[QUOTE="Another48hours"][QUOTE="Another48hours"]Any reason why SW was moved to Platform discussions instead of General?Another48hours^ ^ this Because GS is ashamed.The last thing you want is new people running into SW.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="Another48hours"][QUOTE="Another48hours"]Any reason why SW was moved to Platform discussions instead of General?Another48hours^ ^ this Because GS is ashamed.The last thing you want is new people running into SW.
Man I wish I could do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLFGnkGld8Y
I'm practicing as much as I can to reach that goal.
I still haven't got the fluidity of street football down yet :P
There should be a Pokemon spin-off that plays like Nintendogs. I want to surround myself with my eevee evolutions.IAmNot_fun
All I need is a good Pokemon MMORPG and my gaming life is complete.
[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"]There should be a Pokemon spin-off that plays like Nintendogs. I want to surround myself with my eevee evolutions.XVision84
All I need is a good Pokemon MMORPG and my gaming life is complete.
I really don't get why people would want this. I mean, you can already battle online anyway. I would rather hope Nintendo implement an online system similar to Souls series, like visiting other people's world.:( I want that game so bad but buying a 3DS just isn't viable at the moment.Decided I'ma buy MGS3DS as an Easter present :3
[QUOTE="Slashless"]:( I want that game so bad but buying a 3DS just isn't viable at the moment. Yeah man, had to wait till Christmas till I was able to afford one. At first I hated the camera controls but I got very use to them and I enjoyed the Demo. My god haven't played MGS3 in nearly 2 years... can not wait, absolutely loved it.Decided I'ma buy MGS3DS as an Easter present :3
There should be a Pokemon spin-off that plays like Nintendogs. I want to surround myself with my eevee evolutions.IAmNot_fun
That sounds like PokePark for the Wii.
[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"]There should be a Pokemon spin-off that plays like Nintendogs. I want to surround myself with my eevee evolutions.Valiant_Rebel
That sounds like PokePark for the Wii.
How does that sound like PokeParks...[QUOTE="Valiant_Rebel"][QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"]There should be a Pokemon spin-off that plays like Nintendogs. I want to surround myself with my eevee evolutions.IAmNot_fun
That sounds like PokePark for the Wii.
How does that sound like PokeParks...I don't know. I figured that sounded a bit similar to what you were saying, though I don't know if it plays anything close to Nintendogs.
How does that sound like PokeParks...[QUOTE="IAmNot_fun"][QUOTE="Valiant_Rebel"]
That sounds like PokePark for the Wii.
I don't know. I figured that sounded a bit similar to what you were saying, though I don't know if it plays anything close to Nintendogs.
http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-pokepark-wii-pikachus-adventure/17-3489/ It's actually really different.[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Noooooo, ME3 scored AAA :cry:MLBknights58
Was there any ever doubt? :cool:
Yes :([QUOTE="Another48hours"]Any reason why SW was moved to Platform discussions instead of General?verbtex
It was here before so it doesn't feel so awkward.
Was it? The BasedGod doesnt remember Sistem Wars ever being in that section. The BasedGod doesnt remember OT being in special interests either (even though BasedGod has made the conclusion that OT is a forum about religion and politics).[QUOTE="verbtex"][QUOTE="Another48hours"]Any reason why SW was moved to Platform discussions instead of General?illmatic87
It was here before so it doesn't feel so awkward.
Was it? The BasedGod doesnt remember Sistem Wars ever being in that section. The BasedGod doesnt remember OT being in special interests either (even though BasedGod has made the conclusion that OT is a forum about religion and politics). Shouldn't you post as illmatic and not as BasedGod, which is your Steam name? :PNoooooo, ME3 scored AAA :cry:charizard1605
EA gave GS their paycheck on time, unlike BF3. Fantastic art? It's such a freakin' eyesore and a bore to look at. Also Femshep is fugly.
The combat in the game is horrible. Even if I end up liking the game, I could never give it something that high.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Noooooo, ME3 scored AAA :cry:ChubbyGuy40
EA gave GS their paycheck on time, unlike BF3. Fantastic art? It's such a freakin' eyesore and a bore to look at. Also Femshep is fugly.
The combat in the game is horrible. Even if I end up liking the game, I could never give it something that high.
Lol damn.
Let the hate flow through you ChubbyGuy. :P
Normal cigarettes have 599 additive chemicals:[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]1.Still have most of the cancer causing agents of other cigarettes. 2.No outside chemical do not make a safer cigarette. 3.Natural american spirits are the most expensive you can buy.
