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This seems unlikely, because it's a Tales game. Tales games are grindy as f*ck. That is not good game design.
?? I'm playing Tales of the Abyss and I've done maybe fifteen minutes of grinding in my 40 hours of play thus far... granted, I try to explore every dungeon as thoroughly as possible so I guess you can say that there's unintentional grinding happening.  But still, I've never had to actually completely stop everything and say to myself "okay, it's time to grind."
Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. Capitan_Kid
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
Radiant Historia still stands as the best JRPG this gen for me. Granted, I'm only a few hours into Xillia.
RH is my second favorite DS game... the concept and story were awesome and extremely well executed... the writers squeezed every drop of potential out of it that they could. Â there are some flaws (mostly the linearity and the beggining chunk is somewhat slow) but damn... It's one for the ages. Â Not many games made me as emotionally attached to the cast as that game did. Â (Although there have been several other JRPGs from this gen that have gotten me attached, most recently being Tales of the Abyss, due to the strong script).
Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. Capitan_KidSeriously,that game was the MMO for closet MMO players,what a dull game it was,MMO type of game without any of the benefits of being one,I guess when a genre has fallen so far as the jrpg has,anything that´s remotely good is hailed as a classic,same goes for NNK,another good game but nowhere near as good as some reviews say it is,had it come in the PS2 era would just be another jrpg that most people wouldn´t even look twice,just like Rogue Galaxy,a game of similar quality(if not superior) to NNK,had RG been released this gen it would be regarded as a classic of the genre.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. turtlethetaffer
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
If by best you mean boring, then sure.[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. Capitan_Kid
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
If by best you mean boring, then sure.:o
You forget yourself, good sir.Â
Seriously, though, sorry you see it that way. Â I loved the game, just about everything about it. Â Had tons of quests, many of which have ncie rewards that aid in character customization and whatnot. Â Made them worth doing. Â Plus the story, soundtrack, and artistic design were all top notch. Â To me, at least.
If by best you mean boring, then sure.[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
You forget yourself, good sir.Â
Seriously, though, sorry you see it that way. Â I loved the game, just about everything about it. Â Had tons of quests, many of which have ncie rewards that aid in character customization and whatnot. Â Made them worth doing. Â Plus the story, soundtrack, and artistic design were all top notch. Â To me, at least.
Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH![QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. turtlethetaffer
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
Says Hi
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] If by best you mean boring, then sure.Capitan_Kid
You forget yourself, good sir.Â
Seriously, though, sorry you see it that way. Â I loved the game, just about everything about it. Â Had tons of quests, many of which have ncie rewards that aid in character customization and whatnot. Â Made them worth doing. Â Plus the story, soundtrack, and artistic design were all top notch. Â To me, at least.
Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH!wait, you haven't even beaten Metal Face yet? Â Wow... You are not far into the game AT ALL. Â You have a good ways to go. Â You should really try to get past that in order to see the story at the very least...
There was some trick to beating him, I don't remember, though, it's been a while and I've played several JRPGs since then. Â
And I loved the combat system, I thought it allowed for convenient, but not necessarily easy, gameplay.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. heeweesRus
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
Says Hi
Xenoblade's controls actually work properly, and it doesn't feel gimped.
If we are counting handhelds Fire emblem awaking deserves to be up there somewhere. I wasint even that into the gameplay that much but the story was very enjoyable and most importantly the characters and the realationships you could build with them was freaking just awesome. Im happy my avatar meant something.
Well it's not a JRPG but sure.
Yeah it is. Tactical or not. Its a JRPGAlright, then the greatest JRPGs this gen were Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lion and Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together.
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] If by best you mean boring, then sure.Capitan_Kid
You forget yourself, good sir.Â
Seriously, though, sorry you see it that way. Â I loved the game, just about everything about it. Â Had tons of quests, many of which have ncie rewards that aid in character customization and whatnot. Â Made them worth doing. Â Plus the story, soundtrack, and artistic design were all top notch. Â To me, at least.
Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH!You just gatta grind. I didint hit the grind spot till about semi near end. Also theres a skill you will need later on but its hidden in a side mission so gatta find that out yourself. Also im guessing the devs thought people would be beefed up and wouldint have to grind cause of the sidequest exp but some of the side stuff you gatta go out your way and I didint care enough to.
Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. Capitan_Kid
I will agree its overrated but its still a great game. Only real big negatives for me like I said before was largely a boring cast and that stupid skill thing kinda urked me.I mainly kept playing cause the combat was fun and the world itself was interesting and I wanted to know more.
Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH![QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"][QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]
You forget yourself, good sir.Â
Seriously, though, sorry you see it that way. Â I loved the game, just about everything about it. Â Had tons of quests, many of which have ncie rewards that aid in character customization and whatnot. Â Made them worth doing. Â Plus the story, soundtrack, and artistic design were all top notch. Â To me, at least.
wait, you haven't even beaten Metal Face yet? Â Wow... You are not far into the game AT ALL. Â You have a good ways to go. Â You should really try to get past that in order to see the story at the very least...
There was some trick to beating him, I don't remember, though, it's been a while and I've played several JRPGs since then. Â
And I loved the combat system, I thought it allowed for convenient, but not necessarily easy, gameplay.
Im far from barely. Gotta be at least 10 hours in. The Metal Face im fighting can talk and is at the bottom of some giant ass cave with a rotating thingy. He's also freaking invincible unless you pull off some BS on him. Freaking chain combos[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH!Capitan_Kid
wait, you haven't even beaten Metal Face yet? Â Wow... You are not far into the game AT ALL. Â You have a good ways to go. Â You should really try to get past that in order to see the story at the very least...
There was some trick to beating him, I don't remember, though, it's been a while and I've played several JRPGs since then. Â
And I loved the combat system, I thought it allowed for convenient, but not necessarily easy, gameplay.
Im far from barely. Gotta be at least 10 hours in. The Metal Face im fighting can talk and is at the bottom of some giant ass cave with a rotating thingy. He's also freaking invincible unless you pull off some BS on him. Freaking chain combos Do back slash and air slash properly to fill your party gauge. Use shadow eye to divert attention away from you. Then boom chain. Use same color artes, pronto. Make sure you change the future when the time comes. What color is the level HUD when you face him? EDIT: OH it's that boss, use enchant and keep everyone enchanted, to do damage.Nice... why two copies of Xillia? I got both Xillia and Dragons Crown vita the other day too. I only played 20 min of Xillia though (just enough to get thorugh the battle tutorial) as I am still playing Ni No Kuni (got it late, glad I did as I was gonna skip it because of the protagonist). Dragons Crown on the other hand I have been having a blast with and its soooo good!!!!! I am hooked, can't put it down!!! And Looks and runs flawlessly on vita!I AM in LOVE with this game! the first 20 minutes gave me major nostalgia and the graphics are amazing by the way i dont see why IGN complained about them :/
TWO COPIES and Dragons Crown Vita baby! :cool:
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. turtlethetaffer
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
I want whatever it is you're smoking. It must be incredible.[QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]LO gets my vote by a long shot. One of the best RPGs this gen period.
No, Vesperia was great. Better than Xillia. Minishdriveby
Vesperia is down there with Eternal Sonata. Â Might be better than Xillia but that speaks more to how bad Xillia is than Vesperia being good.
Eternal Sonata was much better than Vesperia or Ni No Kuni.
Jrpgs have really been pretty bad this gen. I miss the Suikoden series, Grandia, Mana, Vandel Hearts, Parasite Eve, Legend of Legia, Legend of Dragoon, wild arms, Vagrant Story, Over world mapped FF, etc.... god how i miss the PS1 era!!!
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. DarkLink77
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
I want whatever it is you're smoking. It must be incredible. Nope, you gotta sober up dark link, then you'll realize it's true. :P[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"]I want whatever it is you're smoking. It must be incredible. Nope, you gotta sober up dark link, then you'll realize it's true. :P Yo, the only reason everyone likes that game is because JRPGs have been so shit this gen.Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"]Also the overrating of Xenoblade in this thread is nauseating. heeweesRus
Tough to overrate the ebst console game of this generation.
Says Hi
The most boring game of this generation is the best game of this generation? LOL
The missions in that game were so damn repetitive, nearly every single one them followed the same formula.
Anyway, hopefully amazon shipped my Tales of Xillia copy yesterday (Im european).
[QUOTE="turtlethetaffer"][QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH!Capitan_Kid
wait, you haven't even beaten Metal Face yet? Â Wow... You are not far into the game AT ALL. Â You have a good ways to go. Â You should really try to get past that in order to see the story at the very least...
There was some trick to beating him, I don't remember, though, it's been a while and I've played several JRPGs since then. Â
And I loved the combat system, I thought it allowed for convenient, but not necessarily easy, gameplay.
Im far from barely. Gotta be at least 10 hours in. The Metal Face im fighting can talk and is at the bottom of some giant ass cave with a rotating thingy. He's also freaking invincible unless you pull off some BS on him. Freaking chain combos Yeah I know what boss you're talking about. You're very early in the game still.[QUOTE="Badosh"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"] No it was all the hype. It was exclusive and everyone praised it to heaven and back. When I played it I found out it was just mediocre. Ragnarok1051You know, not everyone gets sucked in by hype. The game was good. Yup including me, game was average at best. Abyss, Symphonia, Eternia, and Graces are much better Tales games.
