Are carpets still a thing? Pretty sure that's all in the past.
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Man, of all the things on this site that need improvements and fixing, this is what they concentrate on lol.
Oops, I'm supposed to respect the site and its features, my bad.
Although I like the rules about not baiting other trolls. Will do whatever I can now to get @lostrib banned.
lol that was the first thing that came to mind when I read that.
lostrib either needs to get super subtle or hang it up for good.
Man, of all the things on this site that need improvements and fixing, this is what they concentrate on lol.
Oops, I'm supposed to respect the site and its features, my bad.
We should just create our own site. Our own forum. Our own freedom.
Our own... Outer Haven.
Man, of all the things on this site that need improvements and fixing, this is what they concentrate on lol.
Oops, I'm supposed to respect the site and its features, my bad.
We should just create our own site. Our own forum. Our own freedom.
Our own... Outer Haven.
I rike it.
Speaking of, you finish up MGSV yet?
Although I like the rules about not baiting other trolls. Will do whatever I can now to get @lostrib banned.
lol that was the first thing that came to mind when I read that.
lostrib either needs to get super subtle or hang it up for good.
And @MonsieurX.
I'm totally up for the hanging it up for good though. Enough threads ruined here.
@ConanTheStoner: **** shit cock balls
And @MonsieurX.
I'm totally up for the hanging it up for good though. Enough threads ruined here.
I mean, they usually ruin **** threads anyways. And when lostrib causes a plain as day meltdown, it warms my heart.
@ConanTheStoner:No, I did the stupid child finding missions. Some of these missions, I'm totally cool with them redoing on a harder difficulty but goddamn, **** (you hear me GameSpot?) the stupidass Extreme Metallic Archaea mission. As if I didn't need a reminder this game's bosses are the worst in the series, now I have to fight what's basically normal enemies that ate more Snicker bars, only now they ate even more Snickers bars.
@Ballroompirate: That was a rough one for the Packer faithful, and couldn't have been fun. I hate to say it, but I was pulling for Minnesota because I'd rather Seattle plays them next week instead of a hot Redskins team. Forgive me. :P
I think if the Packers had won, they would of gone to Seattle
No, they would have played Vikings again same spot next week, and then if they had won again they would be at Arizona. Where they would get ass blasted again. Seattle is wild card, all road games for them.
My ass still hurts from that Arizona game
lol yeah, Metallic Archaea extreme is a beeatch. That was the first time I actually got use out of D-Walker though. At first I was going at it with grenade launchers and rockets, but when I switched to D-Walker with a gatling gun and then loaded out with a strong lmg and some rockets, I finished them off quickly. I think I was even able to extract all of them. Adding an armored vehicle to your load out won't hurt either as long as you can avoid the mist.
There are ways to completely cheese that mission from what I hear, but I just did it legit.
Have you played A Quiet Exit yet? That shit was tough for me. I ended up having to use the skull suit with parasite armor to get through it.
@ConanTheStoner: Gonna be honest here:
The abuse of being forced to develop better weapons which entails doing repetitive as hell side-missions and replaying certain missions, made me drop the game. I did the final main story mission and that was that. Never played it again since then. Never even got to see the final bits of the Quiet story.
The core gameplay is amazing. Everything else is an ugly mess, an absurd time sinker for no real reason other than "hey! You played this for 400h! Because.....reasons!".
Screw Konami/Kojima/whoever is responsible for that mess.
We can't swear anymore? ;__;
As long as I can still say "got dangit" I'm good.
I have to go back to fvck, that is pure bullsh!t
lol yeah, Metallic Archaea extreme is a beeatch. That was the first time I actually got use out of D-Walker though. At first I was going at it with grenade launchers and rockets, but when I switched to D-Walker with a gatling gun and then loaded out with a strong lmg and some rockets, I finished them off quickly. I think I was even able to extract all of them. Adding an armored vehicle to your load out won't hurt either as long as you can avoid the mist.
There are ways to completely cheese that mission from what I hear, but I just did it legit.
Have you played A Quiet Exit yet? That shit was tough for me. I ended up having to use the skull suit with parasite armor to get through it.
My D-Walker hasn't been used at all, how do I add a Gatling Gun to him?
@charizard1605: Maybe if you had bought Devil's Third none of this would have happened man.
