@casharmy said:
@tymeservesfate said:
@bloodlust_101 said:
@tymeservesfate said:
its kind of ironic that the word IN is part of the word of the title for this game considering that you don't actually go INTO any of these pretty new buildings lol. idk, the game looks like every other Infamous game out there...except with upgraded graphics, with no shadows lol.
cows should probably stop hyping this game. i think its going to be a monster flop...in all the videos i've seen it was basically the same old thing, same old combat. its looking like this might be the most mediocre game since Killzone Shadowfall. pretty as **** but no advancement in gameplay at all...
plus the main character is retro as hell. when is this game based...1985?
I'm sure you cant enter every building in GTA, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Prototype, Shenmue, Batman series, The Getaway, Mafia, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Dead Rising, correct me if I am wrong of course.
Ryse 4.0.
Flop because of retro character? Or was that just you straying off topic?
this is next gen though lol. what arent you getting about that statement? new gen, new standards.
Wait, aren't you one of the people hyping titanfall? can't expect people to take you seriously when your criticizm changes depending on what platform you are discussing. I could also say the same thing about dead raising 3, a game xbox fans say is so good but about as last gen as you can get standards wise.
When did you decided to intergrate this new "new gen, new standards." banner into your arguments because I haven't seen you thrown it around in any of the posts you've made for games on the platform that you own? Or dose your "new gen, new standards." decree only apply to playstation?
i don't care who or what you take seriously honestly. ur most likely punch drunk anyway. i mean, why wouldnt a new gen bring a new standard in games LMAO? cows sure are easy to please...smh.
but yes, those games have a next gen feel to them. people who have actually played Titanfall rave about it and its new feel in the FPS genre. are we suppose to take ur opinion more seriously when you probably havent even touched the game, along with being a constant MS/Xbox hater on these boards?? lol, no.
Dead Rising 3 is next gen because of how many Zombies it put on the screen at a time. no other console next gen, or last, had that volume of enemies on the screen at one time. thats new...thats next gen.
Forza 5....Drivatars, user generated AI...next gen.
what game does the ps4 have out or even coming out that's adding anything new to the game? Infamous looks like a shinier last gen Infamous. the gameplay is damn near identical to past games even with the powers being different. Killzone has always been generic and stayed that way with Shadowfall. The Order 1886...is pretty as F but has only shown to be a corridor shooter with QTEs.
games steadily advanced after ps2/Xbox...continued to advance in gameplay as well as graphics with the ps3/XB360...and this new gen MS and their games seem to be doing the same ALREADY. while Sony only seems to be releasing generic shii with prettier graphics.
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