Here's a fun headline: The police aren't an army: the problem with Battlefield Hardline
Thought it had to do with how US police are becoming increasingly disproportionally armed compared to the services they render at first, though it does touch upon the subject like I'd expect and of course the recent shootings.
Rainbow Six: Siege can't get here fast enough. >.> Would love SWAT to make a comeback so I could try that too.
@illmatic87 said:
Try get an interview with this guy
Ho boy did he make a name from himself out of nowhere today.
And now I feel bad for buying Astebreed (among other things) from Humble Bundle. I didn't even hear about it until it was on there, but still. ._.
But yeah, at one point, it was argued that whoever bought a game at a Steam sale wouldn't have bought at full price anyways; that Steam sales help you tap an otherwise unwilling market. I suppose that still holds true today. Problem is, now everyone is unwilling; they all wised up and became a lot more frugal. Hell, even the goddamned hardcores wised up and now the word "Indie", no, no, the cursed brand "Indie" has become associated with the unholy phrase "Wait for a Steam sale".
Edit: Doing a little further reading upon the matter, maybe it's just select data (the games listed are some of the more high-profile ones), but indies -are- doing okay. Still, if sales/low prices are your means of exposure (Why didn't anyone tell me about Astebreed!? :x), then something is terribly wrong. I also really do hate the term "Indie".
On a related note, I wonder how mobile's doing. Last I heard, Apple themselves complained about the 99 cent flood, to say nothing of mobile app and game developers. Even the powerhouses have trouble as the whales leave them, realizing in the process that they don't have much of a hardcore userbase.
@Blabadon said:
Ballistas, magic triangle, hidden rooms behind switches, rescue, fields with multiple levels giving higher ground a reasonable advantage (this is included very rarely in Awakening), knives and other weapons, a few classes, and then various parts of the metagame I liked.
The removal of good ideas along with the absolute shit map design are the biggest flaws in an otherwise decent game. Love me the side quests and how the story interacts with the gameplay.
"Pirate? Oh, he's like a slightly inferior Fighter, but he can swim across water!"
That's how I remember them, at least. :p Plus the fact that they turn into the godly Berserker later. Point is that if your identifying trait is a one-off gimmick that'll almost never see any use, you may want to consider dropping it. Same applies to ballistae. Same applies to knives when Thieves are already weak compared to their sword-wielding equivalent Myrmidons. Bishops, Sages, and Druids all being magic-heavy speed types just adds class bloat. Magic triangle distinguishes them a little bit, but really only serves as a weak attempt to justifiy class bloat.
Rescue replaced by the awesome albeit broken Pair Up mechanic. Hidden rooms and switches are a pace killer; don't mind removal. No idea what you mean by metagame.
With regards to "higher ground", that's usually combined with ridiculous use of tight corridors, slowing army advancement to a crawl. In comparison, despite the larger maps, the average scenario in Awakening takes far less time.
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