[QUOTE="Zhengi"]There was no proof of moneyhatting last gen. That was only revealed recently of the moneyhatting of GS. And we all know MS is synonymous with moneyhatting. In fact, it's in their middle name. Micromoneyhattingsoftly.
Hahaha! There is no proof that anyone paid off GameSpot. Its all circumstantial evidence at best. I tend to believe it, but it had absolutely nothing to do with MS at all anyway.
So a Ninty or Sony game gets a good score and its honest. MS gets a good reviewed game and its a pay off? Makes no sense what-so-ever, especially considering how little MS truely has invested in gaming compared to their other ventures.
And before you or someone else trys to say CNET is owned by MS, its not. It is a publicly held company, and here are major holders.
The "proof" everyone cites is that they are partners of MS, but so is Sony in some areas, IBM, Dell, Gateway, Apple in some areas, Toshiba, I could just list all day. Frankly, if you use technology, chances are you are a partner of MS in some way or another.
If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, then for sure MS will moneyhat the duck.
So you say that there is no proof of Sony moneyhatting last gen and then you go on to say that Ms is moneyhatting without providing any proof except for a joke that nobody will find funny.
Yeah you sure proved me wrong.....
Yup, otherwise GS would have imploded rather than waiting till today.
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