Hello all, I'm Tsug_Ze_Wind, and despite being a sheep, I've been playing Halo 3 every day since the day after it came out. I'm also mega-hyped for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and today I'm going to do something that I'm sure has never been done before: Compare the two games!
*vomiting occurs*
And without pretty pictures!
*vomiting intensifies*
Yeah, yeah, I realize that Average Joe just made an SSBB vs. Halo 3 thread, and Average Bob just made a thread complaining about how many SSBB vs. Halo threads there are. But I'm afraid I'll have to tell you to take your disgust and shove it, because this thread's going to be different. We're going to compare the two games....IN DEPTH.
*puts IN DEPTH glasses on*
Let's begin.
Before we venture into IN DEPTH territory, we have to start with what Average Joe was on about, much to Average Bob's lament. I don't know Average Joe, nor have I seen his thread (or watched the show that shares a name with this generic fictional character), but we can assume he was comparing sales, and multiplayer fun factor.
Sales: It's hard to tell. Both games will last through the generation, and while the Wii has a chance of a bigger base of people who would buy the game, the reality is that right now the 360 has a bigger base of people who play Halo than Wii does people who will play SSBB. But since SSBB hasn't come out yet, I can take the cowardly route and deploy the W8-N-C card.
Verdict: W8-N-C
Multiplayer: Oh noes, subjective territory! Different genres! EEK!
I'll show you why SSBB is the winner here as we go more IN DEPTH, but for those who have finished reading here, SSBB wins.
Ladies & Gentlemen...it is now time to go...slighty more IN DEPTH.
Single Player- Ah, the least important category for a multiplayer game comparison. Or is it the most important, the breaker of the stalemate, where the debate turns into situations that will never happen, where you become so desperate that you play by yourself!
Ehh, some people find it really important, plus I am going IN DEPTH, so let's do this.
Gameplay: Depending on who you ask, Halo's campaign is either a journey to heaven where the roads are paved with gold and kittens, or a heaping pile of dung only to be explored by achievement-hunting masochists. Also, it's short.
Meanwhile, everyone loves side-scrollers. Given that if I want to shoot people that squeal at me, I can easily do so in Halo's multiplayer, I'm going to say SSBB wins here. Oh, and if you don't know...
Verdict: SSBB
Protagonist: Mario vs. Master Chi-HAHAHAHA. I can't even say it. Let's try again. Kirby vs. Master Chi-HAHAHAHA.
Verdict: SSBB
Plot: In this corner, we have a plot so easily digested yet so casually complex that parts of it must be in book form, critical acclaim including comparisons to Star Wars. In this corner, a ton of recognizable and iconic Nintendo characters, with some sort of link...
(there, one pic for a pun, that's all you get)
...joining them together, critical acclaim including "OMG mah Kirby iz beatin' joo Marios lulz."
Hey, who knows, the plot could be excellent. But common sense doesn't evade my sheep mind, so I'll give the nod for plot to Halo. Oh, what a devastating loss indeed.
Verdict: Halo
Level Design: From what I've heard, SSBB's SP level design isn't looking so hot right now. On the other hand, remember the level Cortana?
Verdict: Tie
Ending: Um....I liek waffles.
Verdict: Waffles
Reward: We don't know for sure if this is the case yet, but unlocking characters >>>> Achievements. Even if you get way too much for completing the campaign (seriously, why do all the multiplayer achievements only give you a piddly 5?!)
Oh yeah, and the Legendary ending...go back to plot, you plotheads.
Verdict: SSBB
So it looks like SSBB won in single-player by a landslide, despite not knowing diddly-squat about the SP yet. I'm just that awesome.
Co-op - Co-op seems to be big for some people. I'm sure we all remember the big fuss over Halo's: "OMG no 4-player co-op LOL!!" "OMG 4-player co-op!" "OMG no online co-op LOL!!" "OMG online co-op!" "OMG!!!"
SSBB was less so, but still similar. "OMG they haven't revealed co-op yet! SSBB doesn't have co-op OMG LOL!!" "OMG you're wrong!!" "OMG etc!!"
Pretty sad. But they both have it, they're both online, and it's time to go...IN DEPTH.
Difficulty: Co-op play in Halo 3 goes something like this:
"Hello good friend, fancy a stroll through the park?"
"Why, I say that sounds like a splendid idea!"
"Are we not playing on the Legendary difficulty?"
"I have forgotten! Lalalalala...."
SSBB's co-op could be as easy, but unproven >>>>> proven to be easy.
Verdict: SSBB
Online: Eep.
Verdict: Halo
Fun: Halo's co-op is fun. Side-scroller co-op is fun. For fear of being whacked with the opinion stick, I'm going to say both are just lovely! I crap rainbows! Don't hit me.
Verdict: Tie
And co-op is a complete tie. But wait, there's more!
Events vs. Metagame: Metagame = "Ooh! Let's play through the campaign again, except this time numbers are associated with everything we do!
Events, meanwhile, are the most difficult and the most entertaining (who didn't keep playing Super Mario 128 after they'd completed it? As Jigglypuff?) things that SSBB single-player has to offer.
Verdict: Events
It only goes up from here, remember.
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