The game is visually quite impressive, I'd almost be impressed, almost in that my one gripe is with the gameplay itself, and that's that the combat doesn't look the least bit interesting to me. My loss I guess, think it'll sell decently regardless, but nonetheless a praiseworthy example of the potential of the PS4, and I find it kind of exciting since this is being achieved so early in the PS4's life, and things should only get more impressive in years to come.
its kind of ironic that the word IN is part of the word of the title for this game considering that you don't actually go INTO any of these pretty new buildings lol. idk, the game looks like every other Infamous game out there...except with upgraded graphics, with no shadows lol.
cows should probably stop hyping this game. i think its going to be a monster all the videos i've seen it was basically the same old thing, same old combat. its looking like this might be the most mediocre game since Killzone Shadowfall. pretty as **** but no advancement in gameplay at all...
plus the main character is retro as hell. when is this game based...1985?
I'm sure you cant enter every building in GTA, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Prototype, Shenmue, Batman series, The Getaway, Mafia, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Dead Rising, correct me if I am wrong of course.
Ryse 4.0.
Flop because of retro character? Or was that just you straying off topic?
this is next gen though lol. what arent you getting about that statement? new gen, new standards.
Wait, aren't you one of the people hyping titanfall? can't expect people to take you seriously when your criticizm changes depending on what platform you are discussing. I could also say the same thing about dead raising 3, a game xbox fans say is so good but about as last gen as you can get standards wise.
When did you decided to intergrate this new "new gen, new standards." banner into your arguments because I haven't seen you thrown it around in any of the posts you've made for games on the platform that you own? Or dose your "new gen, new standards." decree only apply to playstation?
Dead Rising 3 is next gen because of how many Zombies it put on the screen at a time. no other console next gen, or last, had that volume of enemies on the screen at one time. thats new...thats next gen.
A Sony representative confirmed with Polygon that MLB 14: The Show on PS4 runs in 1080p at 60fps. The game also includes 1,000 different crowd models, each featuring more than 10,000 polygons.
@bloodlust_101: i'll reply to u later on. i'm overdosed on systems wars for right now lol. but i will get back to ur message, thanks for writing back.
@tyloss said:
@tymeservesfate said:
@tyloss said:
@tymeservesfate said:
@tyloss said:
You honestly shouldn't have wasted your energy typing this, we already know you're an idiot.
ur quickly becoming one of the biggest morons on this board TyLOSS...congrats
Why are you upset?
because ur parents failed with you so miserably lol.
Strong projection.
not really...every message from you so far has been completely worthless. u have no depth of thought at all from what i've seen. my first conversation with you ever n ur damn near stalking me now and ur trying to tease me like a two year old...thats ur parenting showing lol. some people i see on here i hear more about and read what they have to say and wonder how or why they play video games. really cool people. you though...u should be playing video games LOL. ur a waste...even if you got any real opportunities it'd be a waste. imo...because you're a fool.
but yea...tease me some more. maybe you'll make me cry =-o lmao smh.
yea, i knew that shut ur bitch ass up, lol. "hahahaha" my ass....i don't need to see much about you to pull ur lame ass card. have a good one LOL.
its kind of ironic that the word IN is part of the word of the title for this game considering that you don't actually go INTO any of these pretty new buildings lol. idk, the game looks like every other Infamous game out there...except with upgraded graphics, with no shadows lol.
cows should probably stop hyping this game. i think its going to be a monster all the videos i've seen it was basically the same old thing, same old combat. its looking like this might be the most mediocre game since Killzone Shadowfall. pretty as **** but no advancement in gameplay at all...
plus the main character is retro as hell. when is this game based...1985?
I'm sure you cant enter every building in GTA, Bioshock, Assassins Creed, Prototype, Shenmue, Batman series, The Getaway, Mafia, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, Dead Rising, correct me if I am wrong of course.
Ryse 4.0.
Flop because of retro character? Or was that just you straying off topic?
this is next gen though lol. what arent you getting about that statement? new gen, new standards.
Wait, aren't you one of the people hyping titanfall? can't expect people to take you seriously when your criticizm changes depending on what platform you are discussing. I could also say the same thing about dead raising 3, a game xbox fans say is so good but about as last gen as you can get standards wise.
When did you decided to intergrate this new "new gen, new standards." banner into your arguments because I haven't seen you thrown it around in any of the posts you've made for games on the platform that you own? Or dose your "new gen, new standards." decree only apply to playstation?
