Pfft TF2 is fun, but it's hardly a game you need skill in. Most of the weapons are extremely easy to use and barely requires aiming because there's no recoil or there's splash damage. I'd say Halo 3 requires alot more skill than TF2. That's my experience anyways.
EDIT: lol edit broken or what? words keep on dissapearing
Play the Soldier well then come back. You need to learn how to do aerials (also called airshots), juggle, keeping the height advantage, proper rocket jumping, learning when to reload and not to fire all of your rockets, the right time to pull out of a battle, who's a Spy and who is not, predicting where someone is going to hit them with a rocket (even more so if you juggle them as you will never always pop them straight up).
This is proper rocket jumping:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QKxDPEW1oU (Albeit in real games you'll barely be using everything seen there)
And this is playing a Soldier well:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuaJ8r_aE-U
You have no idea what you're talking about. Go play some CS 1.6 (even Source has more skill than TF2) or quake then talk about how "pro" you have to be to be a soldier. Seriously, go right now and play some quake live, it's free, and you'll get your ass kicked.
I do.
EDIT: And also, look at the thread title. This generation. That means CS and Quake are out.
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