American Spirits have none of them. And e-cigartettes have absolutely no long term studies tied to them because they haven't been around for all that long. No one knows the long term effects, much like people didn't know long term effects of cigarettes back in the day. For all we know you could grow a third arm out of the back of your head in about 20 years from smoking e-cigs.
*laughs hard* Most of the cancer causing agents in a cigarette are...FROM THE CIGARETTE your burning something then taking it into your lungs so no additive free cigarettes are not really safer, and as I said your telling me to purchase a cigarette that is more expensive than any other. Ecigarettes are factually safer because they are nicotine, water, glycirol this is atomized into a mist, your not taking smoke, tar..etc into your lungs in huge quantities like a cigarette.Lol damn.
Let the hate flow through you ChubbyGuy. :P
But I'm willing to give it a chance.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Noooooo, ME3 scored AAA :cry:ChubbyGuy40
EA gave GS their paycheck on time, unlike BF3
The BasedGod wonders: does ChubbyGuy actually believe this?BasedGod thinks it's a form of denial and an attempt to keep repeating this idea untill you convnice yourself by repeatedly saying such things.
The BasedGod is concearned.
Just got done reading the casey wegner thread in ask the mods...Man it only goes to show Casey wegner was the only one actually doing his job in system wars for the most part *most part mind you*
Then again the majority of people that work for Gamespot don't do their jobs *staff, and reviewers in general* we are talking about a forum that breaks every other week, and still wont let even half the people post certain things unless the unholy sacraments are laid to bair and a full moon is out, quite a few people throughout the gaming arena namely users catch 2 or 3 reviewers on the website posting a review that often completely contridicts it self every other month and often times where the reiviewer admits I didn't know how to play the game so I just winged it for a few hours.
Its too bad CaseyWegner you were the mos worthy of mods on system wars.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Noooooo, ME3 scored AAA :cry:illmatic87
EA gave GS their paycheck on time, unlike BF3
The BasedGod wonders: does ChubbyGuy actually believe this?BasedGod thinks it's a form of denial and an attempt to keep repeating this idea untill you convnice yourself by repeatedly saying such things.
The BasedGod is concearned.
Ohh man. How long do you have to do this 3rd person thing? My head hurts from reading in your post in the 3rd person in my head. :x
I'm sorry we've failed you all :(.Just got done reading the casey wegner thread in ask the mods...Man it only goes to show Casey wegner was the only one actually doing his job in system wars for the most part *most part mind you*
Then again the majority of people that work for Gamespot don't do their jobs *staff, and reviewers in general* we are talking about a forum that breaks every other week, and still wont let even half the people post certain things unless the unholy sacraments are laid to bair and a full moon is out, quite a few people throughout the gaming arena namely users catch 2 or 3 reviewers on the website posting a review that often completely contridicts it self every other month and often times where the reiviewer admits I didn't know how to play the game so I just winged it for a few hours.
Its too bad CaseyWegner you were the mos worthy of mods on system wars.WilliamRLBaker
Shouldn't you post as illmatic and not as BasedGod, which is your Steam name? :Pcharizard1605BasedGod sounds cleaner. Two syllables instead of 3 or 4 is too much for fellow System Warriors, even moreso than WilliamRLBaker not using punctuation. BasedGod made a decision based on empathy.
BasedGod only proves that charizard has never post in Gufu off-site forum, where illmatic has basedgod as a username. Steam name is MettaWorldPeace... and you wouldnt want that. :|
Ohh man. How long do you have to do this 3rd person thing? My head hurts from reading in your post in the 3rd person in my head. :xThe BasedGod is laughing. This is punishment for the BasedGod, yet, it's rubbing off on fellow users.MLBknights58
BasedGod is appreciative of your time and thanks you for reading my posts. Because the BasedGod thought that nobody ever read his words of wisdom.
The BasedGod wonders: does ChubbyGuy actually believe this?
BasedGod thinks it's a form of denial and an attempt to keep repeating this idea untill you convnice yourself by repeatedly saying such things.
ChubbyGuy can confirm TheBasedGod's theory.
ChubbyGuy does not wish to believe it's true, but the check was late.
