The funniest thing is that lemmings went from "Bu but I''l just wait for Super Street Fighter 5" to "I don't need Street Fighter 5, I have Killer Instinct"
Lemmings continue to be the biggest 2 faced hypocrites on these boards.
Stop generalizing people.
Maybe you should follow your own advice?
Completely different, he's generalizing Xbox supporters and what they say into one bundle as if they are all saying the same thing and hold only a singular view. What exactly did I generalize? Don't get butthurt about your stupid little anime game, you're obsessed.
So, generalizing Xbox supporters is bad, generalizing fans of 'anime' games (whatever the **** that means) is fine?
Lol, okay.
How did I generalize anything? I gave my view and my lack of understanding surrounding the appeal of these games, how I see things, how I view the people in these communities, I didn't generalize anything as a point of stating what is what... You need to learn distinction in what people say, it's all about distinctions...
The funniest thing is that lemmings went from "Bu but I''l just wait for Super Street Fighter 5" to "I don't need Street Fighter 5, I have Killer Instinct"
Lemmings continue to be the biggest 2 faced hypocrites on these boards.
Stop generalizing people.
Maybe you should follow your own advice?
Completely different, he's generalizing Xbox supporters and what they say into one bundle as if they are all saying the same thing and hold only a singular view. What exactly did I generalize? Don't get butthurt about your stupid little anime game, you're obsessed.
So, generalizing Xbox supporters is bad, generalizing fans of 'anime' games (whatever the **** that means) is fine?
Lol, okay.
How did I generalize anything? I gave my view and my lack of understanding surrounding the appeal of these games, how I see things, how I view the people in these communities, I didn't generalize anything as a point of stating what is what... You need to learn distinction in what people say, distinctions...
You conflated two entire audiences of people and what they like, that's not a generalization?
What the other person is saying is also obviously what he thinks, just as what you said was your view of things.
You conflated two entire audiences of people and what they like, that's not a generalization?
What the other person is saying is also obviously what he thinks, just as what you said was your view of things.
Of course, both of you are (equally) wrong.
What I said was a state of mind, not a thought out generalization, big difference. When I see yellow I think mustard, when I see blue I think sky, when I see anime I think of fedora's, event centers, long hair and my little pony. As I said my mind just naturally draws a parallel as in my experience both of those groups (anime fanatics/mlp fanatics) have a lot in common.
I'm not generalizing anything or saying that this is that or that is this, I'm simply saying as I said before, that is just where my thought process ends up, it's something out of my control.
The funniest thing is that lemmings went from "Bu but I''l just wait for Super Street Fighter 5" to "I don't need Street Fighter 5, I have Killer Instinct"
Lemmings continue to be the biggest 2 faced hypocrites on these boards.
Stop generalizing people.
Maybe you should follow your own advice?
Favourite thing on this board as of late is nyadc getting called out on his own shit lol.
You conflated two entire audiences of people and what they like, that's not a generalization?
What the other person is saying is also obviously what he thinks, just as what you said was your view of things.
Of course, both of you are (equally) wrong.
What I said was a state of mind, not a thought out generalization, big difference. When I see yellow I think mustard, when I see blue I think sky, when I see anime I think of fedora's, event centers, long hair and my little pony. As I said my mind just naturally draws a parallel as in my experience both of those groups (anime fanatics/mlp fanatics) have a lot in common.
I'm not generalizing anything or saying that this is that or that is this, I'm simply saying as I said before, that is just where my thought process ends up, it's something out of my control.
When I see shooters I think of boring muscular men in tight clothes screaming or a generic space themed shooter with the worlds most overrated gaming character, when I think of western rpgs I think of boring gameplay and boring characters
You conflated two entire audiences of people and what they like, that's not a generalization?
What the other person is saying is also obviously what he thinks, just as what you said was your view of things.
Of course, both of you are (equally) wrong.
