Sorry the picture is sideways, too lazy to fix it.
Think that maybe that logo is exclusive to America? :P
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Why aren't you playing SFV on the superior PC version? You have a gaming PC right? That's why the X1 is so worthless to you I thought.
@primorandomguy: I do but I prefer owning the console versions of fighters, plus why is that relevant?
I guess they forgot to include it on the box like how the forgot to include most of the game on the disc
Oh that salt, only done Karin's story and it already destroys KI
I guess they forgot to include it on the box like how the forgot to include most of the game on the disc
Oh that salt, only done Karin's story and it already destroys KI
What about Smash Bros does it destroy that
Seeing as they're entirely different type of games they can't be compared but if I really have too then no, nothing beats SSB4
@naughtyottsel: Lol KI is a fun fighting game, how do you know it destroys it? Have you played KI? It's great and has a story mode for every character.
I guess they forgot to include it on the box like how the forgot to include most of the game on the disc
Oh that salt, only done Karin's story and it already destroys KI
What about Smash Bros does it destroy that
Seeing as they're entirely different type of games they can't be compared but if I really have too then no, nothing beats SSB4
Interesting so its mostly Xbox games you hate
@naughtyottsel: Lol KI is a fun fighting game, how do you know it destroys it? Have you played KI? It's great and has a story mode for every character.
I own it mate, no need to be so defensive over Xbox.
Th game is great sure but it comes nowhere NEAR SFV
@razik: No I hate bad games, QB just doesn't interest me and guess what little lemming, neither does Uncharted 4.
We get it, you hate Sony so much that you need to make anti-Sony threads and call everyone a cow if they aren't hyped for a game.
Oh and guess what, apart from SSOD and MCC I don't hate a single other game from the Xbox lineup.
@naughtyottsel: I'm not being defensive over Xbox, I'm defending KI, you have no idea how good or bad SFV will be.
@naughtyottsel: I'm not being defensive over Xbox, I'm defending KI, you have no idea how good or bad SFV will be.
I'm playing it mate, literally right now as we speak.
I even said KI was great but so far this is better.
Good lord
@primorandomguy: hes busy dowloading movies and playing mmos. And like NES emulators etc. Why share all the things with sfv when you could have a more enclosed space to play sfv ? Plus some fam memeber of his checks fb and emails on his pc. PC gaming will always be a general thing lol give up and be thankful than thats technically better than being a specific thing. To much other things to do compared to consoles. Technically better or not. I could tell i would still buy console exclusives even when i get my money up aswell.
All examples are hypothetically speaking btw.
@naughtyottsel: I know what you said, I'm just saying you haven't put much time in it yet. But enough of all that, of the little you have played, what makes the story so good? Are the controls pretty spot on? Is there a tutorial mode? I hated SFIV because how un new user friendly it was.
@naughtyottsel: I know what you said, I'm just saying you haven't put much time in it yet. But enough of all that, of the little you have played, what makes the story so good? Are the controls pretty spot on? Is there a tutorial mode? I hated SFIV because how un new user friendly it was.
I haven't put much time into it?!?
SFV has a bad arcade mode, controls are wonderful and there is indeed a tutorial
39 achievements is putting NO time into it guys, I've played KI a lot and yes it is good but not even remotely SF levels
@Livecommander: Well PC gamers just gave me the impression that any games that are shared on consoles and PCs are automatically better on PC, no exceptions. And they'd rather die than play said game on consoles. So I guess that's why I'm confused.
@Livecommander: Well PC gamers just gave me the impression that any games that are shared on consoles and PCs are automatically better on PC, no exceptions. And they'd rather die than play said game on consoles. So I guess that's why I'm confused.
I'm a manticore dude, I play games wherever I can and SF is a fighter and so it's a console game for me.
@naughtyottsel: I was talking about the little time you put in SFV, Im assuming you got it today. I'm glad there's a tutorial, I'll never get to play it, but I would probably like it with tutorials so I'd actually know how to fight lol.
@naughtyottsel: I was talking about the little time you put in SFV, Im assuming you got it today. I'm glad there's a tutorial, I'll never get to play it, but I would probably like it with tutorials so I'd actually know how to fight lol.
So you refuse to buy it....why?
Why are you even here then?
@naughtyottsel: I don't refuse to buy it, I can't buy it because I don't have a PC or PS4, dear Lord. Get all defensive.
@naughtyottsel: I don't refuse to buy it, I can't buy it because I don't have a PC or PS4, dear Lord. Get all defensive.
Not defensive, I assumed you had a PC so that was my fault.
@naughtyottsel: It's cool, I just really like fighters so I'd like to know how this one stacks up. I couldn't stand SFIV like I said because it's so brutal for newcomers, but I'm really intrigued in this one since it has a tutorial.
@primorandomguy: Yea only technically there rite. As pc gamers they tend to cling on to that "fact" lems and cows too when it fits them.