Dead Rising 3 is next gen because of how many Zombies it put on the screen at a time. no other console next gen, or last, had that volume of enemies on the screen at one time. thats new...thats next gen.
A Sony representative confirmed with Polygon that MLB 14: The Show on PS4 runs in 1080p at 60fps. The game also includes 1,000 different crowd models, each featuring more than 10,000 polygons.
Please submit your blumbering numbers if your going to talk sh!t.
crowd models....crowd models??? are you FN joking here talking about how many crowd models a baseball game will have in conjunction to the amount of zombies there are in Dead Rising 3 that you actually can fight, kill, and interact with lol? about being desperate lol. and if you're going to try and use the word blundering at least spell it right. blumbering isnt a word friend LOL.
but yea, wiki it:
my stance is, has been, and will stay that there might be games out there that have similar game mechanics but NONE of them it all in one package like Dead Rising 3 does. no console game this gen or last does what Dead Rising does, definitely not infamous ss. with the amount of zombies, the amount of weapons, the cars...then being able to craft and change weapons and cars to make them their own unique item. along with players having many more buildings available to access, zombies being generated uniquely with their own set of organs to boot, character customization in-game and in cutscenes...and even simple things like co-op and multiplayer are in the box. Infamous can't even do half of this stuff its looking like...just pretty graphics and the same old stale gameplay.
i mean the list can go on, but wiki it ^^ ;)...all you cows can do is show a game or two that are able to do one or two of the many things Dead Rising 3 can do all on its own. but you cannot find or show a single console game that does it ALL too...if you can, show me. lets see it.
Imagine buying a console with last gen specs incapable of this just because it has a touchscreen in the middle of the pad. Be pretty silly wouldn't it?
but friend...are all those other game mechanics in there as well or does it just have MAYBE, but likely not, the same amount of enemies? lets be real here...all those game mechanics i mention ARE NOT in the ps2 are they? that machine is not capable of it? hmmm?
What mechanics? Varying clothes and organs which appear under circumstances? This is a PS2 we are talking about it had 32 mb of ram (funny enough it has the same amount of useful ram as the XBone does). If your definition of next gen is the ability to randomly generate low quality clothes like Borderlands randomly generates guns you set your graphical sights too low.
PS. If I recall corectly a PC RTS game with thousands of units had each unit being randomly generated to have a different look. This was years ago, it was somewhat awesome then, it isn't awesome now.
wow, u can't even admit that DR3 has more game mechanics in the works than that flimsy ps2 game you embedded? really?? how are we suppose to have any legitimate conversation when you pull nonsense like this...all those game mechanics i described n mentioned...and all ur acknowledging is the clothes mechanic LOL. cmon...stop bullshitting me. this is why people talk to u guys like jokes...because u show u arent capable of any real conversation.
plus why are u trying to hide behind PC now LMAO. this is a ps4 game i mentioned a game from its direct competitor in the XB1...u run out of BS answers and duck behind PC now?? cmon smh LOL
What mechanics did you mention? I only see clothing and numbers of zombies. The PS2 had 32mb of ram, do you expect it to be as big as an XB1 game?
mothafucker, scroll up and see the shii then. the **** LOL. i don't know or like you enough to write all that out again. especially when we're on the same page that has the message. ur buggin or trying to be slick trying that nonsense.
also, that was my point to begin gen should bring better capabilities. thats why ps4 games not having next gen features or mechanics(besides graphics) is so damn unimpressive. why would u even get into the conversation if you're going to essentially agree with me lol? the order is a simple corridor tps with QTEs and no multiplayer...infamous, same old mechanics with no multiplayer n better graphics...Driveclub is so bad they delayed the shii already. not impressive...not next gen. at least microsofts games have a little more to them than that nonsense.
The mechanics you mention about your XBone exclusives are the same mechanics we have been seeing for generations now. If you want to see anything next gen by your standards, we have some older PC, PS2, and PS3 games for your viewing pleasure. If you want to see next gen console graphics we have some PS4 games for you. I am sorry you chose a console which is better suited as an intergenerational console than a full on next gen console.
Planetside 2 has up to 2000 players on a single map. It is also coming to the PS4.
Infamous is an open world which provides superior graphics to any XBone game and runs at 1080p with a smooth framerate.
GT5 is an open world which provides multiplayer - the superior versions happens to be on the PS3.