It seems pretty arrogant to dismiss other people's opinions on Vesperia as hype just because you didn't personally care for it.
No, Vesperia was great. Better than Xillia. Minishdriveby
Vesperia is down there with Eternal Sonata. Â Might be better than Xillia but that speaks more to how bad Xillia is than Vesperia being good.
Eternal Sonata was much better than Vesperia or Ni No Kuni.Eternal Sonata might be better than Vesperia and Ni No Kuni, but that speaks more to how bad Vesperia and Ni No Kuni are than Sonata being good. Â I'd liken it to getting shot in the stomach being better than shot in the brain. Â While that is definitely true, the best option when it comes to shootings is not to get shot period.
There are good JRPGs. Â Play a good one rather than picking between mediocre and unnoteworthy.
Dark Souls.
Never played, the difficulty is sooo.. offputting
Give me an easy mode with unlimited respawns and then i might try
This speaks volumes about you, Sweenix. Â I ass-umed you were another forever alone basement dweller who hungrily lapped up anything from the magical land of Japan. Â I bet when you wake up every morning your first thought is disappointment that you aren't Japanese.
But nooooooooo, you obviously prefer your JRPG experience to be an ultra-linear, handholding, grindfest. Â People made such a big deal about the Souls series breaking the traditional JRPG mold.
I sincerely hope you have a gf, Sweenix.
Dark Souls.
Never played, the difficulty is sooo.. offputting
Give me an easy mode with unlimited respawns and then i might try
This speaks volumes about you, Sweenix. Â I ass-umed you were another forever alone basement dweller who hungrily lapped up anything from the magical land of Japan. Â I bet when you wake up every morning your first thought is disappointment that you aren't Japanese.
But nooooooooo, you obviously prefer your JRPG experience to be an ultra-linear, handholding, grindfest. Â People made such a big deal about the Souls series breaking the traditional JRPG mold.
I sincerely hope you have a gf, Sweenix.
I do actually have a girl friend :P
and yes, she is real and not animated :)
Dark Souls.
Never played, the difficulty is sooo.. offputting
Give me an easy mode with unlimited respawns and then i might try
The game has unlimited respawns.
Sadly Xenoblade beats it TC.
Hey look its one of the two only enjoyable cast members just make a sharla pick and its complete.
It's hard for me to decide between Tales of Xillia, and Tales of Graces. They're both amazing games.
Off topic but hey thats angel beats as your sig. Dang good anime....well execpt for the white hair character.
[QUOTE="Capitan_Kid"] Im overexaggerating a bit but I simply didnt like the combat system. Its the same one White Knight Chronicles had. AND I CANT BEAT THAT GODDAMN METALFACE BOSS! THE FAT ONE! GRAAAAH!Stringerboy
You just gatta grind. I didint hit the grind spot till about semi near end. Also theres a skill you will need later on but its hidden in a side mission so gatta find that out yourself. Also im guessing the devs thought people would be beefed up and wouldint have to grind cause of the sidequest exp but some of the side stuff you gatta go out your way and I didint care enough to.
Just use Sharla, Riki, and Shulk. Grinding is unneccesary.
Riki hasn't joined his party yet. He hasn't been to Makna Forest.Eternal Sonata was much better than Vesperia or Ni No Kuni.[QUOTE="Minishdriveby"][QUOTE="Senor_Kami"]
Vesperia is down there with Eternal Sonata. Â Might be better than Xillia but that speaks more to how bad Xillia is than Vesperia being good.
Eternal Sonata might be better than Vesperia and Ni No Kuni, but that speaks more to how bad Vesperia and Ni No Kuni are than Sonata being good. Â I'd liken it to getting shot in the stomach being better than shot in the brain. Â While that is definitely true, the best option when it comes to shootings is not to get shot period.
There are good JRPGs. Â Play a good one rather than picking between mediocre and unnoteworthy.
And what noteworthy JRPG would you recommend?[QUOTE="Boddicker"]
Never played, the difficulty is sooo.. offputting
Give me an easy mode with unlimited respawns and then i might try
This speaks volumes about you, Sweenix. Â I ass-umed you were another forever alone basement dweller who hungrily lapped up anything from the magical land of Japan. Â I bet when you wake up every morning your first thought is disappointment that you aren't Japanese.
But nooooooooo, you obviously prefer your JRPG experience to be an ultra-linear, handholding, grindfest. Â People made such a big deal about the Souls series breaking the traditional JRPG mold.
I sincerely hope you have a gf, Sweenix.
I do actually have a girl friend :P
and yes, she is real and not animated :)
You remind me of Krieger on Archer
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