What I said was a state of mind, not a thought out generalization, big difference. When I see yellow I think mustard, when I see blue I think sky, when I see anime I think of fedora's, event centers, long hair and my little pony. As I said my mind just naturally draws a parallel as in my experience both of those groups (anime fanatics/mlp fanatics) have a lot in common.
I'm not generalizing anything or saying that this is that or that is this, I'm simply saying as I said before, that is just where my thought process ends up, it's something out of my control.
When I see shooters I think of boring muscular men in tight clothes screaming or a generic space themed shooter with the worlds most overrated gaming character, when I think of western rpgs I think of boring gameplay and boring characters
Stop being a clown mate.
The difference between Japan and the west is that Japan is even biased against certain conventions, such as first-person perspective. The very fact that you can create games as diverse in this perspective ranging from Portal through Metroid, Amnesia, Dishonored, Mirror's Edge, Deus Ex to Vanishing of Ethan Carter speaks volumes about why it's the Japan who's most narrow-minded when it comes to prejudice against certain conventions. A game in FPP doesn't have to be a straightforward shooter.
I wish people finally wrapped their heads around that.
You conflated two entire audiences of people and what they like, that's not a generalization?
What the other person is saying is also obviously what he thinks, just as what you said was your view of things.
Of course, both of you are (equally) wrong.
What I said was a state of mind, not a thought out generalization, big difference. When I see yellow I think mustard, when I see blue I think sky, when I see anime I think of fedora's, event centers, long hair and my little pony. As I said my mind just naturally draws a parallel as in my experience both of those groups (anime fanatics/mlp fanatics) have a lot in common.
I'm not generalizing anything or saying that this is that or that is this, I'm simply saying as I said before, that is just where my thought process ends up, it's something out of my control.
When I see shooters I think of boring muscular men in tight clothes screaming or a generic space themed shooter with the worlds most overrated gaming character, when I think of western rpgs I think of boring gameplay and boring characters
Stop being a clown mate.
The difference between Japan and the west is that Japan is even biased against certain conventions, such as first-person perspective. The very fact that you can create games as diverse in this perspective ranging from Portal through Metroid, Amnesia, Dishonored, Mirror's Edge, Deus Ex to Vanishing of Ethan Carter speaks volumes about why it's the Japan who's most narrow-minded when it comes to prejudice against certain conventions. A game in FPP doesn't have to be a straightforward shooter.
I wish people finally wrapped their heads around that.
I wish people would finally wrap their heads around that there are people out there that would rather play JRPGs, platformers and fighters to crap like Halo 5, Gears and Forza but that isn't happening.
I'm with the consensus Capcom says it's exclusive no way no how for the Xbox One but I swear if I see it ULTRA MEGA BUSTER ALPHA PLUS BEAT BETA EPILSON MINUS OMEGA Street Fighter 5 for the Xbox One I'm buying. Thanks PS4 beta testers.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
The irony being you're going to buy Halo 5 and enjoy it more than either of those games lol...
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
Gotta love JRPG fans. I'll take Halo with friends over shit like pretending I am in high school again and having a waifu any day. No dude, it really isnt this massive blow you NEED it to be for your delicate ego. Its a game. That's all.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
The irony of this is you're going to buy Halo 5 and enjoy it more than either of those games lol...
The irony is no I won't, MCC was my first Halo and that was the absolute worst game I've played on Xbox One barring the abysmal SSOD, Persona meanwhile is one of my favourite gaming series so nope, I'll be playing Persona.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
Gotta love JRPG fans. I'll take Halo with friends over shit like pretending I am in high school again and having a waifu any day. No dude, it really isnt this massive blow you NEED it to be for your delicate ego. Its a game. That's all.
Lets see recent JRPGs set in a school setting shall we.....Type-0 and Persona 5, that's 2 games and neither are about having waifus.
Lets see recent JRPGs set in a school setting shall we.....Type-0 and Persona 5, that's 2 games and neither are about having waifus.
