[QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="moomoo_man"]Think about it:
1. Exponentially increasing console sales = more profit for third parties
2. As companies are founded for the sole purpose of making profits, third parties will invest more into the Wii.
3. THUS, with more money and more developing teams spent into making Wii games, the games will gradually become better.
And, cows and lemmings, don't post screenshots of Red Steel or Resident Evil or Far Cry in a failed attempt to claim "teh ownage", because those games were in development before third parties realized how profitable the Wii was.
What you fail to understand is that 3rd parties DONT wanna make exclusive games. The Wii may have a large audience but 3rd parties that make games for the PS3/360 will have a much larger audience with those two combined. You also forget that because of the Wiis hardware and controller limitations it makes it hard for devs to port games that have the PS3 and 360s hardware in mind to the Wii. That is why the Wii is missing out on great multiplats like Army of Two, GTA, Assasins Creed and more.
Then you also have to take in to mind the fact that 3rd party games dont sell as well seeing as Nintendo owners prefer to buy its first party games and thrid party games get pushed alot lower in sales. Face it, the Wii has done a smart move to seperate itself from the PS3 and 360 to make alot of profit and sales but by seperating itself from that way of gaming it has also isolated itself from many 3rd party devs. Its not gonna get more support. As for your idea that devs "realized" the profit in Wii, that is your own wishful thinking.
What you fail to understand is that the developing costs for PS3/360 consoles are tremendously costly compared to developing on the Wii, making it an extremely risky investment. The profit margin with games developed on the Wii are still much larger than those devloped on the Xbox 360/PS3.
Also, current 3rd party games aren't selling as well because 3rd parties haven't invested in them yet, thus the majority of them are very crappy and most informed consumers won't buy them. However, with games that Kojima, Suda 51, and the Resident Evil guy's coming out, things will start to change.
Nintendo had a Kojima game last gen and they didnt want it. They also got a RE game too and Pokemon still slaughtered it in sales. You assume too much, the cost to make games for the PS3/360 cost more then the Wii but it is hardly considered "risky". The PS3/360 appeal to the same gamers that bought the PS2 and Xbox. Devs know what games sell and dont.
If anything is "risky" its the Wii with its wiimote. Its risky because although its cheap to make games on the Wii you cant port the game to the competition and that means you just limited you possible audience by ALOT. The wii will never have anywhere close to more gamers then BOTH the PS3/360 audience. Then to top it off gamers on the Wii have not been buying certain games like for instance Marvel game that the PS3 and Wii both share, it sold better on the PS3 even though the Wii has a larger audience. Nintendo fans like Nintendo games and 3rd party games come far last. The Wii will get mini games and PS2 ports but 3rd parties are gonna focus on the combined audience of the PS3/360 audience.
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