MAG has 256 players online per match, it is on the PS3.
Forza 5 is next gen because of the ability for players to develop an AI - Much like some PS2 fighting games - ignoring the fact that it looks on par with Forza 4.
Dead Rising 3 is next gen because it has hundreds of brainless AI on screen at once - However this has been done for the last 2 generations.
The only next gen experience the one offers is a new way to watch tv - and within 2 years I believe that TVs will have those features already built in, creating a redundancy with the one.
Why don't you set up your next gen standards in a few clearly understood points so everyone has at least an idea of what you consider to be Next Gen gaming - this way you cannot move goal posts anymore. As of now it seems you moved the goal posts so far that the ball is already behind the net.
oh man, i was looking forward to coming back and getting into a discussion with you about all this....then i read ur post n its complete bullshit LOL. you even hide behind pc again for a while...goodlord. i mean, ur using like 4 separate platforms just to compete against Dead Rising 3, and other XB1 games, and you don't see the fault in that XD
i'll just say this...with dead rising 3 it has all those mechanics in one game, thats what makes it next gen. you don't need X amount of games added together to say, "look, its been done before. look at this game...n this one...n then look at this one...etc" with Dead Rising its all done inside just one game, thats why its next gen. its doing what five or six other games had to do separately.
and what ps2 game has user generated AI like Forza 5 does? that's one piece of bullshit i'd like to see. because the ps2 barely used its online feature, at all.
The game does look good but it's pulling the same cheap tricks Sleeping Dogs pulled to make it look good. Night time and lots of specular and colourful lights. Looking forward to playing it though, the particle effects are very nice
I immediately thought of sleeping dogs. But I play the PC version and this is pretty comparable so far especially with the rain. Although I find the gameplay mechanics to be a bit "meh". The protagonist moves around like some kind of floating fairy.
Imagine buying a console with last gen specs incapable of this just because it has a touchscreen in the middle of the pad. Be pretty silly wouldn't it?
Imagine having generally better visuals and gameplay anyway.
The game does look good but it's pulling the same cheap tricks Sleeping Dogs pulled to make it look good. Night time and lots of specular and colourful lights. Looking forward to playing it though, the particle effects are very nice
I also have the same impression. This game it looks surprisingly similar to sleeping dogs for some reason. Still even with those tricks both games do look great and i like the art style of both
Visually its rather impressive and seems very indicative of what the start of the "next" generation games will look like. However the gameplay looks no different to what was achieveable from nearly 10 years ago now.
It looks like we could be on the verge on visually very impressive games but the gameplay is just not catching up. Hopefully this is just a teething stage to where developers and publishers need to get their foot into the new generation of games and establish themselves with pretty graphics but there has been no game (that I can think of) that has shown any "new" gameplay. Its all the same stuff we have had since the PS2 and Xbox almost.
Can't wait for the Lems to say the game's been downgraded even though this is obviously not a direct feed footage.
The games been downgraded. I didn't want you to wait long, dude. Game looks great. Looking forward to April, when I get my PS4 and this. But I'll be ok playing Titanfall from the 11th until then.
Can't see what all the fuss is about, it looks nice that is all with a sterile world with not a lot going on in it, very few NPC's and traffic based on that particular video, GTA looked more impressive to me in that department. Reminded me of Crackdown with the vertical aspect of climbing buildings but left me all in all meh.
oh man, i was looking forward to coming back and getting into a discussion with you about all this....then i read ur post n its complete bullshit LOL. you even hide behind pc again for a while...goodlord. i mean, ur using like 4 separate platforms just to compete against Dead Rising 3, and other XB1 games, and you don't see the fault in that XD
i'll just say this...with dead rising 3 it has all those mechanics in one game, thats what makes it next gen. you don't need X amount of games added together to say, "look, its been done before. look at this game...n this one...n then look at this one...etc" with Dead Rising its all done inside just one game, thats why its next gen. its doing what five or six other games had to do separately.
and what ps2 game has user generated AI like Forza 5 does? that's one piece of bullshit i'd like to see. because the ps2 barely used its online feature, at all.
I am not hiding behind other platforms - you said the amount of enemies on screen was next gen so I showed you a game with more from the PS2 - therefore the PS2 is next gen in your eyes. You said every enemy looks different, I explained every gun is different in the exact same way on Borderlands, it is just a random parameter, with a colour variance using another random parameter. See below attached image.
