Yes it is. :evil:
*drops bubble shield.* "do your worst! i can take it (strictly non-homosexually)"
*enters with hammer*
*ends weirdness*
We must stop him from making another trilogy! And us dying!
it's impossible. he has WETA studios. there technology is 20 years more advanced than ours. he does have one weakness, though. FOOD!!!you cut off his food supply, you take down the beast!!!
That's it! We must cut off his supply of elephant and blue whale!
OMG, the Halo fanboys would finally have proof that Metroid copied Halo! :o
not really. the chief is pure ripoff of an earlier bungie title, marathon. but i could make the case to say that all lems and sheep will have proof that metroid and chief are ripoffs of the tin man if they watch the wizard of oz.
Ah yes, the O.G. Forget the heart, he needs a weapon!
Duh, wut u say? Wal of txt lulz.
something about not reading. i can't remember, i didn't read it.
I agree. The TC is awesome.
try playing "cortana" with the navigation circle on the hud turned off. you can have 50 enemies behind you and you wouldn't even know it. the library wasn't that bad but it was redundant.
Uh, no thanks. :P
really? ok. more repetitive redundancy for me. (see what i did there?)
Icwutudidtherlol. But seriously, that level sucks. :P
This sounds like a game of Assault I had recently. :P
tell you what, after we meet at IHOP and settle the waffle/french toast matter, we'll construct an all out assault on KFC. we'll teach them to offer chicken strips without a ranch or cheese dip.
We'll teach them to use a song about another state in their commercials! Is Kentucky that pathetic?
*gets two red lights*
Oh, great.
connect the a/v cables and pray. *sniff sniff* what smells like burnt plastic? oh sh--!!! RUN!!!
Nah, that was just my lunch.
Really ****ing old. 'Twas the only thing I could use.
tell me this, does it look like this?
or like this?
Ironically, I can't even see those pics. :lol:
new comments, now in master chief green :D.
I'm liek, diggin' the green.
feel free to use it. i'm going to try to make a rainbow in this post.
And I'll help! :D
I remember when this thread was about....something. I don't quite remember.
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