@jg4xchamp: devils advocate.... I'm not sure I see where this is bad. I mean sure it's not ideal, but it's also not ideal to release ten years worth of half baked consoles, shit online and the absence of a large majority of the best games in the medium.
Disney is solely an entertainment company, which means their acquisitions must fall in line with a plan to nurture their fan base. Star Wars is a good example. Everyone (except me) cringed at the Disney takeover ,but now I've got abrams working on a new movie, shot on film, using less cgi, and keeping it in line with the people who put the franchise on the map... Not to say Abrams isn't capable of fucking it up, but A lucascontrolled star wars was dead on arrival with no future.
In nintendos case, this would get the brand away from the bizarre and disappointing hands of the current suits and give it refocus, dare I say, become a more well rounded brand in every way. At the very worst Disney will turn Nintendo into a family focused console with shitty online and shitty hardware.... Oh wait, Nintendo did that already. No?
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