[QUOTE="Calvin079"] I borrowed Mario Galaxy and I didn't like it oddly enoguh. But mario doesn't need a plot. Everything needs a plot or a reason behind it these days or so it seems when it simply doesn't. Your castle was attacked? Who cares why, go smack some sense intothenemesis'foolish head! The princess was captured? who cares why, go save her! I don't mind intricate plots in a game. All I'm saying is, is that a person should be able to tell where the cutscene ends and the game begins when watching a walkthrough or gameplay video.
I think the best thing I can do is just stop talking video games with you. I just couldn't disagree with you more about everything.
One of my friends is the same way. He likes everything fleshed out. Depends on the game for me. Does a platformer need a fleshed out plot? No. Might an RPG? Maybe, most likely yes. Does an RTS? Perhaps, depends on the developer. I'm too tired to discuss and argue. Its 12:30AM and I need to be up at 6:50AM so even thoguh I probably made many enemies tonight, good night all.Lol, you're not an enemy. I honestly don't care that much about video games to dislike someone because of them. It's just that you've made your point clear that you don't like stories being told in video games, especially in the form of cutscenes, and there's no real sense in arguing that. It's just your opinion.
It is a natural evolution of games, though. People expect more and more out of games every generation. It gets to the point where gameplay isn't enough, they want a story too. With all the horsepower consoles have nowadays, developers are actually able to create amazing cutscenes. It's just a result of where technology is today, and it will continue to be that way.
I've said many times that when it comes to a game, story is the least important thing to me. I rank things like graphics, gameplay, controls and sound above story. Despite that being the case, Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid are 2 of my favorite gaming franchises, not for the stories, but for the gameplay.
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