Xbox One has Killer Instinct, PS4 has Street Fighter and everyone has Mortal Kombat. All is good in the world.
Well, also PS4 has Injustice Ultimate and Guilty Gear as well.
Shut up, cow.
Lol? Y U Mad, tho? I didn't quote you and tell you to shut up with your misinformation, new account lemming.
I could have done this:
Xbox One has Killer Instinct, PS4 has Street Fighter and everyone has Mortal Kombat. All is good in the world.
Shut up, lemming.
It's just as dumb as your post and that would have been it...but I'm not angry and I can see you don't know much about this genre you are posting about.
Instead, I respectfully quoted you and didn't apply ad hominems to your dumb-ass misinformation. It's simple. I play a lot of fighting games, FPS, RTS, RPG, and Action games and simply corrected your misinformation.
Jelly? Dumb? Angry? Take your pick. All of the above? Whatever the case, as it stands right now, the PS4 has more high quality fighting games than the Xbone at this time. Maybe that will change, but all is not good in the world for fighting gamers with an Xbone. I know, I have had my Xbone since launch 2013 just like I had my 360 since launch 2005 and my original Xbox since launch 2001. I have had Xbox Live since the first Xbox, and I have over 100,000 Gamerscore. I also happen to play fighting games and you must not if you consider Guilty Gear to be crappy or Injustice Ultimate (made by the MK guys) as a bad game. Metacritic and REAL fighting gamers would tell you otherwise.
****, you're mad.
Awwww. Poor lil' fella. You are still upset at being corrected. Your Xbone console wife is taking a beating, lembo.
I'm sorry your fantasy was dismantled and that got you so angry, Xbot. :(
Xbox One has Killer Instinct, PS4 has Street Fighter and everyone has Mortal Kombat. All is good in the world.
Cow. Mooooooooooooooooooo, you're a Cow. Cow, Cow, Cow, Cow, Cow, Cow, Cow, Cow.
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