My first day.
>First day, oh boy, driving trucks.
>Got to site, nobody around….. Ok…..
>Eventually find someone in the know, they point me in the direction of the office.
>Go in, ask around, get shitty looks.
>Find the dispatch guy who continues to do his paperwork even though I'm standing at the counter.
>Finally acklodges my presence. Tell him I'm the agency driver.
>The penny drops.
>Puts me with a porter, tells him where we're going, says nothing to me.
>Haven't had my license checked, I could be anyone.
>Get given keys for truck, walks out.
I'm getting alarm bells ringing here, yet I still carry on because its my first real driving job.
>Get to truck, find its a ragged out, POS 7.5T.
>Get in, Oh.shit.jpg no ones told me who to use these taco machines.
>Spend 20 minutes fiddling with it, trying to work it. Have to has for help, nobody knows how they work.
>Old guy drives past in a shunter, asks if I need help.
>Works me through it, gives me instructions on what to do. Finally, someone nice!
>Finally, fuel is in, we're ready to go.
>On the road, this truck is a POS.
>Gears are notchy as ****, clutch requires 8 tons of force to move, brakes are non-existent, steering has a ton of play.
>On the way down, I'm down by the porter that I'm supposed to help out with the move.
>Turns out, I also have to help pack their shit not just move it.
>I didn't sign up for this shit.
>They expect me to drive for 3.5 hours, then spend 6 hours or so moving shit around then another 3.5 driving back? **** right off.
I didn't get back to the yard until 22:50 at night, I started at 7am in the morning. The company is a fucking joke, I seriously considered not even bothering putting my time into the office because I have to go back and get them to sign my timesheet. I really don't think they would sign off on this. They expect me to drive AND load? **** off, I'm a driver not a labourer.
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