[QUOTE="jessie5788"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="Chaos_HL21"][QUOTE="Pripyat"] Not surprising. If they want to sell copies in the west they have to go x360.
They may do what they did with Tales of Symphonia, make it for the 360. But make a PS3 one later only for Japan (to make up for the most likey poor 360 sales)
Why it could force japanese gamers to buy a 360. I mean even though the install base is small games have been selling well on the 360 over there. Believe it or not Games haven't been selling well in Japan that is not on the PS2, DS, or Wii.no it won't. the same thing was said about lost Odyssey and look what happened. i heard most companies are backing out of ms exclusive game. ms is supposely giving up japan. i don't have a link i seen it on g4 during the tgs this year. its stupid to make a japanese type game (rpg etc.) and sell it on the 360 in japan.
Blue Dragon is the reason why the Xbox 360 has already passed the original sales of the Xbox. Games like Lost Odyssey, Ace Combat 6 and Eternal Sonata are keeping the Xbox 360 alive in Japan.I'm sure an intellectual such as yourself, Jessie, would see that Microsoft is making deals with Namco Bandai and Square Enix for exclusives. Unless I've missed something, Namco Bandai and Square Enix didn't give much support to the original Xbox did they?
I keep hearing "Microsoft should just give up in Japan", but the fact remains that they're selling more in Japan than they ever have before, and they're also getting many more Japanese games compared to last generation. I think it's fear that even more Japanese exclusives will be made either multiplatform, or become an Xbox 360 exclusive, that would explain where this "They need to stop trying in Japan!!!!" mentality is coming from.
wow 5,000-8,000 a week average is a lot. after the holdays you'll see 2500 each week. like i said earlier most developers are not making exclusive games for the 360 as much. sure ms has a few game, but most are going to the ps3. Eternal Sonata going to ps3 next year. i wouldn't be surprised if ace combat goes to another platform also. LO wouldn't be surprised on that also.
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