, there is really no reason to watch something that has been done for the last 5 years, except without holding a controller in their hands. By the way, even the PS2 accomplished this with the Eyetoy. And your wife, eh? I'm sorry, she doesn't compare to the what, 60 million+ that bought a Wii for this very thing? There are several facts you're failing to consider, here.
The Wii is still publicly demonstrated all the time. Tiger Woods playing his own game, constant references to it in pop culture. Nintendo often advertise their first party titles, and I've seen more and more third party titles receive marketing support as well. It's a beast, and an established beast.
North America is still in a state of recession. People are going to see PS3 with motion technology at $400, 360 with motion technology at $450, or Wii with motion technology at $200. Which do you honestly think they're going to pick?
You act as if Sony have nothing new to show. I'm a fanboy of neither Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, but like someone said, Sony is using an established method with the remote + nunchuk, and they have the camera recognition, all of which will be packaged for $100. Microsoft has only the camera recognition, and while nifty, that alone won't maintain a consistent rate of sales.
You seem to be stuck on marketing = sales, when that's only half true. There are other aspects to consider, and you're blind to them. If the Wii didn't have motion controls and Sony wasn't coming out with them, Natal would destroy the market, sure. But releasing an accessory that has been done for years? Clearly your job doesn't involve sales or marketing, as you seem to conveniently forgetting about the competition. And regardless of what diehard 360 fans think, they don;t own 80% of the market with Nintendo and Sony scrapping out for the remaining 20%.
you're like a broken record. NO one argued that it won't sell at first, it's the simple fact that will it deliver as promised and FAIL are in the end due to it not working as marketed. you're implying that even a rubbish product can selling millions and NOT fail because it's hyped and marketed enough. soapandbubblesYou are absoulty correct I am repeating myself and I need to get back to work. I have nothing more to add to this conversation. I've stated the way it is, and what will happen, perhaps you agree with me perhaps not but I'm tagging this thread for future refrence and I fully expect you all to admit you were wrong in a year or so. love the calm act to try and hide the fact that you've been owned hard. it's cute. don't forget to say YES SIR. good boy. simply put from what we can see now, Natal looks like sh** and Move looks really GOOD. you made a boo boo..TC. Oh yea I fell throughly owned. Great work. You are a matter debater and I humbiliy bow to your amazing skill. Will you please scan and email me your autograph?
[QUOTE="soapandbubbles"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] You are absoulty correct I am repeating myself and I need to get back to work. I have nothing more to add to this conversation. I've stated the way it is, and what will happen, perhaps you agree with me perhaps not but I'm tagging this thread for future refrence and I fully expect you all to admit you were wrong in a year or the calm act to try and hide the fact that you've been owned hard. it's cute. don't forget to say YES SIR. good boy. simply put from what we can see now, Natal looks like sh** and Move looks really GOOD. you made a boo boo..TC. Oh yea I fell throughly owned. Great work. You are a matter debater and I humbiliy bow to your amazing skill. Will you please scan and email me your autograph?Firelore29
The fact that you resort to sarcasm without even implying the subject matter pretty much means you lose the debate.
No I'm fairly certain you don't have any facts here. Natal was shown on Oprah, Jimmy Kimble Live, Jimmy Fallon. Heck my wife asked me about it after watching some show on Univision. The technology has to be sound but the hype is what will sell the tech and the hype surrounding Kinect is huge.[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]
Actually, there weren't. Similar functionality, maybe. But used for a mainstream purpose? No. And with the M+, it's pretty pinpoint accurate. Funny thing is, it isn't incredibly new anymore, and it still sells like hot cakes.
You really have no logical facts here, do you?
You crack me up.
There is a complete lack of hype. Besides needing Cirque de soleil to dance about the product, there is really no reason to watch something that has been done for the last 5 years, except without holding a controller in their hands. By the way, even the PS2 accomplished this with the Eyetoy. And your wife, eh? I'm sorry, she doesn't compare to the what, 60 million+ that bought a Wii for this very thing? There are several facts you're failing to consider, here.
The Wii is still publicly demonstrated all the time. Tiger Woods playing his own game, constant references to it in pop culture. Nintendo often advertise their first party titles, and I've seen more and more third party titles receive marketing support as well. It's a beast, and an established beast.
North America is still in a state of recession. People are going to see PS3 with motion technology at $400, 360 with motion technology at $450, or Wii with motion technology at $200. Which do you honestly think they're going to pick?
