Poll SYSTEM WARS VOTES- Greatest RPG of All Time Face-off: The Witcher 3 VS Chrono Trigger (158 votes)
I asked. You answered. Through the two contests conducted here at System Wars over the last five weeks, all of us came together and voted to determine what, in our collective opinion, are the greatest JRPGs and WRPGs of all time.
After almost 200 votes and nominations for 150 games across the two contests, the results for both of them are now in.
- Chrono Trigger is the greatest Japanese RPG of all time- as chosen by you all

Square and Enix collaborated for Chrono Trigger, a late SNES era JRPG, and they ended up crafting what is still considered to be the genre’s finest outing, more than 20 years after its initial release. Chrono Trigger was a pioneering game, that in many ways is still far ahead of JRPGs made today- it eschewed the random battles that were so prevalent for the genre at the time. It forewent the traditional swords and sorcery trappings to deliver an unusual, science fiction story with very real stakes. And it made player choice a central mechanic, with every action the player took through the course of its play time, no matter how innocuous, factoring into how the story played out. With 19 endings and one of the most memorable casts of all time, Chrono Trigger is the greatest JRPG ever made. The wide gulf in points between Chrono Trigger and, well, every other game on the JRPG list, only serves to reinforce that.
- The Witcher 3 is the greatest Western RPG of all time- as chosen by you all

CD Projekt RED finally realized their vision for Geralt’s story with The Witcher 3, which may well be the greatest modern translation of the classic cRPG yet. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt plunges players into a dark world, torn by war, where every action has a consequence, and there is no good or evil- only shades of grey in between. Featuring incredible writing, and some of the best examples of quests we have in video games yet, The Witcher 3 is a landmark for not just the story it tells, but also for how it tells it. The game’s harsh open world, which adds to its strengths, and fleshes out its narrative prowess in a way that open world games have rarely been able to do so far, gorgeous graphics, its incredibly flawed characters that we still couldn’t help but love, and its sheer depth all come together to craft one of the most powerfully affecting games yet.
But who will emerge victorious in this clash of titans? Will it be Japan, or will it be the West? Let's settle this question once and for all.
System Wars- which is the greatest RPG of all time? Chrono Trigger, your highester voted JRPG, or The Witcher 3, your highest voted WRPG? Vote now!
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