@AzatiS said:
Splatoon is nowhere near of Zelda or Mario caliber ... Artistic wise, gameplay wise , graphics wise , soundtrack wise ,
Focusing on this exactly, right now you are differentiating time, money, and resources put into something vs something actually being done well. Mario has always had a good aesthetic work, but Zelda has been given a giant free pass in the most recent entries. For instance Wind Waker is an easy as **** game, but I would argue it makes sense in the context of The Wind Waker. It's entire presentation (visuals, music, even its plot) are a bit more up beat, there is more energy to it, more whimsical on some level. Makes the difficulty (albeit still dull, and thus a gameplay flaw; to me at least), acceptable. In contrast Twilight Princess goes back to this grainy dirty look of Ocarina of Time, and in typical Nintendo fashion it is polished. However the ease of difficulty is completely unjustified as it betrays the presentation more than anything given how dark that story gets, how grim aspects of that story are, and how the enemies are presented. Which there is context for a Zelda games presentation matching its gameplay in tone and difficulty spikes: Majora's Mask (not hard necessarily, but it's not a pushover).
Skyward Sword is a good color palate; it is however not a good art style, because there is no sense of direction to it. Matthewmatosis put it best when he said it was like this weird fusion of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, but without the benefit of both. It was different for the sake of being different.
Splatoon artistic wise, graphics wise, and soundtrack wise is probably one of Nintendo's best produced works in decades. I understand that is hyperbole in the context of how many exceptional games Nintendo has made, and for how long, but purely aesthetic direction Splatoon was in a class of its own last year. From how you move in the game, to how the mechanics work, to every splash and sploosh sound some dude must have slaved to get right, to the nature of the music and flowing dynamically with each multiplayer match, to even their story decisions in the campaign (that part is lackluster). So it absolutely is on that caliber, unless you have a reason why it's not as well done that goes beyond the following
A: the popular opinion doesn't agree
B: metacritic
Which are a logic fallacies in a debate, you're being a bit too free lance with your Triple A label as a catch all criticism.
@AzatiS said:
I think the example i game to charizard , Path of Exile vs Diablo 3, makes everything clear to what i mean by AAA caliber game.
Plenty of people would argue that Path of Exile was a significantly better game than vanilla Diablo 3.
@AzatiS said:
In the end youll tell me that Wii >> PS3/PC/X360 because of its sales , reception etc ... OR another fine example , since people playing WAY more than any other Shooter out there , Counter Strike GO that is , its AAAA title or something... Come on now. Lets be real here
Better platform? **** no. More successful platform? It's not even close.
And no i wouldn't call CSGO any stupid label like that, but I would say Counter Strike GO like any other great Counterstrike (1.6 and Source) is a great game.
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