I can't take you people seriously, this is all I can think of when you people talk about those silly games lol...
Yeah cause I mentioned that game right?
You're an idiot :/
You are illiterate.
So you genuinely believe that all Japanese games are effectively intentionally shit parody games? This lem I swear, I thought FoxBot was bad but this guy is a whole different level of fail.
So you genuinely believe that all Japanese games are effectively intentionally shit parody games? This lem I swear, I thought FoxBot was bad but this guy is a whole different level of fail.
Not all Japanese games, just this stupid dating simulator garbage that the above game I posted successfully put in its place as pure idiocy.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
Gotta love JRPG fans. I'll take Halo with friends over shit like pretending I am in high school again and having a waifu any day. No dude, it really isnt this massive blow you NEED it to be for your delicate ego. Its a game. That's all.
Lets see recent JRPGs set in a school setting shall we.....Type-0 and Persona 5, that's 2 games and neither are about having waifus.
Waifus was more a dig at listening to the weaboos at gamestop talk about "which one is your waifu? Mine Chie!!!"
When I said pretending I am in high school again, I was singling out Persona, not assuming they are all set there. Try and follow ok. Bottom line you like them and think what I like is shit. I like my games and think the games you like are absolute shit. But enjoy.
So you genuinely believe that all Japanese games are effectively intentionally shit parody games? This lem I swear, I thought FoxBot was bad but this guy is a whole different level of fail.
Not all Japanese games, just this stupid dating simulator garbage that the above game I posted successfully put in its place as pure idiocy.
So once again, you intentionally shitty parody game.
Wow, you REALLY despise Sony if you use intentionally bad games to slag off half of the roster, you're easily the worst lem on this site.
A game I don't care about not coming to my console? Cool!
With that attitude it's no wonder that the Xbox One is losing the JRPG and fighting game scene, hate platformers next man cause I want more of those.
Hey you got it on the JRPG scene. Keep that melodramatic, Japanime shit. I like Killer Instinct and I can go buy Mortal Kombat X right now, so not having SF5 isn't what I would call losing that scene. Losing at weaboo nonsense? Thankfully yes.
Gotta love the lems man, I'll take great games like Persona 5 any day over the shit that is Halo. Losing arguably the biggest fighting series of all time is a giant blow to poor wittle MS.
Gotta love JRPG fans. I'll take Halo with friends over shit like pretending I am in high school again and having a waifu any day. No dude, it really isnt this massive blow you NEED it to be for your delicate ego. Its a game. That's all.
Lets see recent JRPGs set in a school setting shall we.....Type-0 and Persona 5, that's 2 games and neither are about having waifus.
Waifus was more a dig at listening to the weaboos at gamestop talk about "which one is your waifu? Mine Chie!!!"
When I said pretending I am in high school again, I was singling out Persona, not assuming they are all set there. Try and follow ok. Bottom line you like them and think what I like is shit. I like my games and think the games you like are absolute shit. But enjoy.
Also no I don't think what you like is shit, while they're not for me I will respect that people like them and they obviously have appeal, however at least unlike you I gave them a chance to wow me and they failed too.
Which is why Halo is the most overrated mess in gaming imo.
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Sony keep on chasing those washed up franchises LOL
""Cough Tomb Raider Cough''
@nyadc said:
@StrongBlackVine said:
Aren't you one of the people who vehemently argue that Rise Of The Tomb Raider will never be on PS4? Gotta love the hypocrisy.
How is it hypocrisy? It's two completely different companies, different deals, Microsoft is co-developing, funding, marketing and publishing Rise of the Tomb Raider. You're trying to draw parallels between two completely different situations because they appear similar when they're anything but, also Capcom has a history of telling stories that end up being untrue.
First you don't know the contracts for SF5 if sony put money on it of completely financial supported the game.
It has been confirmed already that the deal MS has an expiration date,and is not for ever,been publish by MS mean shit several xbox game publish by MS ended on PS,it means nothing.
