[QUOTE="gamebreakerz__"]Off the top of my head... 1. Terribly unbalanced perks eg. Everyone uses stopping power, commando etc, nobody uses perks like sitrep. Just like an MMO, there is a counter for each perk. I shouldn't have to change my playingways to counter bad game design and overpowered perks. My perks should suit my strengths, if I use all my perks to stop cheap kills then it shows bad game design. You are able to adapt without changing your play **** yet this is the stubborness I spoke of an an earlier post. "Why should I have to change? The game should be designed so it works best to MY playing ****" That is simply not the case.
2. Game ruining attachments such as heartbeat sensors which let campers know where you are, and noobtoob which kills everything within a 10 metre radius, then put One Man Army noobtube and get unlimited and people stand at the back of the map spamming noobtube.. One Man Army tubing is a glitch that IW will not address...Ninja counters heartbeat sensor and blast shields are effective against explosives. OMA wouldn't be that hard to patch, and the glitch is their fault for not testing the game enough and just rushing it to the market. As above for the other point. Other than OMA tubing/infinite ammo, everything else is easily countered.
3. Weapons have zero kickback eg. ACR which fires dead straight even across the map. Not true...each weapon has kickback and sway, some more than others, but it is there. If sit and empty a clip across the map, every bullet will not hit. They will with an ACR, compared to other COD games which generally have low kickback in general the kickback is almost non existant. In games like BC2 you have to fire stagnantly to maintain accuracy which is realistic and just plain better. BFBC2 is more realistic? No scope sway in the sniper rifle, 4 shots to kill a person with a shotgun from point blank range, I think not. Not to mention, other than the ACR, which has minimal kickback or sway, all of the other weapons, from the M4 to the P90 to the AUG BAR, you have to fire in controlled burst for the gun to be the most effective. How many times have you seen someone empty a clip to kill one person? That is not because the gun was dead on accurate with no recoil, it is because the gun was missing 3 of 4 shots or more because of kickback and sway.
4. Snipers are useless because most of the time they aren't even 1 hit kill and ACR+ACOG is better than any sniper. LOL..One hit kills are possible without stopping power and you have to take into account distance and impact location...a sniper shot that hits someone in the arm from 200 yards away is not a kill shot. Point is that in games like COD4 you could use M40A3 which is no where near the most powerful sniper and get one hit kills almost every time. Any snipers apart from intervention and Barret infrequently get one hit kills. The only sniper rifle that seems underpowered is the M21. I get one hit kills with all three of the others, using coldblooded and a silencer. So long as you are hitting the mark in the upper chest or head.
5. Aim assist which means any noob who aims down the sight can automatically headshot you. The only way to get a killstreak is to camp because if you run around then some noob will headshot you with their SMG from 50 metres because they aimed down their sight. Simply not true. Maybe a bit OTT but the aim assist is the strongest of any modern game which heavily aids the noobs. W/E
6. Terrible map design eg. there are long corridors with many doors that enter the corridor, campers just sit at the end of the corrider and shoot anything that runs through. Clearing rooms and corners make this null and void. Again, only someone who runs around wrecklessly has this problem. If your claiming camping is not a problem in MW2 then you are just plain dumb. In every shooter there will be campers. It is up to you to be able to deal with them. Again, slow but sure beats fast and wreckless anyday. Furthermore, the camoers in MW2 or ridiculously predictable. In every map, you know where the campers will be and if you do not take caution in that asrea, you only have yourself to blame.
7. Broken spawning system eg. you kill someone and then they spawn 5 metres away and kill you again instantly, also spawn trapping with killstreaks ruin games. This usually happens when you have 1 or 2 people that will not leave the spawn. If you haven't noticed, when your opponent chokes your spawn points, you spawn on the person closest to the spawn. So if there is someone just sitting in your original spawn, you will get trapped, but if peopel are running around outside of the spawn, you will spawn away from the trap. You can also control your spawn using tactical insertions. Once again, I shouldn't have to use a bloody tactical insert everytime I die incase I get spawn trapped, plus if you are playing a team game and your team gets trapped then you are screwed. This is self inflicted. It happens when one or more of your teammates will not leave the spawn.
8. Tactical insertion/boosting. People just go into Free For All and hide in places miles away and one kills the other repetitive times and they tactical insert straight back in to be killed again until the guy gets killstreaks and eventually a nuke, people get camo weapons like this so the whole camo system is broken. That is an issue within the community, not the game. You see this in Halo, GeoW and many other popular shooters. Not to the extent of MW2 with tactical insert and people getting chopper gunners and nukes, ending the game because they were hiding in a corner somewhere shooting each other, it's so common now it just ruins so many games. Yes it is. The only difference is that in games like Halo, GeoW, etc., it does not have the same impact on the rest of the players. Yet again, the people that do this are ridiculously predictable. They go to the same spots over and over. In a free for all, all you have to do is announce it and players will root them out.