You act as if Sony have nothing new to show. I'm a fanboy of neither Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft, but like someone said, Sony is using an established method with the remote + nunchuk, and they have the camera recognition, all of which will be packaged for $100. Microsoft has only the camera recognition, and while nifty, that alone won't maintain a consistent rate of sales.
You seem to be stuck on marketing = sales, when that's only half true. There are other aspects to consider, and you're blind to them. If the Wii didn't have motion controls and Sony wasn't coming out with them, Natal would destroy the market, sure. But releasing an accessory that has been done for years? Clearly your job doesn't involve sales or marketing, as you seem to conveniently forgetting about the competition. And regardless of what diehard 360 fans think, they don;t own 80% of the market with Nintendo and Sony scrapping out for the remaining 20%.
Both the move and yeahJust like how the move sucks?But the move is exactly like the wii.The kinect is an improved eyetoy that lets you do moregenarollThe Move is not "exactly" like the wiimote. It uses the PSEye and you can do more than just play games as demonstrated in this video:
Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell.[QUOTE="Firelore29"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]
Lol, hype. The 3DS has hype. Zelda Wii has hype. Halo and KZ3 have hype. Natal and PSMove have all eyes on them to see who is going to fail harder.
And that train of thought is badly flawed. If you're old enough to have kids you should be old enough to think logically. Nintendo Wii is only $200, and includes two games with a bunch of motion controlled mini games on them, plus the M+. For $200. The PSMove is believed (or confirmed? Not sure) to cost $100, and Kinect is obviously not going to cost any less than that. Maybe the same, but probably a little higher, around $150. Speculation of course, but probably accurate. So please, tell me why casual gamers are going to drop $400+ for either of the HD's plus their respective motion controlled peripherals whe they can get the Wii for half that?
Keep in mind something else. Casuals have no clue what E3 is. They don't keep up with gaming news, their only exposure is television commercials. As for marketing, I've seen a helluva lot more PS3 commercials than 360 ones. The last 360 one I saw was Mass Effect, while the MLB 10 The Show one plays about a dozen times during the course of a ball game.
Oh, I'm sure some will sell, but not enough to break even. They're gonna lose money on this, as will the PSMove. Microsoft might as well come out with a handheld that employs two screens with one of them a touch screen, and market the hell out of it that it's "new and revolutionary." Same thing, pretty much.
I think both will lose money but I think realistically Kinect will lose more $$ b/c the tech is new to MS and they are putting tons of money into marketing. The move is basically combining sony's existing tech together. The move is basically eyetoy + light-wand that has motion sensors built-in. The only new part is the light tracking part as the sixaxis already has the motion sensors so they probably didn't have to do a lot of r&d. Basically, the move is a safer bet than the kinect and willing likely cost sony less in the long run.[QUOTE="Khadaj32"][QUOTE="Firelore29"] Casuals find out about great new games / tech because their sons, friends, and realitives show them something. When Kinect comes out they will show it off. Microsoft has already announced a new game system that will come with Kinect packaged. It will sell.jyoung312
Oh, I'm sure some will sell, but not enough to break even. They're gonna lose money on this, as will the PSMove. Microsoft might as well come out with a handheld that employs two screens with one of them a touch screen, and market the hell out of it that it's "new and revolutionary." Same thing, pretty much.
I think both will lose money but I think realistically Kinect will lose more $$ b/c the tech is new to MS and they are putting tons of money into marketing. The move is basically combining sony's existing tech together. The move is basically eyetoy + light-wand that has motion sensors built-in. The only new part is the light tracking part as the sixaxis already has the motion sensors so they probably didn't have to do a lot of r&d. Basically, the move is a safer bet than the kinect and willing likely cost sony less in the long run.Exactly. It's no secret that Microsoft are rolling the dice on this one. IF it works out, good for them, but I don't realistically see how it will. It's just too late, and the same goes for the Move. However, like you pointed out, the Move is just combining two pre-existing technologies together, and as a result is very cost effective. It doesn't win points for originality, but it's going to offer pretty much the same thing as Natal, with it being cheaper to make and cheaper to sell.
Gee, i wonder what people will think of the PS3 if one of it's accessories resembles something that's sold in adult stores.
Dude, gaming is covered with phallic shaped peripherals lol. It ain't new.
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