Far as i see it tho. Console just pervide a better environment than pc when it comes to certain games. Especially when your unable to customize and conviently have your PC and a certain way.
Even then.. its never exactly the same feel. In good and bad ways.
@naughtyottsel: It's cool, I just really like fighters so I'd like to know how this one stacks up. I couldn't stand SFIV like I said because it's so brutal for newcomers, but I'm really intrigued in this one since it has a tutorial.
This one is MUCH more user friendly yeah
@Livecommander: I understand that, I just don't get a gaming PC because I'm so ignorant when it comes to PCs it's not even funny lol. There's a lot of things I don't understand about it, and consoles give me a cheaper simpler solution.
@primorandomguy: Easily a 9/10, most fun I've had so far this year and I've already bought alot this year, wish there was more characters and mods though
@naughtyottsel: That's cool man, sounds like a great fighter, if i pick up a PS4 down the road I'll probably get it. Are the arcade modes and story modes the same or different modes all together?
@naughtyottsel: That's cool man, sounds like a great fighter, if i pick up a PS4 down the road I'll probably get it. Are the arcade modes and story modes the same or different modes all together?
Different this time, story mode is a free update in June while the arcade mode is a half assed cop out of only 3 battles with still images.
Easily the worst in the series arcade mode wise.
@naughtyottsel: Oh, at least it's coming for free still June is a long way to wait. Do you think they should have delayed the release so everything came together?
@naughtyottsel: Oh, at least it's coming for free still June is a long way to wait. Do you think they should have delayed the release so everything came together?
Honestly yes I do, the game is incredibly fun but it feels a tad lacking with how bad the arcade mode is and how little you get from the start (though I'm really glad unlockables are back).
@naughtyottsel: lol Damn Capcom, I'm sure they were the ones wanting to release it half done. It's a shame to because I could see this hurting reviews.
@naughtyottsel: lol Damn Capcom, I'm sure they were the ones wanting to release it half done. It's a shame to because I could see this hurting reviews.
I think it'll still score excellently since it's a brilliant game...just needs the DLC out fast.
I think by how spoiled I was by USFIV might also be the reason though SFV's arcade is unforgivable.
@naughtyottsel: Have you played online yet? How is it for now?
I don't currently have PS+ but you get a 2 day free trial with the game so I will later, right now I'm playing Eternal Darkness.
@naughtyottsel: One of the best games of all time, hands down.
Absolutely terrifying, I use to hate horror games but my girlfriend FINALLY talked me round and now I'm trying them.
RE1 on PS1 actually made me jump, that's how wimpy I am.
Think I'm gonna pass for a couple of years at least. Want to see what happens because ya know, Capcom, fighting games and milking, and it's just too expensive. Steam shows it £45 and £25 for the season pass, f*** that.
Think I'm gonna pass for a couple of years at least. Want to see what happens because ya know, Capcom, fighting games and milking, and it's just too expensive. Steam shows it £45 and £25 for the season pass, f*** that.
You don't need the season pass as you can earn it in game plus this is the only version, won't be making other versions.
Think I'm gonna pass for a couple of years at least. Want to see what happens because ya know, Capcom, fighting games and milking, and it's just too expensive. Steam shows it £45 and £25 for the season pass, f*** that.
You don't need the season pass as you can earn it in game plus this is the only version, won't be making other versions.
So the season pass is pointless then I guess. I'm still suspicious of Capcom. They love milking too much.
The "console exclusive" - the biggest con bought and sold to corporate slaves the world over.
1. They pay vast sums for exclusivity to a third party from a game that would otherwise be available elsewhere. (Proven by the fact that it is also on PC) You think they will take a hit from this? LOL no. Eventually, you will. They will put up prices or introduce more DLC by removing stuff from games you would have got included.
2. That means you may or may not be able to play the game depending on what console you have. And the same can be said for whatever friends you have with the other console. You do not benefit in any way from this. The game is merely restricted to a smaller audience which is good for precisely no one.
3. Then complete morons act like this is something to boast about because it is on "their" console. If it was on their console and another console, it would not affect them in any way shape or form, so this is not in any way advantaging them.
This is the basest form of corporate slavery. This is not an exclusive. It's on more than one place. Some businessman has paid money to limit the games potential and people act like this is a good thing!? They introduce the lame duck term console exclusive and idiots buy it? Get out. You people don't deserve to have money.
@DocSanchez: Without Sony no one is playing SFV on Tuesday. They funded the game so of course they keep it off of Xbox.
@DocSanchez: Without Sony no one is playing SFV on Tuesday. They funded the game so of course they keep it off of Xbox.
And it shall remind as a Sony console exclusive. End of Story. Get a PS4 or PC to play it. Just like MGS4, wanna play it, get a PS3.
@naughtyottsel: I'm not being defensive over Xbox, I'm defending KI, you have no idea how good or bad SFV will be.
I'm playing it mate, literally right now as we speak.
I even said KI was great but so far this is better.
Good lord
Huh? I thought the story mode for SFV was being added later?
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