Wow just read that thread. GS Staff aren't much better than your average SW troll. :?Just got done reading the casey wegner thread in ask the mods...Man it only goes to show Casey wegner was the only one actually doing his job in system wars for the most part *most part mind you*
Then again the majority of people that work for Gamespot don't do their jobs *staff, and reviewers in general* we are talking about a forum that breaks every other week, and still wont let even half the people post certain things unless the unholy sacraments are laid to bair and a full moon is out, quite a few people throughout the gaming arena namely users catch 2 or 3 reviewers on the website posting a review that often completely contridicts it self every other month and often times where the reiviewer admits I didn't know how to play the game so I just winged it for a few hours.
Its too bad CaseyWegner you were the mos worthy of mods on system wars.WilliamRLBaker
Wow just read that thread. GS Staff aren't much better than your average SW troll. :?link please. I want to read this[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]
Just got done reading the casey wegner thread in ask the mods...Man it only goes to show Casey wegner was the only one actually doing his job in system wars for the most part *most part mind you*
Then again the majority of people that work for Gamespot don't do their jobs *staff, and reviewers in general* we are talking about a forum that breaks every other week, and still wont let even half the people post certain things unless the unholy sacraments are laid to bair and a full moon is out, quite a few people throughout the gaming arena namely users catch 2 or 3 reviewers on the website posting a review that often completely contridicts it self every other month and often times where the reiviewer admits I didn't know how to play the game so I just winged it for a few hours.
Its too bad CaseyWegner you were the mos worthy of mods on system wars.Eponique
[QUOTE="verbtex"][QUOTE="Another48hours"]Any reason why SW was moved to Platform discussions instead of General?illmatic87
It was here before so it doesn't feel so awkward.
Was it? The BasedGod doesnt remember Sistem Wars ever being in that section. The BasedGod doesnt remember OT being in special interests either (even though BasedGod has made the conclusion that OT is a forum about religion and politics).It was actually at the bottom of the platform boards in 2008.
Wow just read that thread. GS Staff aren't much better than your average SW troll. :?link please. I want to read this http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/29023339/what-happened-to-my-recent-site-enhancements-and-feedback-forum-thread There was another thread, but I can't find it right now for some reason :?[QUOTE="Eponique"]
Just got done reading the casey wegner thread in ask the mods...Man it only goes to show Casey wegner was the only one actually doing his job in system wars for the most part *most part mind you*
Then again the majority of people that work for Gamespot don't do their jobs *staff, and reviewers in general* we are talking about a forum that breaks every other week, and still wont let even half the people post certain things unless the unholy sacraments are laid to bair and a full moon is out, quite a few people throughout the gaming arena namely users catch 2 or 3 reviewers on the website posting a review that often completely contridicts it self every other month and often times where the reiviewer admits I didn't know how to play the game so I just winged it for a few hours.
Its too bad CaseyWegner you were the mos worthy of mods on system wars.TheShadowLord07
link please. I want to read this http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/29023339/what-happened-to-my-recent-site-enhancements-and-feedback-forum-thread There was another thread, but I can't find it right now for some reason :?do you remember anythin from what you read? also, im sure you find the thread if you sure your chrome,opera,firefox history[QUOTE="TheShadowLord07"]
[QUOTE="Eponique"] Wow just read that thread. GS Staff aren't much better than your average SW troll. :?
[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"][QUOTE="Aljosa23"]Agreed. And now Wasdie's seeming to go the same way... Verb and Haziq, hurrah!Whoa there cowboy, Wasdie is chill as f*ck.Casey is pretty pathetic.
And now Wasdie's seeming to go the same way... Verb and Haziq, hurrah!Whoa there cowboy, Wasdie is chill as f*ck. Meh, he's definitely not as chill and upstanding as he used to me. I know I'm not one for calm, but I have seen some irrational posts from him recently.[QUOTE="Blabadon"][QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]Agreed.Aljosa23
And now Wasdie's seeming to go the same way... Verb and Haziq, hurrah!BlabadonIt's fun to act tough with the mods, right? Friggin power hungry forum snobs. That goes triple for Teuf.
[QUOTE="Blabadon"]And now Wasdie's seeming to go the same way... Verb and Haziq, hurrah!musicalmacIt's fun to act tough with the mods, right? Friggin power hungry forum snobs. That goes triple for Teuf. Nah, it's fun to talk with the fun mods. But we all have opinions, that's something that we all love, and if you're a mod who understands that rather than calling out people as "Cod players" as a derogatory insult, then you're cool too.
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