@nyadc said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:
@nyadc said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:
@nyadc said:
@mr_huggles_dog said:
I just looked up that card....and the prices were anywhere from $850 (on sale) to over $1000.
You don't have to explain elementary stuff just to look like you're not ignorant.
Do you have no higher brain function? Do you not understand that the performance figures for a 295X2 are the same as two 290X's (far less expensive) and vise versa? What are you not getting about this?
What are you not getting about I can get over 60 FPS average in Battlefield 4 @ 4K on Ultra settings on two cards that you can buy right now for $539 for the pair... Why is this not registering...
That I provided a link to that card for $850 (the low end of the price) and you have not.
Such a high functioning brain like yours should surely have noticed that little problem.
Sold out currently but it's $269 a card when they come back in stock.
Thats not a 295x2. At least thats not what it says. It says 295X.....with no 2. Crossfire ready means it can support another card.
Derpity derp dumb....rekt and all that stupid shit.
Are you fucking kidding me, no one can be this out of touch with reality... I've already explain this to you..
295X2 = Two 290X's on one PCB
290X = $269 x 2 = $539 = 295X2
My god in heaven...
Jesus....this was like pulling teeth.
It's not the same.
They aren't the same in price match up.
A 295x2 is a $1000 card genius. 2 290x by themselves can be bought for $600 IF FOUND ON SALE.
Jesus....maybe if you explained this shit better. First you show me a 295x2...then you link me a 290x and are like "SEE REKT". The ****? They aren't the same card..and expect me to follow you stupid "in your own mind" way of explaining shit.
Either way....you STILL need $600 GPUs which is last gen so yeah...thats fucking great now that the 300 series is either out or about to come out.
Good job...you need to spend $600 on a set of GPUs which aren't even the latest tech.
What a fucking blast it is to play at 4K on PC....this was all such a well oiled machine.
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