Bull shit in this case they say it is exclusive and not coming to xbox one,on Tomb Raider case it was even say the game could come to PS4 and was stated the deal had a duration,yet some how Tomb Raider is the one not coming and SF5 will come to xbox
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Then that is your loss, JRPGs CLEARLY aren't for you but to call them all trash is just stupid.
While I HIGHLY disagree with you I'll respect that it's not a genre for you, trash however is one thing they are not.
@davem1992: how is Xbox losing the fighter genre?? They have an exclusive fighting game Killer Instinct WTF, you can also play MK:X, DOA, Dragonball, Naruto, and more will come. Right now KI and MK:X are the ones to beat they are great and fun.
And did you not play Sunset Overdrive it's pretty much an open world Ratchet and Clank re-skinned with better movement.
@davem1992: how is Xbox losing the fighter genre?? They have an exclusive fighting game Killer Instinct WTF, you can also play MK:X, DOA, Dragonball, Naruto, and more will come. Right now KI and MK:X are the ones to beat they are great and fun.
And did you not play Sunset Overdrive it's pretty much an open world Ratchet and Clank re-skinned with better movement.
A very mediocre fighter compared to stuff like Street Fighter, MK or Guilty Gear. KI was beaten the second GG and MK came out, shame the Xbox fanboys won't admit that.
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Then that is your loss, JRPGs CLEARLY aren't for you but to call them all trash is just stupid.
While I HIGHLY disagree with you I'll respect that it's not a genre for you, trash however is one thing they are not.
And yet you call Halo overrated shit to me. So what are we really saying here? That we don't feel that way about those games but wanted to just hurt each other?
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Then that is your loss, JRPGs CLEARLY aren't for you but to call them all trash is just stupid.
While I HIGHLY disagree with you I'll respect that it's not a genre for you, trash however is one thing they are not.
And yet you call Halo overrated shit to me. So what are we really saying here? That we don't feel that way about those games but wanted to just hurt each other?
I didn't call the whole genre trash though, I said Halo isn't for me if MCC is the pinnacle of Halo because that was the worst experience I've ever had online. Uh what?
Even though a patch has been released people are still having problems and its not a very good sign that Capcom would screw up like this on a FIGHTING game.
That is a port not a build from ground up game,it could have problems it could not,problems happen with all companies look at MCC i guess Halo 5 is doom.
Nice DC.
@FastRobby said:
Does someone really care? There's Killer Instinct...
Ugh you are not lifting any ones morale with that
@HalcyonScarlet said:
lol, who cares. The game looks like it'll run on a low end PC.
Anyway, I'll pick it up on the PC a few years down the line when Capcom are done milking it to ****.
Hahahaahaha i can taste the tears on this post..hahaha
@HalcyonScarlet said:
Isn't Tomb Raider the same? MS seems to be offering more than funding for the game.
It was confirmed already that has a time limit,and that it may come to PS4 that is as close as you will get for an affirmation without completely stepping on your the company which you have the deal with,capcom is saying this game is not coming to XBO,on Tomb Raider the person say it could come to PS4 while having a deal with MS the wording is totally different.
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Then that is your loss, JRPGs CLEARLY aren't for you but to call them all trash is just stupid.
While I HIGHLY disagree with you I'll respect that it's not a genre for you, trash however is one thing they are not.
And yet you call Halo overrated shit to me. So what are we really saying here? That we don't feel that way about those games but wanted to just hurt each other?
@davem1992: a few post back you state it's fun, so its a horrendous fun game??
KI is just that, fun so is MK, you know what haven't been for a while SF. I played the shit outta that game from Arcades to SNES, all they way up to SF4 and it's just been getting more and more MEH. I'm not a tournament gamer, i don't give a **** about the suble nuances that make you a complete beast I'm not studying frames to see who has the quicker attacks I play fighters for fun and win some and lose some it's not a fucking job and I definetly don't want it to become a chore to keep up with.