Dead Rising has those 2 features, so therefore it is next gen, nevermind the game is graphically on par with a 360 game (I am sure lemmings criticized the Wii/WiiU for the same reasons). If I am using 4 seperate platforms which each individually do what Dead Rising has done, I am sure that Dead Rising is not unique or next gen.
By the way, if you want to use the 'all in just 1 game' argument, I vote that Killzone 3 was next gen because of the all in 1 game mode Warzone, combined with the brutal melee (which has been copied by a few games including Halo). Moreso, The Order is next gen because it has cover based shooting, QTEs, beautiful graphics, seamless cutscene to gameplay transitions, and cinematic gameplay.
User generated AI akin to Forza may not have been done before on the PS2, but user generated AI has been done before on the PS2. As I said earlier, Virtua Fighter had this, Gran Turismo 4 had something similar to it with B-Spec Mode where you train an AI as well.
Also can you believe this is just 1 texture with a random modifier?
crowd models....crowd models??? are you FN joking here talking about how many crowd models a baseball game will have in conjunction to the amount of zombies there are in Dead Rising 3 that you actually can fight, kill, and interact with lol? about being desperate lol. and if you're going to try and use the word blundering at least spell it right. blumbering isnt a word friend LOL.
but yea, wiki it:
my stance is, has been, and will stay that there might be games out there that have similar game mechanics but NONE of them it all in one package like Dead Rising 3 does. no console game this gen or last does what Dead Rising does, definitely not infamous ss. with the amount of zombies, the amount of weapons, the cars...then being able to craft and change weapons and cars to make them their own unique item. along with players having many more buildings available to access, zombies being generated uniquely with their own set of organs to boot, character customization in-game and in cutscenes...and even simple things like co-op and multiplayer are in the box. Infamous can't even do half of this stuff its looking like...just pretty graphics and the same old stale gameplay.
i mean the list can go on, but wiki it ^^ ;)...all you cows can do is show a game or two that are able to do one or two of the many things Dead Rising 3 can do all on its own. but you cannot find or show a single console game that does it ALL too...if you can, show me. lets see it.
You have moved the goal posts so far that the ball is already behind the net for the Microsoft team, you should feel ashamed.
great looking game dat night time and colors are pretty but once again him not being on the ground is killing me hes floaty jerky run and stop animations no shadows no interactions outside no train sounds no people talking but npcs shooting powers sound like a pew pew shooter but it looks good
oh man, i was looking forward to coming back and getting into a discussion with you about all this....then i read ur post n its complete bullshit LOL. you even hide behind pc again for a while...goodlord. i mean, ur using like 4 separate platforms just to compete against Dead Rising 3, and other XB1 games, and you don't see the fault in that XD
i'll just say this...with dead rising 3 it has all those mechanics in one game, thats what makes it next gen. you don't need X amount of games added together to say, "look, its been done before. look at this game...n this one...n then look at this one...etc" with Dead Rising its all done inside just one game, thats why its next gen. its doing what five or six other games had to do separately.
and what ps2 game has user generated AI like Forza 5 does? that's one piece of bullshit i'd like to see. because the ps2 barely used its online feature, at all.
I am not hiding behind other platforms - you said the amount of enemies on screen was next gen so I showed you a game with more from the PS2 - therefore the PS2 is next gen in your eyes. You said every enemy looks different, I explained every gun is different in the exact same way on Borderlands, it is just a random parameter, with a colour variance using another random parameter. See below attached image.
Dead Rising has those 2 features, so therefore it is next gen, nevermind the game is graphically on par with a 360 game (I am sure lemmings criticized the Wii/WiiU for the same reasons). If I am using 4 seperate platforms which each individually do what Dead Rising has done, I am sure that Dead Rising is not unique or next gen.
By the way, if you want to use the 'all in just 1 game' argument, I vote that Killzone 3 was next gen because of the all in 1 game mode Warzone, combined with the brutal melee (which has been copied by a few games including Halo).
Moreso, The Order is next gen because it has cover based shooting, QTEs, beautiful graphics, seamless cutscene to gameplay transitions, and cinematic gameplay.
User generated AI akin to Forza may not have been done before on the PS2, but user generated AI has been done before on the PS2. As I said earlier, Virtua Fighter had this, Gran Turismo 4 had something similar to it with B-Spec Mode where you train an AI as well.
