@a-new-guardian said:
@XVision84: it certainly wasn't fun getting one shotted by a coward magic user. :P
I only used magic to strengthen my melee weapons lol. And use the most basic swords and upgrade them with tons of shit lol. I'm just not great with picking which weapon is better overall so I mostly stick to basic swords and upgrade them and stuff. And it has gotten me very far and I bested many people in PVP. Though there are people who are incredibly strong and over leveled that it's hard to beat any of them. And some of them are a bunch of arrogant show off's that pick on weaker players.
Bloodborne has the worst PVP while DS1 had the best. I always try to improve myself in these games and it's crazy how some people are so good at these games. Speed running DS1 is impossible for me.
I agree :). Even on the magic part :P. I won't deny it, it's cheap but it's funny. I've gotten plenty of hate messages because of it.
Dark Souls 1 was especially good after the patches. People doing ninja flips with Havel's armor was overpowered (and hilarious). I couldn't stand the lag backstabbers though.
Bloodborne PvP isn't as varied as Dark Souls since there are less builds. I still like the fast paced action, but I agree that PvP was better in DS1. However, I'd say Bloodborne is the most balanced because you didn't have ridiculous casters or overly overpowered weapons (at least not from my experience).
I used to have fun with PvP in Dark Souls and Demon's Souls by invading someone's world but helping them out instead by showing them secret areas. Sometimes they tried to kill me anyways, other times they just followed along :P.
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