now I know people are gonna be like omg no Halo is the bomb an stuff an thats i fine i played all of Halo 1 and begining of Halo 2 and got like half way halo 3 an let me just say that the story in Halo is pretty much like any other game
u got the humans, you got alien race that is jerks to everyone you got an evil unleashed on the world aka the flood this is just is so generic an been done like a bajillion times in video gaming its like haven't i seen this before yes, yes i have
and well with starcraft 2 you've got Jim Raynor an awesome badass who just kicks butt all day long an hes not hiding his face from anyone like masterchief an stuff
and we got like Tydus Finlay the original OG starcraft marine just like so many copies have come out of sc's like big strong buff big guns starcraft marine like unreal an gear sof war so fake an copying starcraft its sick almost a crime
and then you got kerrigan i mean awesome stealthy ghost who becomes like the zergs ultimate weapon queen of blades just awesomeness
and you got like the overmind which I think was so cool like what a great idea for enemy the overmind thats so sick
and like i said halo just doesn't really deliver imo storywise compared to like starcraft 1-2 and im just gonna say how i feel cuz u know its how i feel and pretty much yeah not much arguing cuz people will know im right when i say something
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