The controversy behind it and $30 for 10 maps.
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Mainly the unbalance in weapons, i mean there's something wrong when a 50 cal isn't always a one shot kill and a little throwing knife is.hoosier7
actually, the notion that a 50 cal doesnt ohk unconditionally and a throwing knife does is a perfect example of game balance. you are mistaking balance for realism
all in all it was a fine game, exactly what i was expecting. it isnt perfect but then i find some of the things people consider 'unbalanced' in these games and then praise elsewhere highly amusing.
I hate it because I don't enjoy playing it. Everytime I play it (with friends, mind you), I get really bored and want to play something more interesting like Forza 3.
Because it represents everything that's wrong with the FPS genre today, namely the focus on simplistic gameplay and cheap popcorn violence. Especially as someone who enjoys single player FPS, MW2 isn't even decent. I hate it with a passion.
I think I can agree with this. It's the reason I prefer FPS like Stalker, even if they have worse production values.
Single player was a good experience...but then I played multiplayer with friends
I tried to like it....I really tried but you have the admit that the game is basically whoever see's who first and has the better class setup
People start flaming others for camping only to camp themselves to get killstreaks, and don't get me started on the glitches
Singleplayer - Short but exciting, not as good as MW. AA.
Multiplayer - Largely broken, pales in comparsion with BC2, or even the original MW, too many probelm to list but can still be kinda fun. A.
Overall - 7.5/10 ....that's still a good game, but considering it's success and the wealth of better FPS available it attracts a lot of (semi-deserved) hate. Plus Activision are the publisher. Anyone who keeps up with gaming news hates them with good reason.
Singleplayer - Short but exciting, not as good as MW. AA.
Multiplayer - Largely broken, pales in comparsion with BC2, or even the original MW, too many probelm to list but can still be kinda fun. A.
Overall - 7.5/10 ....that's still a good game, but considering it's success and the wealth of better FPS available it attracts a lot of (semi-deserved) hate. Plus Activision are the publisher. Anyone who keeps up with gaming news hates them with good reason.
I agree with this review because I have actually played the game.
I don't hate it, but it never looked very fun. It probably has something to do with the fact that Call of Duty 4 got boring to me, so I expect more of the same from the sequel.
[QUOTE="web966"][QUOTE="Litchie"]I don't hate it, but World at War was A LOT better. MW2 felt like a bad action movie.LitchieWorld at War was the most generic and uninspired game in the series. It felt more like a CoD4 mod than an actually sequel. And it still manages to be 10x more fun than MW2. Baffling. It had Nazi Zombies and campaign co-op. Since MW2's online mode might as well be thrown away, WaW is actually a pretty good deal.
The online is too similar to COD4. I put so much time into COD4 that I got bored of it. I was hoping for this to reignite my passion, but it didn't. It's also very glitchy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, MW2 is a great game. The presentation, controls, mp, and gameplay are all fantastic. Now, I understand those that disagree with me but that's just my opinion.Let's face it. SW is a giant anti MW2 rally it seems. I've played the 360 version and I thought it was a pretty solid shooter. So SW can you explain why you guys all dislike this game so much?
And please don't just say "it takes no skill" if it doesn't take skill please clarify why.
- Its very unbalanced
- Its full of campers
- Glitchy
- Terrible aim assist
- The SP is only 4 hours long
- Over priced DLC
- Over priced PC version
- No dedicated servers
- The online community is full of 10 year olds.
Because people here are used to slow paced unskilled games like for example Halo, and of course they die a lot then cry because Mw2 is so 'unbalanced' even though its one of the most balanced FPS games out there.
Basically, they made it too damn easy to get kills. There isn't much skill or thinking involved in playing the game.
Modern Warfare 2 had 1 redeeming quality. Spec. ops. was the only good part of the game IMO.
Because people who play nothing but Call of Duty swear its the greatest game ever created and stare right past the obvious flaws in the game that are glaring them in the eye.
I hate that^ = I hate playing games with those people = Those people play MW2 = I hate MW2
One of my favorite moments while playing MW2 was when I was in a free for all and I kept getting noob tubed so I switched to a noob tube and this guy shot his grenade at me and missed so I shot mine back and him and killed him. After that, in a high pitched voice, he says "****ing ***** running around with a noob tube. Learn to play the ****ing game you ****ing scrub"
Honestly its the community that keeps me away from the game more so it is the actual game. Hot headed college frat boys and squeeky teenage guys with an infatuation with cuss words are not the kind of people I want to be conversing with while I play games.
- It is not as unbalanced as people make it out to be. The balancing issue is based on people being stubborn and wanting to use "their" class as opposed to adapting to what is going on It is kind of unbalanced (though you're right, it's not as unbalanced as people make it out to be), simply because there's too many different perks and kill streak rewards.
- Campers should never be a problem, even in hardcore. You have to take your time and clear your rooms/corners. Marathon/Lightweight/Akimbo players make this complaint the most, but they just run around the maps wrecklessly. People who complain about campers are the people who run out in the open like idiots. Who seriously thinks they're going to do well in a game like CoD if they're running around out in the open. TL:DR, i agree.
- With a community as large as MW2, people will find glitches, it is inevitable. With that said, some of the glitches are unforgivable (javelin glitch, OMA infinite ammo, unlimited care packages), not to mention it took WAY too long to patch them and OMA infinite ammo has not been addressed. agreed
- need aim assist. My complaint on this is the opposite, why is it there? The game would be unplayable without aim assist. Think about Halo for a second. Ever noticed how much harder it is to kill your teammates than it is to kill enemies? That's because of the lack of aim assist when you're not aiming at enemies. Without some aim assist, console shooters would be unplayable. You may not notice it, but the speed of your aiming retical really slows down when you're hovering over an enemy. If it didn't, it would be very difficult to hit them.Now, the aim assist that drags your retical away from where you were aiming because someone ran in front of you is annoying.
- 4 hours is good for a FPS, any longer and it becomes repetitive and dull I honestly can't tell if you're serious. How the hell is a 4 hour long single player campaign acceptable in any way?!
- agreed
- agreed
- Not the end of the world, but I certainly understand this gripe amongst the PC community. Yeah, kind of a big deal.
- That can be controlled, there is rep on XBL and then there is controlling when you play. It is harder during the summer, but late morning, early afternoon or late weeknights are good times to avoid the kids. Beyond that, any popular game with an online community is going to have the same problem. That is not the games fault, but a societal problem.
I don't hate the game, it's more of the community. You can't run around a corner without there being someone there waiting for you. The entire game is a camp fest.ujjval16yes because of the killstreaks causing the kids to camp, i do like playing with friends though
[QUOTE="ujjval16"]I don't hate the game, it's more of the community. You can't run around a corner without there being someone there waiting for you. The entire game is a camp fest.jaqulle999yes because of the killstreaks causing the kids to camp, i do like playing with friends though
UAV helps campers as well. :(
The campaign was basically a rip of a bad michael bay movie.
The online community is worse than a pile of cow droppings.
Glitches. Lots of glitches.
People I know spend hours and hours talking about this game and claim it to be the "best game evar" when it clearly isn't. It ain't even close in my book, more like "most overrated game since OoT and Halo". Then they flame about actual good games and compare it to this mediocre pile of crap.
This game is pretty much a campfest. People just wait, and when they get killed, 75% of the time you'll hear a cuss on the other end.
[QUOTE="Ozbendigo"]That perk is not nearly as overrated as everyone says. You cant use Ninja While using it so you can hear them comming for you. It is easily avoidable. that has nothing to do with it. its about you shooting a guy thats 10 feet away twice, and he literally teleports into your chest and kills you instantly.commando pro
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