I think both will lose money but I think realistically Kinect will lose more $$ b/c the tech is new to MS and they are putting tons of money into marketing. The move is basically combining sony's existing tech together. The move is basically eyetoy + light-wand that has motion sensors built-in. The only new part is the light tracking part as the sixaxis already has the motion sensors so they probably didn't have to do a lot of r&d. Basically, the move is a safer bet than the kinect and willing likely cost sony less in the long run.[QUOTE="jyoung312"][QUOTE="Khadaj32"]
Oh, I'm sure some will sell, but not enough to break even. They're gonna lose money on this, as will the PSMove. Microsoft might as well come out with a handheld that employs two screens with one of them a touch screen, and market the hell out of it that it's "new and revolutionary." Same thing, pretty much.
Exactly. It's no secret that Microsoft are rolling the dice on this one. IF it works out, good for them, but I don't realistically see how it will. It's just too late, and the same goes for the Move. However, like you pointed out, the Move is just combining two pre-existing technologies together, and as a result is very cost effective. It doesn't win points for originality, but it's going to offer pretty much the same thing as Natal, with it being cheaper to make and cheaper to sell.
I also think that the similarity to the wiimote makes the move easier for developers, as they have been working with wiimote for years so they know how to deal with a control paradigm like that, and can easily port wii games to ps3. Also, move should be relatively easy to implement in the genres and games that the hardcore games buy (see Socom4), whereas Kinect would take lots of time and development for developers b/c they haven't really worked with something like that. I think that implementing move controls should be easy, especially after hearing it only took zipper about a week to put them into Socom4, and the move will likely be optional for most games. You don't have to design your game around the move but you do have to design it around kinect, and thus I think Move will have more higher quality games in the long run.
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