All this FE:A hate. I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. ._. At least, not with you guys on it.GET OFF MY PLANET, HEATHENS. >:[
@illmatic87 said:
*Definitely non-sarcastic hoetry about how shitty FE:A is*
technoweirdo will impodes make reading this post.
I already imploded from Trails in the Sky: First Chapter's ending so HA!
For anyone interested (not really a spoiler): Without saying too much, the first arc ends on a very satisfying note while seamlessly bridging into a second, overlapping arc that'll be dealt with in Second Chapter. Takes a while for the first arc to even begin proper, but the game does a good job of introducing you to characters and plot elements that'll play a role in it over the course of Estelle and Joshua's journey to become full-fledged Bracers
Took me about 60 hours, but it's possible to beat in far, far less without missing much. 15-20 hours, I think, on a first playthrough. May be overestimating the amount of time killing everything on sight and the time I spent talking to every single non-essential NPC I met whenever the plot advanced a millimeter though. :P
@Willy105 said:
Not everyone has the same threshold for patience, one game might be tolerable but others may just be too much. Granted, better characters and writing would make it a lot easier to enjoy as well, Fire Emblem GBA was good at this.
>Has low patience threshold
>Enjoyed Tutorial Emblem 7
I'm sorry, what?
But to get back to the characters and writing, again, I'm sorry, what? Outside of their introductory chapters, characters in the FE series (who have always been trope-y) typically got next to nothing in terms in terms of screentime if their hair wasn't blue, weren't royalty, or a damn close friend of the ever-pure young lord whose small country was invaded by jackass dragon-riding imperials being manipulated by some other guy for eeeeeeeeviiiiiiiiiillll whose plans are foiled through the power of friendship strategic alliances. It's only when FE:A finally removed the support limit and integrated the supporting cast, perhaps not into the story but indeed everywhere else, that people finally saw how dull the typical MC of an FE game was. And apparently, rather than comment on how fucking awesome Owain's sword hand is (or Owain and the rest of the cast), people comment on stupid Chrom and the plot which, funnily enough, would've played out a bit closer to a typical FE were it not for a certain tactician.
@Blabadon said:
It gets better, and mostly, it gets blander.
Like to say this is the revival of the series or the savior, like fine. But don't tell me this game couldn't have done as well if it included like a 1/4 of the missing options from even the game in your avatar.
And then people putting it in their top ten of all time is lol-worthy. I guess they're weirdos.
Surely you can do better than that, Bubbles.
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