I'm buying Dragon Age, is that good?
@ConanTheStoner: Gonna be honest here:
The abuse of being forced to develop better weapons which entails doing repetitive as hell side-missions and replaying certain missions, made me drop the game. I did the final main story mission and that was that. Never played it again since then. Never even got to see the final bits of the Quiet story.
The core gameplay is amazing. Everything else is an ugly mess, an absurd time sinker for no real reason other than "hey! You played this for 400h! Because.....reasons!".
Screw Konami/Kojima/whoever is responsible for that mess.
I mean, I hear ya. Apparently this was a thing for some people.
Thing is, I never had to grind it out at all. Peace Walker was a ****ing grind, but MGSV? I just played the game as is and always had way too much gmp.
I don't know if this was the case for you, but some people didn't realize that you can constantly have combat deployments running in the background as a constant source of resources and gmp. So they ended up grinding instead.
And tbh, you don't even need most of the equipment at all. You could get through most of the game only developing the fulton system lol. Even if you do want to be strapped with crazy weapons though, you can just develop 1 or 2 for each category. No need to develop 20 different versions of every gun or weapon type. Of course I did, but only because I had an over abundance of gmp.
And yeah, I did get over 200 hours, but that was just because I enjoy the hell out of playing it. I quit extracting soldiers and resources from the field a long time ago, I just like getting in there playing the game.
Also, you don't need to actually play those harder repeat missions in chapter 2 to see Quiets ending. They're only there for people who want the challenge.
My D-Walker hasn't been used at all, how do I add a Gatling Gun to him?
Oh man, going on random destruction sprees with D-Walkers Gatling Gun or flamethrower are amazing! Wish I would have used him earlier in the game really.
Anyways, you have to go to the buddy development sub-section, can't remember where it is off the top of my head though. But yeah, you can load him up with all kinds of cool stuff.
He even has a fulton launcher, though I haven't used it yet.
@ConanTheStoner: Oh I did all of that. Until late in the game, when for health reasons I couldn't play for a couple of days (was sick, was barely online either). When I logged back on, expecting my 1million + GMP to be there I found 50k.
50k. At a time, where my setup cost around 20-25k to start a mission. At that precise point I said "**** this", finished the main story and never touched it again.
@ConanTheStoner: Oh I did all of that. Until late in the game, when for health reasons I couldn't play for a couple of days (was sick, was barely online either). When I logged back on, expecting my 1million + GMP to be there I found 50k.
50k. At a time, where my setup cost around 20-25k to start a mission. At that precise point I said "**** this", finished the main story and never touched it again.
Ouch. Yeah that is some bullshit. I've heard about plenty of people logging on only to find their gmp had been depleted because Konami "stores" some of you gmp and resources for online. It's beyond ridiculous, so I feel you on that.
If you do get back on it though. Konami implemented an update that rewards you for all the little things you've done throughout your play time. It's retroactive. Everything from markings, to headshots, to bases captured, to extractions, etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on man.
I ended up having so many rewards that I couldn't accept them all, more than half of them are still waiting to be taken lol. You'll probably be overloaded with gmp, resources, vehicles, and high ranking staff when you go to accept them.
If you do get back on it though. Konami implemented an update that rewards you for all the little things you've done throughout your play time. It's retroactive. Everything from markings, to headshots, to bases captured, to extractions, etc, etc, etc, the list goes on and on man.
I ended up having so many rewards that I couldn't accept them all, more than half of them are still waiting to be taken lol. You'll probably be overloaded with gmp, resources, vehicles, and high ranking staff when you go to accept them.
Huh... I may reconsider giving it another go if they did that.
Well with the new rules there is a chance where lostrib can get banned. Well a lot of SW regulars will get banned.
Yeah, here's a video of a dude showing all the challenge tasks and rewards associated. It's pretty crazy.
@Ballroompirate: o hai BRP
Suuuup Alli
been so bored ever since school ended a week before Christmas.
@Ballroompirate: o hai BRP
Suuuup Alli
been so bored ever since school ended a week before Christmas.
Being bored is no fun lol
@Ballroompirate: o hai BRP
Suuuup Alli
been so bored ever since school ended a week before Christmas.
Being bored is no fun lol
That was very profound
What rules about not baiting other trolls?
Check the new sticky.
You're not allowed to say that word, sorry.
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