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[QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?jg4xchampits how old?
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]Japan - 3.93 US - 3.09 Others - 2.7
That seems pretty equal. (Millions of sales for FF7)
[QUOTE="hayato_"] Final Fantasy will probably always stay with Sony thoughflashattackfina
Just like FF stayed with Nintendo?
do you even know why they left nintendo?Nintendo, for whom Square had developed all previous titles in the Final Fantasy series, had decided to continue to use cartridges for their upcoming Nintendo 64 console. This eventually led to a dispute and as a result, Square eventually decided to end their long, often tumultuous, relationship with Nintendo and announced on January 12, 1996 that they would be developing Final Fantasy VII for Sony's PlayStation system
Hmm cartridges to CD ROM
kind of like the transition from DVD to Blu Ray isn't it
When the 360 comes out with a SKU that has HD DVD then you might see Final Fantasy XIV in the years to follow the Final Fantasy XIII projects, but until then I doubt it
My argument here is that they don't need the Final Fantasy Title in order to impact the 360 sales in the West. With Last Remenant and Infinite Undiscovery they will do just fine ( or time will tell)
So what exactly does this mean? Will Square Enix start making WRPG's? If so, then bring it on! Hopefully they will be multiplat though...
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?flashattackfinaits how old?
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?flashattackfinaits how old?
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?jg4xchampits how old?
they also brought a psp for monster hunter, tekken, ace combat, Gundam games and Hot shot golf
its how old?[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?flashattackfina
they also brought a psp for monster hunter, tekken, ace combat, Gundam games and Hot shot golf
but the difference was when Crisis COre came out PSP outsold DS for consecutive months in Japan. NOt 1 month. Not 1 week.Well the first thing SE needs to do is stop the constant whoring of FF/KH/DQ games and give us something fresh and new. They either have to do this or make their games seem fresh in a way that Nintendo does with their IP's.BlackbondAs someone who owns a wii.
TP was the worst zelda (zelda 2 doesnt count) because it was such a rehash.TP was great!
Of course, I haven't played a Zelda since OoT a million years ago.
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"][QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]why did FFXI flop on the 360? lemmings?Jandurinits how old?
Americans and Euro view gaming alot differ than Asia
They meant that theyre game would appeal more too Westerns
Look at how loyal square is to sony compared 2 microsoft
TP was great![QUOTE="jg4xchamp"] TP was the worst zelda (zelda 2 doesnt count) because it was such a rehash.
Of course, I haven't played a Zelda since OoT a million years ago.
TP was an OOT knock off only does that translate to a huge ps3 game to 360?
SE just said that that the western markets are growing
Pffft, Good Luck. They never got a franchise or game for that matter off the ground here.
I literally couldn't care less for the company now a days, but if you look at their track record all the games they tried to get big here failed (Dragon Quest VIII is the poster child of this). While the two franchises they did get popular here got so in a "special" way.
SONY was the one who marketed FFVII for them (the one that made the series popular) and Kingdom Hearts had Disney characters to latch onto. Their other franchises such as Dragon Quest and the Chrono series have been failures in terms of getting mainstream sales.
Also I'm starting to see these (full 360 support confirmed threads) last time I checked people the Wii was leading in the West and the 360 isn't leading in Europe (part of the West). So not all of these probably soon to be failed games will go to the 360.
So basically didn't include FF and KH, because FF7 was advertised by Sony, and Kingdom Hearts included Disney Characters in it... thats lame of an excuse... There are tons of disney games out there, and yet don't have the succes Kingdom Hearts had (7th best selling PS2 games last gen) And FFX and FF12 didn't have any Sony advertisement and yet are 8th and 9th best selling PS2 games.Pffft, Good Luck. They never got a franchise or game for that matter off the ground here.
I literally couldn't care less for the company now a days, but if you look at their track record all the games they tried to get big here failed (Dragon Quest VIII is the poster child of this). While the two franchises they did get popular here got so in a "special" way.
SONY was the one who marketed FFVII for them (the one that made the series popular) and Kingdom Hearts had Disney characters to latch onto. Their other franchises such as Dragon Quest and the Chrono series have been failures in terms of getting mainstream sales.
Well the first thing SE needs to do is stop the constant whoring of FF/KH/DQ games and give us something fresh and new. They either have to do this or make their games seem fresh in a way that Nintendo does with their IP's.Blackbond
If they, along with all the other Japanese developers, did that then the Core Japanese Gaming Market would still be a healthy and viable market still.
unless this ff somehow ends up good, no one is going to care, everything past X has blown, and IX sucked also. mtradr43FFX good? HA! FF9 and FF12 were the last great FF titles tto come out
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"][QUOTE="Jandurin"]Japan - 3.93 US - 3.09 Others - 2.7
That seems pretty equal. (Millions of sales for FF7)
[QUOTE="hayato_"] Final Fantasy will probably always stay with Sony thoughhayato_
Just like FF stayed with Nintendo?
do you even know why they left nintendo?Nintendo, for whom Square had developed all previous titles in the Final Fantasy series, had decided to continue to use cartridges for their upcoming Nintendo 64 console. This eventually led to a dispute and as a result, Square eventually decided to end their long, often tumultuous, relationship with Nintendo and announced on January 12, 1996 that they would be developing Final Fantasy VII for Sony's PlayStation system
Hmm cartridges to CD ROM
kind of like the transition from DVD to Blu Ray isn't it
When the 360 comes out with a SKU that has HD DVD then you might see Final Fantasy XIV in the years to follow the Final Fantasy XIII projects, but until then I doubt it
My argument here is that they don't need the Final Fantasy Title in order to impact the 360 sales in the West. With Last Remenant and Infinite Undiscovery they will do just fine ( or time will tell)
It doesn't matter if MS comes out with a SKU with a HD DVD drive. Bcause they'll still use their DVD 9 disc because that will force everybody to up greade and not everyone wants to do that like my self. I own a 360 and love but I dids like HD DVd I own a Blu-Ray player see right there I wouldn't want to upgrade to a different SKUPlease Log In to post.
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