Also can you believe this is just 1 texture with a random modifier?
yes i did say that...but by the time you enter the conversation I/WE expanded our descriptions of next gen examples. and i had already listed the full list of reasons of of why i feel Dead Rising 3 trumps Infamous and is more of a next gen game.
you came in late with old info...the conversation had moved forward. theres no reason why should update you to catch you up. read up on ur own and then get into the conversation. like i said, i don't know you to have the same conversation twice when u can just read the thread on ur own and then speak up friend lol.
crowd models....crowd models??? are you FN joking here talking about how many crowd models a baseball game will have in conjunction to the amount of zombies there are in Dead Rising 3 that you actually can fight, kill, and interact with lol? about being desperate lol. and if you're going to try and use the word blundering at least spell it right. blumbering isnt a word friend LOL.
but yea, wiki it:
my stance is, has been, and will stay that there might be games out there that have similar game mechanics but NONE of them it all in one package like Dead Rising 3 does. no console game this gen or last does what Dead Rising does, definitely not infamous ss. with the amount of zombies, the amount of weapons, the cars...then being able to craft and change weapons and cars to make them their own unique item. along with players having many more buildings available to access, zombies being generated uniquely with their own set of organs to boot, character customization in-game and in cutscenes...and even simple things like co-op and multiplayer are in the box. Infamous can't even do half of this stuff its looking like...just pretty graphics and the same old stale gameplay.
i mean the list can go on, but wiki it ^^ ;)...all you cows can do is show a game or two that are able to do one or two of the many things Dead Rising 3 can do all on its own. but you cannot find or show a single console game that does it ALL too...if you can, show me. lets see it.
You have moved the goal posts so far that the ball is already behind the net for the Microsoft team, you should feel ashamed.
no, u werent caught up in the conversation and interjected when the conversation had moved forward from what i first wrote. i already explained this to you in another message just now.
@tyloss said:
@bloodlust_101: he's still having a meltdown? Poor kid
seriously fam u need to get off my ballsack lol. you've been acting like some spurned woman trying to get back at me for fucking her mother, or something lol. i mean shit...u even followed me into other threads begging me to come back and talk to u and shii...look at urself. ur acting kinda "funny", forreal. you need to step back and realize how "into me" you are while ur trying to clown you lame duck, lol smh. idk you and u are over there obsessing over me and my life like some stalker chick...lmaoooo.
plus you don't know what a meltdown is. i had no problem juggling all you heads last night, no problem.
Can't wait for the Lems to say the game's been downgraded even though this is obviously not a direct feed footage.
The games been downgraded. I didn't want you to wait long, dude. Game looks great. Looking forward to April, when I get my PS4 and this. But I'll be ok playing Titanfall from the 11th until then.
LOL um no it hasn't, you can download multiple HD feeds from your PS4 of gameplay footage and it looks identical to when they showed it at E3. Its important you don't compare compressed screen to actual direct feed shots.
Funny how lemrats have no games of their own to talk about. Only bashing Ps4 games everywhere and getting incredibly ass hurt in the process. Tired of hyping your multiplat Titanfall? Bored with pausing Ryse to look at dem grafix?
Anyways,this looks like a great open world game. inFamous games were never groundbreaking but they sure as hell was fun to play!
Looks pretty good, a lot of re-used textures and assets though, 'guess that's a given when the city is as large as it is. I'm banking on this being the game that gives me a reason to use my PS4, but the story seems so meh.. I dunno.. I won't judge this one too quickly but it's kind of fallen out of a first day purchase territory for me.
Can't wait for the Lems to say the game's been downgraded even though this is obviously not a direct feed footage.
The games been downgraded. I didn't want you to wait long, dude. Game looks great. Looking forward to April, when I get my PS4 and this. But I'll be ok playing Titanfall from the 11th until then.
LOL um no it hasn't, you can download multiple HD feeds from your PS4 of gameplay footage and it looks identical to when they showed it at E3. Its important you don't compare compressed screen to actual direct feed shots.
Hook, line and sinker, huh? I said that to Shewgenja as a joke. I wouldn't truly know if the game was downgraded, nor really care. I like to play games. If a game is fun, I'll play it.
I know right?? and that amazing gameplay !! I could just imagine running around doing that for hours......pffft. This is whats wrong with you people. all this textures, and resolution, fps meanwhile this game looks lifeless and boring as shit. Im sorry but you can sit back and count pixels all day while others run around in titan fall and actually have fun...gaming. This gen is a joke
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