I get it your into fighter and there are quit a few that are deeper and more complex than KI and MK:X and I'll throw in Injustice as well but there aren't any that I feel are more fun to play than those 3 fighters!
Another quick question though what will you say when this becomes a reality?
@davem1992: charizard and I have spoken about my tries at persona and other JRPGs. I have given them their fare try for decades. I'm 42, been gaming since the 1970s so JRPGs had plenty of opportunities to win me over. Just melodramatic trash imo.
Then that is your loss, JRPGs CLEARLY aren't for you but to call them all trash is just stupid.
While I HIGHLY disagree with you I'll respect that it's not a genre for you, trash however is one thing they are not.
And yet you call Halo overrated shit to me. So what are we really saying here? That we don't feel that way about those games but wanted to just hurt each other?
I didn't call the whole genre trash though, I said Halo isn't for me if MCC is the pinnacle of Halo because that was the worst experience I've ever had online. Uh what?
I was making light of all this BS. Gotta lighten up dude
It'll be on PC and XB1 fans will stream it from PC to their XB1. lol!! Anyway, watch Microsoft announce the same thing for Tomb Raider at the E3 conference. This should be fun.
Why the fu** would i want to stream a game from my PC to the crappy inferior xbox one.? Is like instead of using my PC to hear music i use a audio recorder to record the music over a mic an listen to it on Inferior quality..hahahahaa
Saying i can stream SF5 from PC to xbox one is a joke,and is not a counter for not having the game buffoon you really are the worse fanboy here dude.
Oh i want to play SF5 on xbox one what do i need a PC with windows 10 and xbox one and a copy of the PC version,or get a PS4 and the
MS already announce a deal for this game,stop your damage control and sad speculation,the game is time exclusive and could come to PS4 stated already,have a nice time waiting for SF% on XBO.
Redundantone they should call it.
@blackace said:
I'm not buying it. Mortal Kombat X and Killer Instinct are better for me. You'd be better off waiting 2-3 years to get it anyways since Capcom will milk the franchise to death. I hope Sony paid them well as they are going to lose a boatload of money if they didn't.
So MK and KI are better than a game you haven't play yet.? Cool...
lol you seem very discomfort with sony deals,yet you seen happy with Tomb Raider..hahaha
@JayQproductions said:
I honestly don't know a single person who has even remotely cared about Street Fighter since the 90's. Plus with how broken the newest one is on the PS4 I say good luck with that.
That is because you know no one.
And i guess that mean Halo 5 will suck ass because well MCC was broken and since what happen with another chapter apply to the next one well that mean Halo 5 is screw up don't buy it..
@xxyetixx said:
Do you really think they would say "oh yeah don't worry "Super Ultra Street Fighter 5 Alpha whatever will be coming to Xbox so just wait for that"
No Sony made the deal to move systems and Capcom wants to sell games.
Either way I'm not upset if SF5 never comes to X1, I've always preferred MK over SF and I always like KI over SF, so I got the fighters I enjoy playing.
Now Sony securing the inevitable Injustice sequel or what ever type DC Fighter NetherRealm will work on would be upsetting
New lemming Moto.
Meh i don't like street fighter. Even that we hype it to hell on xbox 360 and a few week ago were bragging about capcom using the 360 version for Evo.
@tormentos: if you're not even at least a littler interested in the windows 10 Eco-system MS is wanting to do you are just a blind fan boy. Streaming games from Xbox One to PC and/or vice versa is awesome!! I for one cannot wait to get more information and see it all unfold. So continue to show your ignorance there.
And for SF it's a game I've played starting in Arcades, to SNES all the way up to Xbox 360 and I can honestly say it's become stale and less appealing, same goes for Tekken. I played Tekken 3 for years kept my Playstation around just to keep playing it. But I'm not excited for Tekken anymore.
