Steam = Broken ShovelWare Because No QC
You know it was only a few years ago people criticized the Wii because it was a dumping ground for Shovelware, but at least the Shovelware on the Wii worked most of the time. PC gamers like to hold steam on some high pedestal saying Steam is where PC gaming is at with the great deals, easy accessibility and even going as far as saying PC games for multiplats outsell their Console counter parts even tho there is no proof of that since Steam refuses to release it's numbers wander why..... wonder why.
What PC gamers won't tell you on the other hand Steam is also filled with oversaturated crap according to
Jim Sterling. Selling games so broken they're practically unplayable and despite PCs claims of having "superior hardware" and "graphics" a lot of the games look like they would be embarrassed to be on the PS 2.
The lack of Quality Control on Steam is apparently worse than I could of imagined, but it's not just the lack of QC that should have you worried, publishers on steam get to monitor there own Steam pages frequently silencing criticism and drowning it out, while bumping up + reviews to the point it's obviously suspicious.
Steam isn't the second coming of Jesus as most PC gamers would like you to believe but rather a "dumping ground for hot garbage" Jim Sterling. It seems Steam the once bench mark of PC gaming has literally turn into a "disastrous mess" and with it turning PC gaming into a "disastrous mess."
"Steam is on the verge of being worse than the entire games industry was before the big 1980 crash in fact lets face it it's already there."
Jim Sterling - It's no wonder PC gaming is a massive turn off for most Console gamers as it's bad enough when there is no guarantee that a game you buy will be functional let alone good. PC gaming business model seems to favor total market saturation over QC and customer satisfaction and yet PC gamers are confused as to why console gamers don't pick up the PC torch which is laughably bad when it comes to Quality.
Not only is PC Gaming credibility garbage like most of it's games it's no wonder Consoles are reaching record breaking sales when this is the alternative. Quality before Quantity I say and something at least as far as Steam goes hasn't learned Quality is diapering almost entirely on the PC being replaced with Quantity which is not a good thing if you're a PC gaming who actually plays games. Thank God for Console gaming.
Steam Needs Quality Control
Jim Sterling | 3 February 2014 12:00 pm
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