as his/her primary (or only) console?
Heres a list of games, by genre, for each console currently released and furture release included. I wont even bother making claims such as "well its obvious that FF13 will be a btter game than Crystal Bearers" I'll just let the games speak for themselves. in some cases I'll combine genres which are very similar or put some games such as Metroid prime in general genres so as not to create an entire genre just for one game.
PS. dont complain about multiplats, its not my fault the wii is a neglected step-child.
360(20): Gears of war, Perfect dark 0, Halo 3, GRAW 1+2, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Call of duty 4, Orange Box, Bioshcok, Call of duty 3, F.E.A.R, army of Two, Kane and Lynch:deadmen, Timeshift, Turok, the Darkness, Frontlines:Fuel of war, Stranglehold, Unreal Tournament 3, Left 4 Dead
PS3 (18): Resistance, Call of duty 3, Call of Duty 4, F.E.A.R, The Darkness, Rainbow 6 Vegas, GRAW 2, Kane & Lynch, Army of Two, Fronline: Fuel of war, Haze, Stranglehold, Orange Box, Killzone 2, Unreal 3, Timeshift, Quake wars, Turok,
Wii (5): Metroid Prime 3, Call of Duty 3, Red Steel, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, resident Evil umbrella chronicles.
360(11): Oblivion, Kingdom Under Fire: circle of Doom, Lost Odessy, Fable 2, Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Blue Dragon, Two Worlds, Enchanted Arms, Infinite Undiscovery, Fallout 3
PS3 (11): Eye of judgement, Oblivion, FF13, FF Versus 13, Enchanted Arms, Elveon, Star Ocean 4, Disgaea 3, Last remnant, White Knight Story, Fallout 3,
Wii (7): fire emblem, Tales of Symphonia 2, Super Paper mario, Spore, Battalion wars, FF:Crystal Bearers, Monster Hunster 3,
360(19): Star Wars:Force Unleashed, Assassins Creed, GTA IV, Devil may Cry 4, Kameo, Ninja Gaiden 2, Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet, Ace Combat 6, Naruto:Rise of ninja, Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Dead Rising, Overlord, Crackdown, Condemned, Too human, alan Wake, Silent Hill 5,
PS3 (18): Star Wars: force Unleashed, Assassins Creed, GTA IV, Devil may Cry 4, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Uncharted:Drakes fortune, MGS4, Folklore, Warhawk, Lair, Resident Evil 5, Saints Row 2, Silent Hill 5, Lost Planet, Eight days, Heavy rain, Tom clancy's EndWar,
Wii(13): bleach, Twilight Princess, Manhunt 2, Resident Evil 4, Okami, Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Trauma Center:Second Opinion, Trauma Center New blood, Star Wars:Force Unleashed, No more Heroes, Ninja bread Man, Endless Ocean(forever blue), Elebits,
360 (4): Dead Or alive 4, Virtua Fighter 5, Soul Calibur 4, dead or alive 5
PS3 (4): Tekken 5, Tekken 6, Virtua fighter 5, Soul Calibur 4,
Wii (5): Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Naruto clash of ninja revolution, Soul calibur Legends, Guily Gear Accent Core, Mortal Kombat Armaggedon
360 (1): Banjo 3
PS3 (1): Ratchet and Clan: Tools of Destruction
Wii(2): Super Mario Galaxy, Dewy's adventure
360 (4): Forza 2, Project Gotham Racing 3, PGR 4, Need for Speed ProStreet
PS3(5): Need for Speed ProStreet, DiRT, Motorstorm, Ridge Racer 7, Gran Turismo 5
Wii (3): Mario Kart wii, Need for Speed ProStreet, Excite Truck
360 (8): Madden 08, Madden 07, fifa 08, NBA Live 08, Winning eleven 2008, NHL 08, NBA 2k8, MLB 07 The Show
PS3 (8): Madden 08, Madden 07, Winning eleven 2008, NBA 2k8, NBA Live 08, MLB 07 the show, NHL 08, Fifa 08
Wii(6): Mario and sonic at the Olympics, Mario Soccer, Madden 08, Winning eleven 2008, Madden 07, Fifa 08
360 (4): Guitar Hero 3, Beautiful Katamari, Viva Pinata, Rock Band
PS3(2): Guitar Hero 3, Rock band
Wii (8): Wiifit, Wiiplay, Guitar Hero 3, Zack and Wiki, Mecury meltdown, rayman raving rabbits 1+2, Super Monkey Ball,
So yea...thats the break down. Hit for Hit, genre for genre, game for game, I dont see why any serious gamer would choose the wii as his only console o.0
Um...because the serious gamer doesn't let people OTHER than himself decide what games he likes? :roll:Besides, REAL gamers base their opinion of a game on how much they LIKE the game, NOT on what platform the game is on.
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