Three years ago, I posed this question to all of you- what is the greatest game franchise of all time? And System Wars collectively voted, then, and we got our answer, but it's been three years. A lot of things have happened in the last three years. Resident Evil went to shit, Far Cry was revived, Assassin's Creed went to shit, then somehow came roaring back, same with Diablo, Uncharted's last two games failed to live up to the promise of the series' high point with Uncharted 2, God of War got a title that degraded its quality, Fire Emblem and Persona broke into the mainstream, Zelda lost a lot of standing with Skyward Sword, then managed to regain it with A Link Between Worlds, Halo and Gears of War both eroded with their newest installments, Mortal Kombat had a successful revival, and so on and so forth. My point is, it's been way too long, and what was the answer then is not the answer now. Three years later, a lot of things have changed, and I want to see what System Wars votes as the greatest game franchise of all time as of now.
So, we'll do this the old way. In this thread, you'll name your top three game franchises of all time. Make sure you list them in order.The first franchise on your list will be awarded 50 points. The second one will get 25 points, and the last one will get 15 points. The order you list your favorite franchises in is therefore very important- it will determine the points for the final tally.
There aren't a whole lot of restrictions to how you can vote, but please keep the following in mind-
- Remember to have only three franchises in your post. If your post has more than three franchises listed, the first three listed will be counted towards the tallies, and anything after that will be disregarded. If it has less than three franchises listed, then the post itself shall be disregarded.
- A franchise must have had at least two games to qualify as a franchise of series. The Last of Us is not a series. Bully is not a series. The Wonderful 101 is not a series. Bayonetta is (at least as of now) not a series.
- Meta franchises are not a thing, and will not be counted. What do I mean by a meta-franchise? Well, for instance, consider Xenogears, Xenosaga, and Xenoblade. Technically, they are all part of the same 'meta-franchise.' Or consider Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and (if it ever releases) The Last Guardian. They are again a part of the same meta franchise. But meta franchises are not properly defined game series. They share some thematic elements, but otherwise lack the mechanical and/or narrative continuity that makes a game series a game series. Please don't vote for meta-franchises, as those will not be counted.
- If you edit your post, please make sure to make a note of the edits you made, otherwise only your original post will count towards the tally, and your edits will not reflect towards it.
- You need to have a post count of at least 50 posts for your vote to be eligible.
- Finally, you have until 12:00am CT August 19, 2014 to get your votes in. That's a pretty long time, so make sure you get your votes in!
Got it? It's not gonna be hard, really. But with all of that said, it's time for me to get my votes in. Here goes:
- The Legend of Zelda
- Pokemon
- Mario Kart
Time for you to vote! What do you think are the greatest game franchises of all time?
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