[QUOTE="TheGuardian03"] Should have played it before the trophies but at least you played it. When Big Boss appeared i was shocked. i also bet you don't have a clue what was going on lol. :P Should have played the collection first the 4.TheGuardian03
Some aspects of the game at the start lost me like who was big boss, big mama, the patriots, why is he old and whats the whole thing with clones and so on but the game itself i think did an amazing job in telling me everything, even the flash backs, everything you do and whereever you go ( especially places you visited in the past games ) all gives you flash-backs on the past to help you understand the game even more, i think every question i had been answered by the game itself but still not everything.
after MGS4 im going to go probably tomorrow and hopefully be able to find the MGS HD collection.
i'v always thought MGS games were about stealth, patience and war ( pretty much thought it wasnt special ) but after playing it and now just beat it today i got to say i was really blown away by how deep and emotional this game was.
i really enjoy games like this with great story.
not trying to sound like a fanboy :P but this is why i'll always stay with playstation, the place for the best exclusives and the best story telling games.
You seem really impressed. :P
Should have played the previous once they were on every sony system, what games did you play last gen? i'm curious? :)
Oh last gen
Last gen i played nothing but JRPGs.. compared to this gen it wasnt that special, i seriously played nothing but Japanese RPGs like FF games, KH games, Atelier games, Ar Tonelico, Dragon Quest, star ocean, digimon, arc of the land, shadow hearts, digital devil, ( ratchet and clank, jak and daxter, sly games were the only non JRPGs i got to play ), gundam destiny games, Hack, Wild Arms, Dark Chronicle, steambot, Grownsler and list goes on with tons of other JRPGs.
see i hated everything else like shooters, hack and slash, etc
only this generation where i was introduced to shooters, hack and slash ( i only started playing God of War this gen ), 3rd person shooters, action adventure, stealth games, online gaming and so on :P
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