I was excited to see a NEW Killer Instict fresh and awesome. I have always been a fan of MK and I've gotten every MK game and they always please me. I will get the next Netherrealm DC game as well. I like every thing they do. Boon is awesome and listen to the community.
Even if SF 5 were coming or a Super whatever version were to come it's a game I wouldn't purchase until it was $20 or less, or I'd rent if from Redbox to try it, because I don't care about it, I'm sorry I feel this way :(
So you genuinely believe that all Japanese games are effectively intentionally shit parody games? This lem I swear, I thought FoxBot was bad but this guy is a whole different level of fail.
The best part is how he claim to be a real gamer..hahahahaa
@nyadc said:
I can't take you people seriously, this is all I can think of when you people talk about those silly games lol...
What come to my mind when you claim you are a real
@tormentos: if you're not even at least a littler interested in the windows 10 Eco-system MS is wanting to do you are just a blind fan boy. Streaming games from Xbox One to PC and/or vice versa is awesome!! I for one cannot wait to get more information and see it all unfold. So continue to show your ignorance there.
And for SF it's a game I've played starting in Arcades, to SNES all the way up to Xbox 360 and I can honestly say it's become stale and less appealing, same goes for Tekken. I played Tekken 3 for years kept my Playstation around just to keep playing it. But I'm not excited for Tekken anymore.
I was excited to see a NEW Killer Instict fresh and awesome. I have always been a fan of MK and I've gotten every MK game and they always please me. I will get the next Netherrealm DC game as well. I like every thing they do. Boon is awesome and listen to the community.
Even if SF 5 were coming or a Super whatever version were to come it's a game I wouldn't purchase until it was $20 or less, or I'd rent if from Redbox to try it, because I don't care about it, I'm sorry I feel this way :(
No is not you blind fanboy is a redundant piece of shit feature,stream a game to lower its quality when you can play if on one of the specific platforms,to stream Halo to PC you need and xbox one and a PC,to stream SF5 to xbox one you need a PC + xbox one.
See the redundancy there.? Just fu**ing play the game on its respective console and be done with it,using 2 platforms to play a game you can just play with one is redundant shit,as much as using your xbox one for cable.
Also can you even stream PC games to xbox one.?
Game Streaming. Thanks to the deep integration of Xbox on Windows 10, games on Xbox One can be streamed through your home network to your Windows 10 PC or tablet, anywhere in your house. Xbox One gamers will now be able to play many of their favorite console games on their PC. And many Xbox One accessories will work interchangeably on the console and PC (with more on the way), so you can customize your experience in whatever way you see fit.
I don't see that part here all i see is stream XBO games to PC,but again a redundant feature at best.
So you say you grow stale of SF because you play then on Arcade and Snes,oh but but but how is that different with MK and KI.?
Both are old ass series as well from the Snes days,and both were on Snes to as well.
Man SF is just a few years older than MK,92 vs 87 and if we count that MK became popular from MK1 while SF didn't until SF2 on 91 they would be more than on par,i know i am a huge arcade lover,and i liked KI the original game not the one on xbox one which isn't the same,i played those to.
You are butthurt because is not coming to xbox one and you downplay other series which are almost as old as SF is.
WOOOOH !!! I have no idea who that is but it sounds awesome....
As for me I decided to contribute something to FSD..... the Sarah board is vacant and doesn't see alot of traffic, I'm gonna test a few things out in Training mode and right up the results.... nothing too comprehensive.... just the data on Sarah's step cancels..... that should get the ball rolling.
WOOOOH !!! I have no idea who that is but it sounds awesome....
As for me I decided to contribute something to FSD..... the Sarah board is vacant and doesn't see alot of traffic, I'm gonna test a few things out in Training mode and right up the results.... nothing too comprehensive.... just the data on Sarah's step cancels..... that should get the ball rolling.
Ah, just saw that. Yeah, there's not much going on for her there.
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