@Telekill: I was thinking about a traditional controller to be the main way you play 3rd party games on the NX. That would: Make gimmicks optional, relieve some 3rd party stress, and bring back a bit of their hardcore audience. As for Nintendo themselves, they can use whatever control scheme they want.
End of reply.
I said a bit because Nintendo also needs to cater the audience with games that NORMAL fans want AND if it's feasible for the company. For example: a proper Metroid, proper Paper Mario, F-Zero, new IPs, bring back dead franchises (Startropics, and Custom Robo are examples), put Mario on hold, only make 1 Zelda game for the console excluding cross-generation Zelda (be done with the series for now, and give Aonuma a well deserved, long break), and make sure 1 mainline Pokemon comes out every 4 years, no more Pokemon remakes and there needs o be fewer spinoffs. They also need to stop remaking games and do spinoffs of games so often, solution would be for example: 1 spinoff of 1 franchise and 1 remake or a game per 3 years.
All of these things will get their hardcore audience back and more. However, they need to purge the fanbase first. The fanboys are the only continuous link in driving away 3rd parties. Don't believe me? Look at GameCube multiplat sales. If GameCube sold as much as Xbox, then why didn't the 3rd party games sell the same amount? The only game that breaks the mold is Soul Calibur 2, but the only reason it sold more was the inclusion of Link. It catered to the fanboy. Sheep are detriments to Nintendo, and they need to be kicked out. Just like with Cows and Lems.
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