9. Akimbo weapons. How anybody can reload 2 rangers or 2 P90s in 1 second is just stupid, not to mention that there is no kickback, even while firing 50 bullets per weapon in 3 seconds. Again, there is kickback and sway. My only complaint with akimbo is where in the flying filth do they get the third hand to knife? People on youtube who fire shotguns with onehand not only have massive kickback but also jarring of the arm from the shock if the gun isn't mounted on the shoulder. Fact is firing two shotguns with that little kickback is just plain impossible. I agree, but the shotguns being fired on youtube are not the ones that are Akimbo.
10. Tactical knifing. You can be knifed from five meters away, even from a guy who is carrying two weapons and somehow instantly has a knife in his hand. I once encountered a person climbing up a ladder about 4 metres above me, I knifed and my played flew 4 metres in the air and knifed him, WTF. Broken...Agreed
11. Killstreak rewards are stupidly overpowered, by getting 4 kills you can get a care package with a random killstreak reward, I remember once I got a chopper gunner which amounted me 16 kills, meaning I had just got 20 kills to 0 deaths, it's not so great when your on the recieving end. Also you can spawntrap with chopper gunner and get like 50 kills. Thats what coldblooded and stingers are for. I played a game recently where I got a Pavelow and then a Chopper Gunner. Neither made it on the map as the other team shot them down instantly. This is the weakest complaint, peopel want to use "their" ****(i.e. scavenger, stopping power, ninja) and expect someone else to shoot down air support or think they can outrun the bullets from the air support. Once again I shouldn't need to use arguably the most usefull perk spot to counter overpowered killstreaks. Even if I'm trying to take it down, nobody else in my team is trying to and they all get killed and we lose because of it, not to mention when you try to kill things like pavelow they often kill you first. Coldblooded prevents this, not to mention making sure you are out of the line of site of the air support. The only thing I struggle with getting down alone is the AC130, nothing else lasts when I am committed to shooting down the air support.
12. MW2 killed Search & Destroy, it's full of noobs with heartbeat sensors which ruins the stealth element, as well as riot shields and people who just wait until there is one enemy alive or they are the last person alive and go for a crazy quick scope so that everyone can see the kill at the end and afterwards all the rest of the noobs are like "he is the greatest playa in da universe cos he just got da crazed quikscope!!" Ninja beats heartbeat allday and these guys are easy to kill. They rely so much on the heartbeat sensor, they really do not cover themselves well. It is very easy to kill someone using a riot shield and they are far and few between, in any game mode. If you think MW2 S&D is good you are either teh quickscoping douche or haven't played COD4 S&D. I did not make such a claim, all I did was tell you that your complaints are unfounded. It goes back to the first point, adapting to the match.
13. Terrible online community, it's all campers and people that insult you if you kill them. They are all noobs and genuinely think they are extremely skillful despite the fact that they are just exploiting horrible game design. The game cannot control the community. You get the samething in every popular online game, GeoW, Halo, KZ2 BF2, BFBC2. If the game is popular, there will be miscreants in the community. Games like BC2 do not have all the screaming prepubescent kids and there wouldn't be any on MW2 if it wasn't so noob friendly. You keep bringing up BFBC2. That game is not popular. Check the qualifying term in my response "popular," which BFBC2 is not. The problem with the screaming kids playing MW2, Halo or any of the other popular games goes back to bad parenting. Not only letting their children play inappropriate games, but being so far removed from their children that they have the ability to get into these games, screaming and cussing and so forth.
14. Weapon damages are so inconsistant, weapons like the SCAR can 3 hit kill you while snipers are two hit kill most of the time. Whoever sees who first gets the kill because they just aim down their sight and fire a few bullets that kill you. That is usually how it works. That is a major component of any war game. Why should I see you, shoot you and you return fire and kill me? That would make no sense. It does make sense because if you can't aim and I can then I should be able to kill you if I'm good. MW2 has such a huge aim assist that shooting from range is far too easy. In COD4 if you had an SMG then you wouldn't even bother trying to kill someone from range but in MW2 you just wip out the MP45K and kill people from 100m away. No, that makes no sense. If I can't aim, I will miss you, aim assist or not. You are complaining that someone sees you and kills you and you don't get a chance to counter being shot because "the aim assist is so strong." That is notpicking to say the leastgamebreakerz__
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